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Table of Contents


Bot Owner

Command Name Command Purpose
announce Will send a announcement to each server the bot is in. Only the bot owner has access to running this command
guilds Will display a list of all the guilds the bot is connected to as well as additional information. Only thr bot owner has access to running this command


Command Name Command Purpose
prefix Sets the bot prefix for this server. Requires administrator permissions to do so
ranks This will list all of the self assignable roles that has been set for the server
addrank This allows a server administrator to add self assignable roles to a server. To do this, an administrator can run !addrank <rank name>
delrank This allows a server administrator to remove a self assignable role from the server. An administrator can do this by running !delrank <rank name>
autoroles This will display a list of all of the autoroles set for a server. An autorole is a role that is automatically assigned to a new member
addautorole This allows a server administrator to add a autorole to a server. This can be done by a server administrator by running !addautorole <role name>
delautorole This allows a server administrator to remove a autorole from a server. This can be done by a server administrator by running !delautorole <role name>
logs This lets server administrators set up Nyme's advanced logging future. A server administrator can do this by running !logs #channel. Bot requires view audit log permissions in order for this to work
welcome This was a cool future that unfortunately can no longer be ran because the host OS does not support this


Command Name Command Purpose
meme This will send a randomised meme from r/memes. This can also search a specified subreddit if the subreddit name is included
hug Allows users to hug eachother with the power of technology
slap allows users to give out deserved slaps to other users
coinflip Flip a coin to determine your fate
8ball Ask the magic 8-Ball a question


Command Name Command Purpose
ping ping the bot
info See information about a fellow member
botinfo Displays information about this bot
invite Displays information reguarding how to add Nyme to a server
help Displays a up to date list of commands
poll Creates a poll. ManageMessages permission required to execute
server Displays information about the server
rank Adds a self assignable role to the user. See the Configuration category to see how to set this up. A user can give themself a self role by running !rank <role name>


Command Name Command Purpose
say Gets the bot to say a message. Administrative permissions required to run this
purge Deletes a specified amount of messages from a channel. ManageMessages permission required to run this
kick Kicks a mentioned user. Kick permissions required
ban Bans a mentioned user. Ban permissions required
mute Mute a mentioned user for a specified time. Kick permissions required to run this
unmute Unmutes a muted user. Kick permissions required
lock Locks a channel so that members cannot send messages to it. ManageRoles permissions required
unlock Unlocks a locked channel. Requires the ManageRoles permission


Command Name Command Purpose
play Searches for a song or link on youtube and plays it in your voice channel
disconnect Disconnects the bot from the voice channel that it is connected to
skip Skips a song and plays next song in the queue
pause Pauses a song
resume Resumes a paused song
shuffle shuffles the queue
volume change the volume of the bot
playing Displays info about the song that is currently playing
lyrics Sends the lyrics of the song that is currently playing
ovh Searches the OVH API for lyrics to the song that is playing


I have spent an absurd amount of time on the logging feature of Nyme. Nyme can log virtually any actions taken by moderators/staff to a set log channel. if you discover any bugs with this please let me know on my support server so that I can fix them


in order for this bot to function properly there are some dependancies you must install before running Nyme

  • A version of Java JDK
  • LavaLink
  • MySQL Database

Once you have all of this set up create a appsettings.json file in the brainKiller folder inside of the initial brainKiller file with the following information

  "token": "INSERT_TOKEN_HERE"


If you would like to support this project you can do so by upvoting Nyme on and by starring this repository.


If you wish to join the Nyme community you can do so here Nyme

You can also DM the developer if you have any questions or suggestions BlackLung#6950


An advanced discord bot written with C#








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