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Using this DeepPipeline library, it is very fast and easy to build parallel acceleration for multi-stage tasks, including deep learning. This code library does not require any dependencies and consists of pure Python code.


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Python Parallel Pipeline Architecture (ParallelPipe)

Language: English | 中文

Write in advance

You can install this package using the following command:

pip install PyParallelPipe

1. Overview

In deep learning, many tasks in practical business scenarios are multi-stage and decomposable. Taking behavior recognition as an example, when performing behavior recognition using RGB video streams, we can divide the overall workflow into four steps: data collection, object recognition, object tracking, and behavior classification, as shown in Figure 1. If these four steps are executed sequentially, it would consume a significant amount of time. However, if these four steps can run simultaneously, it often enables real-time processing in practical applications, overcoming the time-consuming nature of sequential execution.

The design principles of the framework are: decoupling, reusability, readability, and high performance.


1.1 Environment Requirements

This framework can run in a Python 3.5+ environment without requiring any additional Python dependencies.

1.2 Python Dependencies

To avoid the Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) in Python for multithreading, we plan to use the following built-in Python libraries:

multiprocessing: Ensures parallel utilization of multiple CPU cores (you can choose the multiprocessing model).

Time&Queue: Uses timestamps to ensure information exchange between queues as buffers and multithreading locks to ensure data consistency in read and write operations.

2. How to Use

2.1 Quick Start

  1. First, we need to define processing tasks for different stages. For example:
   class stage_one(Stage):
       def stage_run(self, x):
           x.append("stage one")
           return x

In this example, each individual stage task must inherit the Stage class from the ParallelPipe package and implement the stage_run(x) method. The input x of stage_run(x) is the output from the previous stage, and the return value y is the processing result of the current stage.

  1. In addition to regular individual stage processing tasks, we also need to define the final output task of the pipeline (e.g., video display, data storage). In this case, we still need to inherit the Stage class from ParallelPipe, but no return value is required. Here's an example:
   class stage_end(Stage):
    def stage_run(self, x):
  1. After defining all the individual stage tasks, we need to instantiate the Pipeline class from the ParallelPipe package and specify the final output stage. Here is an example program:
P = Pipeline(stages=[one, two, three], end_stage=end, buffer_size=2, multiprocess=False)

In the above code, one, two, three, and end are instances of classes that inherit from the Stage class and implement the stage_run function. The buffer_size parameter determines the buffer size between different stages for information exchange during adjacent stages.

In this example, the multiprocess parameter is set to False, which means the pipeline will use multithreading instead of multiprocessing. If you set it to True, the pipeline will utilize multiple processes instead.

  1. Run the entire workflow:
    Once the framework is started, you can use the put function of the Pipeline class to add inputs to the framework:
    P.put("Something Stage one can process.")
  2. After completing all the work, you can call the setstop function of the Pipeline class to guide the termination of all subprograms:

The overall test code mentioned above is as follows:

from ParallelPipe import Pipeline, Stage
import time

class stage_one(Stage):        
    def stage_run(self, x):
        x.append("stage one")
        return x

class stage_two(Stage):
    def stage_run(self, x):
        x.append("stage two")
        return x

class stage_three(Stage):
    def stage_run(self, x):
        x.append("stage three")
        return x

class stage_end(Stage):
    def stage_run(self, x):

if __name__ == '__main__':
    one = stage_one()
    two = stage_two()
    three = stage_three()
    end = stage_end()

    P = Pipeline(stages = [one, two, three, end], buffer_size = 2, multiprocess=True)
    for i in range(1, 11):
            P.put(["Pipeline: {}".format(i)])
        except (Exception,KeyboardInterrupt) as ep:
                raise ep


['Pipeline: 1', 'stage one', 'stage two', 'stage three']
['Pipeline: 2', 'stage one', 'stage two', 'stage three']
['Pipeline: 3', 'stage one', 'stage two', 'stage three']
['Pipeline: 5', 'stage one', 'stage two', 'stage three']
['Pipeline: 7', 'stage one', 'stage two', 'stage three']
['Pipeline: 8', 'stage one', 'stage two', 'stage three']
['Pipeline: 9', 'stage one', 'stage two', 'stage three']
['Pipeline: 10', 'stage one', 'stage two', 'stage three']

2.2 Stage Class

The Stage class is provided by the ParallelPipe package, and each individual stage task must inherit this class and implement the stage_run(x) method. In the equation y = stage_run(x), x represents the output from the previous stage, and y represents the processing result of the current stage.

For example, consider the following code:

class stage_one(Stage):
    def stage_run(self, x):
        x.append("stage one")
        return x

In this code, the stage_one class inherits the Stage class and implements the stage_run method. The input x is the output from the previous stage, and the return value y is the processing result of the current stage.

If you need multiple sample inputs (i.e., you need all the outputs from the previous stage in the buffer), you can use the set_get_all() method on the instantiated class. For example:

one = stage_one()

Similarly, you can also specify that the current stage requires single sample input (which is the default behavior). You can achieve this by using the set_get_single() method. For example:

one = stage_one()

By default, a stage expects to receive a single sample as input. However, if you have a stage that needs to process multiple samples at once, you can call the set_get_all() method to receive all samples from the previous stage in the buffer.

2.3 Pipeline class

The Pipeline class is instantiated with the following optional parameters:

P = Pipeline(stages=[one, two, three, end], buffer_size=2, multiprocess=True)


  • stages: A list of instantiated subclasses of the Stage class representing the multiple stages in the pipeline.

  • buffer_size: The size of the data exchange buffer between adjacent stages. It can be either a single integer value or a list of integers. If it is a list, it must have the same length as the stages list. For example, if there are 4 stages, the buffer_size list should have a size of 4.

[ Regarding buffer_size, we prepare a buffer for each stage as input, so the list size is len(stages) ].

Once all the preparations are complete, you can start the overall workflow by calling:


After the framework is started, you can use the put function of the Pipeline class to add inputs to the framework:

P.put("Something Stage one can process.")

You can add inputs to the pipeline using the put function as needed. The pipeline will automatically distribute the inputs to the appropriate stages for processing.



pip install PyParallelPipe

1. 概述




1.1 使用环境


1.2 Python依赖


  • multiprocessing:多进程保证多核CPU并行使用(可以选择多进程模型);

  • Time&Queue:时间戳保证Queue作为Buffer中信息的交换中介;多线程锁保证读写一致性;

2. 如何使用

2.1 快速使用

  1. 首先我们需要编写不同阶段的处理任务,比如:

    class stage_one(Stage):
        def stage_run(self, x):
            x.append("stage one")
            return x

    其中,每个单阶段任务都必须继承ParallelPipe包中的Stage类,并实现stage_run(x)方法,y = stage_run(x)中输入x是上一阶段的输出,返回值y是本阶段的处理结果。

  2. 除了正常的单阶段处理任务,我们还需要定义一下流水线最终的输出任务(比如:视频展示、数据保存),这时我们依然需要继承ParallelPipe中的Stage类,不过不需要返回值。以如下程序为例:

    class stage_end(Stage):
     def stage_run(self, x):
  3. 在定义完成所有的单阶段任务后,我们需要实例化ParallelPipe包中的Pipeline类,并指明最终的输出阶段。以如下程序为例(其中,multiprocess为True时,调用多进程,为False时,调用多线程):

    P = Pipeline(stages = [one, two, three], end_stage = end, buffer_size = 2, multiprocess=False)

    其中,one, two, three, end为继承了Stage类并实现了stage_run函数的类的实例。buffer_size=2为不同阶段之间的缓冲区大小(进行相邻阶段之间的信息交互)。

  4. 运行整体工作流:



    P.put("Something Stage one can process.")
  5. 再完成所有的工作后,我们可以调用Pipeline的setstop引导所有子程序结束,:



from ParallelPipe import Pipeline, Stage
import time

class stage_one(Stage):        
    def stage_run(self, x):
        x.append("stage one")
        return x

class stage_two(Stage):
    def stage_run(self, x):
        x.append("stage two")
        return x

class stage_three(Stage):
    def stage_run(self, x):
        x.append("stage three")
        return x

class stage_end(Stage):
    def stage_run(self, x):

if __name__ == '__main__':
    one = stage_one()
    two = stage_two()
    three = stage_three()
    end = stage_end()

    P = Pipeline(stages = [one, two, three, end], buffer_size = 2, multiprocess=True)
    for i in range(1, 11):
            P.put(["Pipeline: {}".format(i)])
        except (Exception,KeyboardInterrupt) as ep:
                raise ep


['Pipeline: 1', 'stage one', 'stage two', 'stage three']
['Pipeline: 2', 'stage one', 'stage two', 'stage three']
['Pipeline: 3', 'stage one', 'stage two', 'stage three']
['Pipeline: 5', 'stage one', 'stage two', 'stage three']
['Pipeline: 7', 'stage one', 'stage two', 'stage three']
['Pipeline: 8', 'stage one', 'stage two', 'stage three']
['Pipeline: 9', 'stage one', 'stage two', 'stage three']
['Pipeline: 10', 'stage one', 'stage two', 'stage three']

2.2 Stage类

每个单阶段任务都必须继承ParallelPipe包中的Stage类,并实现stage_run(x)方法,y = stage_run(x)中输入x是上一阶段的输出,返回值y是本阶段的处理结果。

class stage_one(Stage):
 def stage_run(self, x):
     x.append("stage one")
     return x

对于y = stage_run(x)函数,x一般为上一阶段的单个样本输出,y为本阶段数据处理的单个样本输出。当我们需要多个样本输入时(需要上一阶段在缓存区所有的输出时),需要对实例化后的类进行set_get_all(),以如下程序为例:

one = stage_one()


one = stage_one()

2.3 Pipeline类


P = Pipeline(stages = [one, two, three, end], buffer_size = 2, multiprocess=True)


  • stages: list[Stage],多阶段类(Stage)子类的实例化的列表;

  • buffer_size: list or int,相邻阶段的数据交换缓冲区大小,如果是list类型,必须和stage的长度一致,比如:当存在4个单阶段任务时,buffer_size的列表大小为4。





P.put("Something Stage one can process.")


Using this DeepPipeline library, it is very fast and easy to build parallel acceleration for multi-stage tasks, including deep learning. This code library does not require any dependencies and consists of pure Python code.







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