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Integrative analysis of the microbiome and metabolome

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The mbOmic package contains a set of analysis functions for microbiomics and metabolomics data, designed to analyze the inter-omic correlation between microbiology and metabolites.


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The mbOmic package contains a set of analysis functions for microbiomics and metabolomics data, designed to analyze the inter-omic correlation between microbiology and metabolites, referencing the workflow of Jonathan Braun et al.1.


Load metabolites and OTU data of plant.2 The OTU had been binned into genera level and were save as the metabolites_and_genera.rda file

path <- system.file('extdata', 'metabolites_and_genera.rda',package = 'mbOmic')
#[1] "genera"      "metabolites" "path" 

Construct mSet and bSet object.

mSet and bSet are S4 classes containing the metabolites and OTU, respectively. Them could be created by mSet and bSet function, respectively. A data.table storing the metabolites or OTU matrix could be used to construct mSet or bSet class. If it contains rn column, the rn column will be used as featur e. Otherwise, a character vector must be given to mSet or bSet by the Features parameter. Meanwhile, if the parameter Samples is missing, the colnames of data.table excepting the rn will be used as names of samples.

names(genera)[1] <- 'rn'
names(metabolites)[1] <- 'rn'
b <- bSet(b = genera)
## or
## b <- bSet(b = genera[, !"rn"], Features = genera$rn, Samples = names(genera)[-1])
m <- mSet(m = metabolites)
## or
## m <- bSet(m = metabolites[, !"rn"], Features = metabolites, Samples = names(metabolites)[-1])

Some extract function to get information of a mSet and bSet, such as samples, features, nrow, and ncol could get the sample names, features, sample numbers, and features numbers.

Extract the samples names from mbSet class by function mbSamples.

samples(b) #Samples(m)
#[1] "BS1" "BS2" "BS3" "BS4" "BS5" "BS6" "SS1" "SS2" "SS3" "SS4" "SS5" "SS6"

What's more, names of samples or features can be set using samples<- or features<-.

Samples(b) <- your_samples_names_vector

Remove bad analytes (OTU and metatoblites)

Removal of analytes (metabolites or OTU) only measured in <2 of samples can perform by clean_analytes.

b <- clean_analytes(b, 2) 
m <- clean_analytes(m, 2)

Generate metabolite module

mbOmic can generate metabolite module by coExpress function. The coExpress function is the encapsulation of one-step network construction and module detection of WGCNA package. The coExpress function firstly pick up the soft-threshold. The threshold.d and threshold parameters are used to detect whether is $R^2$ changing and appropriate.

net <- try({
  coExpress(m, message = TRUE,threshold.d = 0.02, threshold = 0.8)

If you can't get a good scale-free topology index no matter how high set the soft-thresholding power, you can directly set the power value by the parameter power. The appropriate soft-thresholding power can be chosen based on the number of samples as in the table below (recommend by WGCNA package).

Number of samples Unsigned and signed hybrid networks Signed networks
<20 9 18
20~30 8 16
30~40 7 14
>40 6 12
net <- coExpress(m,message = TRUE,threshold.d = 0.02, threshold = 0.8, power = 9)
# 0 features removed:   
# One: detect the power for softThreshold
# using the power:  9 to constructe net!
# Two: Network construction and module detection was done
# ====> There are  6 modules were constructed: 
# ====||  blue 47 
# ====||  brown 46 
# ====||  green 27 
# ====||  red 22 
# ====||  turquoise 70 
# ====||  yellow 35 

Result Visualization is performed by function plot_coExpress.


Calculate the Spearman metabolite-genera correlation

you can calculate the correlation between metabolites and OTUs by corr function. It return a data table containing rho, p value, and adjust p value.

corr_spearman <- corr(m, b, method = 'spearman')
#                         b           m        rho           p       padj
# 1:            Acidibacter Delavirdine  0.6853147 0.013905969 0.03269484
# 2:           Acidothermus Delavirdine  0.7272727 0.007355029 0.02440333
# 3:       Anaeromyxobacter Delavirdine -0.7762238 0.002992864 0.01657070
# 4: Candidatus_Udaeobacter Delavirdine -0.6993007 0.011374199 0.02997610
# 5:           Chujaibacter Delavirdine  0.6223776 0.030675895 0.05060669
# 6:           Conexibacter Delavirdine  0.5804196 0.047855977 0.06912530

plot the network

Finally, you can vaisulize the network by plot_network function, taking the coExpressand corr output. The orange nodes correspondes to OTU(genera).

plot_network(net, corr_spearman[abs(rho)>=0.85], interaction = FALSE)

plot_network(net, corr_spearman[abs(rho)>=0.85])

identification of enterotype

Construct bSet class using the OTU abundance matrix in genera level.

dat <- read.delim('')
dat <- impute::impute.knn(as.matrix(dat), k = 100)
dat <-$data+0.001) 
setDT(dat, keep.rownames = TRUE)
dat <- bSet(b =  dat)

# 1. Features( 278 ): 
#    Bacteroides Prevotella Eubacterium Faecalibacterium Alistipes ...
# 2. Samples( 51 ): 
#    MH0277 MH0087 MH0156 MH0444 MH0333 ...
# 3. Top 5 Samples data:
# [1] 1 2 3 4 5

Then estimating the approate numbers of cluster can implement by estimate_k function.

res2 <- estimate_k(dat)
# optimal number of cluster:  4 
# Max CHI:  164.6422 
# Silhouette:  0.1814455 

Enterotype of samples validates the result of estimate_k.

rest <- read.table(system.file('extdata', 'enterotype.txt', package = 'mbOmic'))
rest <- rest[samples(dat),]
table(res2$verOptCluster, rest$ET)
#   ET_B ET_F ET_P
# 1    0   21   19
# 2   67    5    0
# 3    0    0   40
# 4    3  123    0

enterotyping function can estimate the enterotype using the bSet class.

ret=enterotyping(dat, res2$verOptCluster) 

# $enterotypes
#      Enterotype        max which   cluster
# 1:  Bacteroides 0.36724946     2 cluster 2
# 2:   Prevotella 0.29692944     3 cluster 3
# 3: Ruminococcus 0.02416713     4 cluster 4
# $data
#      Samples   Enterotype   cluster
#   1:  MH0087  Bacteroides cluster 2
#   2:  MH0156  Bacteroides cluster 2
#   3:  MH0444  Bacteroides cluster 2
#   4:  MH0333  Bacteroides cluster 2
#   5:  MH0233  Bacteroides cluster 2
#  ---                               
# 234:  MH0012 Ruminococcus cluster 4
# 235:  MH0415 Ruminococcus cluster 4
# 236:  MH0457 Ruminococcus cluster 4
# 237:  MH0442 Ruminococcus cluster 4
# 238:  MH0448 Ruminococcus cluster 4
# $UnIdentifiedSamples
#  [1] "MH0277" "MH0161" "MH0046" "MH0175" "MH0152" "MH0104" "MH0151" "MH0189"
#  [9] "MH0030" "MH0157" "MH0063" "MH0075" "MH0141" "MH0169" "MH0050" "MH0286"
# [17] "MH0096" "MH0053" "MH0217" "MH0098" "MH0009" "MH0197" "MH0065" "MH0173"
# [25] "MH0168" "MH0070" "MH0077" "MH0288" "MH0200" "MH0031" "MH0183" "MH0132"
# [33] "MH0144" "MH0124" "MH0430" "MH0276" "MH0407" "MH0428" "MH0126" "MH0447"


  1. McHardy, I. H., Goudarzi, M., Tong, M., Ruegger, P. M., Schwager, E., Weger, J. R., Graeber, T. G., Sonnenburg, J. L., Horvath, S., Huttenhower, C., McGovern, D. P., Fornace, A. J., Borneman, J., & Braun, J. (2013). Integrative analysis of the microbiome and metabolome of the human intestinal mucosal surface reveals exquisite inter-relationships. Microbiome, 1(1), 17.

  2. Huang, W., Sun, D., Chen, L., & An, Y. (2021). Integrative analysis of the microbiome and metabolome in understanding the causes of sugarcane bitterness. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 1-11.


Integrative analysis of the microbiome and metabolome






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