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Create a REST-ful JSON api for existing AppEngine db.Model classes.

Sample Implementation:

A running AppEngine project that you can test locally is avialable at

Setup Features:

  • See docs for for create_application() for details.
  • Create your REST URL at any location in your App Engine app.
  • Register models individually
  • Register all models in a module - recursively, if you want
  • Custom authentication/authorization function to restrict access to your API.
  • Require HTTPS (added as a double layer of safety in case you use basic authentication - be sure to set up your app.yaml property, too).


  • Create model:
    • Method: HTTP POST
    • URL: /rest/ModelName
  • Read model:
    • Method: HTTP GET
    • URL: /rest/ModelName/id
  • Update model:
    • Method: HTTP PUT
    • URL: /rest/ModelName/id
  • Delete model:
    • Method: HTTP DELETE
    • URL: /rest/ModelName/id
  • Search for and page through model:
    • Method: HTTP GET
    • URL: /rest//search
    • Query String Parameters:
      • ref_= - Limit results to instances with ReferenceProperty of ID
      • fgt_= - Limit results to instances with greater than
      • feq_= - Limit results to instances with equal to
      • flt_= - Limit results to instances with less than
      • fle_= - Limit results to instances with less than or equal to
      • fge_= - Limit results to instances with greater than or equal to
      • fne_= - Limit results to instances with not equal to
  • List names of available models:
    • Method: HTTP GET
    • URL: /rest/metadata
  • Query model-specific fields, types, and other data:
    • Method: HTTP GET
    • URL: /rest/metadata/ModelName

JSON Output Formatting:

db.DateProperty, db.DateTimeProperty, and db.TimeProperty classes are
returned as ISO 8601 format. See

Successful API calls return data in the form:
      "status": "success",
      "data": obj

    The value of obj depends on the specific API call that is made.

Errors are returned in the form:
      "status": "error",
      "message": unicode,
      "type": unicode

    message: extended information about the failure.
    type: the class name of the Exception raised during failure

Currently Supported Types:

Explicitly Supported Types:

(Type coersion is performed on reasonable input values)

  • db.DateTimeProperty: ISO 8601 format
  • datetime.datetime: ISO 8601 format
  • db.DateProperty: ISO 8601 format
  • db.TimeProperty: ISO 8601 format
  • db.FloatProperty: float
  • db.GeoPtProperty: {"lat":float,"lon":float}
  • datastore_types.GeoPt: {"lat":float,"lon":float}
  • db.ListProperty
  • db.StringListProperty
  • db.ReferenceProperty: Returned as: {"module":"", "model": "ModelClassName", "id": 7, "key", "appengine-model-key-string"} Converts: "appengine-model-key-string" or {"module":"", "model": "ModelClassName", "id": int}

Implicitly Supported Types:

(If you send a type that db.Model likes, it will be stored, otherwise an Exception is raised.

  • datastore_types.Text: unicode
  • db.TextProperty: unicode
  • datastore_types.Category: unicode
  • db.CategoryProperty: unicode
  • datastore_types.Email: unicode
  • db.EmailProperty: unicode
  • datastore_types.Link: unicode
  • db.LinkProperty: unicode
  • datastore_types.PhoneNumber: unicode
  • db.PhoneNumberProperty: unicode
  • datastore_types.PostalAddress: unicode
  • db.PostalAddressProperty: unicode
  • datastore_types.Rating: int
  • db.RatingProperty: int

NOT Supported Types:

  • db.Key
  • blobstore.BlobKey
  • blobstore.BlobReferenceProperty
  • users.User
  • datastore_types.Blob
  • db.BlobProperty
  • datastore_types.ByteString
  • db.ByteStringProperty
  • datastore_types.IM
  • db.IMProperty


Several ideas and snippets have been borrowed from other open-source projects.

Special thanks to the developers of:


Create a REST-ful JSON API for AppEngine db.Model classes.







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