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Initial commit for univariate advanced sampling package. Contains Lat…
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…inHypercube, Importance sampling, Rejection sampling, and MetropolisHastings

Removed duplicated interface

Improve MH comment

Made MH examples

Documentation fixes

Fix documentation and permute LHC
  • Loading branch information
btracey committed Jun 2, 2015
1 parent 55fcbfd commit d0fc09f
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Showing 6 changed files with 379 additions and 5 deletions.
5 changes: 0 additions & 5 deletions dist/general_test.go
Expand Up @@ -127,11 +127,6 @@ func testConjugateUpdate(t *testing.T, newFittable func() ConjugateUpdater) {

// rander can generate random samples from a given distribution
type Rander interface {
Rand() float64

// randn generates a specified number of random samples
func randn(dist Rander, n int) []float64 {
x := make([]float64, n)
Expand Down
22 changes: 22 additions & 0 deletions dist/interfaces.go
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
// Copyright ©2015 The gonum Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

package dist

type LogProber interface {
LogProb(float64) float64

type Rander interface {
Rand() float64

type RandLogProber interface {

type Quantiler interface {
Quantile(p float64) float64
35 changes: 35 additions & 0 deletions sample/example_burnin_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
package sample

import ""

type ProposalDist struct {
Sigma float64

func (p ProposalDist) ConditionalRand(y float64) float64 {
return dist.Normal{Mu: y, Sigma: p.Sigma}.Rand()

func (p ProposalDist) ConditionalLogProb(x, y float64) float64 {
return dist.Normal{Mu: y, Sigma: p.Sigma}.LogProb(x)

func ExampleMetropolisHastings_burnin() {
n := 1000 // The number of samples to generate.
burnin := 50 // Number of samples to ignore at the start.
var initial float64
// target is the distribution from which we would like to sample.
target := dist.Weibull{K: 5, Lambda: 0.5}
// proposal is the proposal distribution. Here, we are choosing
// a tight Gaussian distribution around the current location. In
// typical problems, if Sigma is too small, it takes a lot of samples
// to move around the distribution. If Sigma is too large, it can be hard
// to find acceptable samples.
proposal := ProposalDist{Sigma: 0.2}

samples := make([]float64, n+burnin)
MetropolisHastings(samples, initial, target, proposal, nil)

// Remove the initial samples through slicing.
samples = samples[burnin:]
45 changes: 45 additions & 0 deletions sample/example_rate_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
package sample

import ""

func max(a, b int) int {
if a < b {
return b
return a

func ExampleMetropolisHastings_samplingRate() {
// See Burnin example for a description of these quantities.
n := 1000
burnin := 300
var initial float64
target := dist.Weibull{K: 5, Lambda: 0.5}
proposal := ProposalDist{Sigma: 0.2}

// Successive samples are correlated with one another through the
// Markov Chain defined by the proposal distribution. To get less
// correlated samples, one may use a sampling rate, in which only
// one sample from every few is accepted from the chain. This can
// be accomplished through a for loop.
rate := 50

tmp := make([]float64, max(rate, burnin))

// First deal with burnin

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kortschak Jun 2, 2015


Full stop.

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btracey Jun 2, 2015

Author Member

Ah shoot.

tmp = tmp[:burnin]
MetropolisHastings(tmp, initial, target, proposal, nil)
// The final sample in tmp in the final point in the chain.
// Use it as the new initial location.
initial = tmp[len(tmp)-1]

// Now, generate samples by using one every rate samples.
tmp = tmp[:rate]
samples := make([]float64, n)
samples[0] = initial
for i := 1; i < len(samples); i++ {
MetropolisHastings(tmp, initial, target, proposal, nil)
initial = tmp[len(tmp)-1]
samples[i] = initial
179 changes: 179 additions & 0 deletions sample/sample.go
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
// Copyright ©2015 The gonum Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

// package sample contains a set of advanced routines for sampling from
// probability distributions.
package sample

import (


var (
badLengthMismatch = "sample: slice length mismatch"

// LatinHypercube generates len(samples) samples using Latin hypercube sampling
// from the given distribution. If src != nil, it will be used to generate
// random numbers, otherwise rand.Float64 will be used.
// Latin hypercube sampling divides the cumulative distribution function into equally
// spaced bins and guarantees that one sample is generated per bin. Within each bin,
// the location is randomly sampled. The dist.UnitNormal variable can be used
// for easy generation from the unit interval.
func LatinHypercube(samples []float64, q dist.Quantiler, src *rand.Rand) {
n := len(samples)
var perm []int
var f64 func() float64
if src != nil {
f64 = src.Float64
perm = src.Perm(n)
} else {
f64 = rand.Float64
perm = rand.Perm(n)
for i := range samples {
v := f64()/float64(n) + float64(i)/float64(n)
samples[perm[i]] = q.Quantile(v)

// Importance sampling generates len(x) samples from the proposal distribution,
// and stores the locations and importance sampling weights in place.
// Importance sampling is a variance reduction technique where samples are
// generated from a proposal distribution, q(x), instead of the target distribution
// p(x). This allows relatively unlikely samples in p(x) to be generated more frequently
// The importance sampling weight at x is given by p(x)/q(x). To reduce variance,
// a good proposal distribution will bound this sampling weight. This implies the
// support of q(x) should be at least as broad as p(x), and q(x) should be "fatter tailed"
// than p(x).
func Importance(samples, weights []float64, target dist.LogProber, proposal dist.RandLogProber) {
if len(samples) != len(weights) {
for i := range samples {
v := proposal.Rand()
samples[i] = v
weights[i] = math.Exp(target.LogProb(v) - proposal.LogProb(v))

// Rejection generates len(x) samples using the rejection sampling algorithm and
// stores them in place into samples.
// Sampling continues until x is filled. Rejection the total number of proposed
// locations and a boolean indicating if the rejection sampling assumption is
// violated (see details below). If the returned boolean is false, all elements
// of samples are set to NaN. If src != nil, it will be used to generate random
// numbers, otherwise rand.Float64 will be used.
// Rejection sampling generates points from the target distribution by using
// the proposal distribution. At each step of the algorithm, the proposaed point
// is accepted with probability
// p = target(x) / (proposal(x) * c)
// where target(x) is the probability of the point according to the target distribution
// and proposal(x) is the probability according to the proposal distribution.
// The constant c must be chosen such that target(x) < proposal(x) * c for all x.
// The expected number of proposed samples is len(samples) * c.
// Target may return the true (log of) the probablity of the location, or it may return
// a value that is proportional to the probability (logprob + constant). This is
// useful for cases where the probability distribution is only known up to a normalization
// constant.
func Rejection(samples []float64, target dist.LogProber, proposal dist.RandLogProber, c float64, src *rand.Rand) (nProposed int, ok bool) {
if c < 1 {
panic("rejection: acceptance constant must be greater than 1")
f64 := rand.Float64
if src != nil {
f64 = src.Float64
var idx int
for {
v := proposal.Rand()
qx := proposal.LogProb(v)
px := target.LogProb(v)
accept := math.Exp(px-qx) / c
if accept > 1 {
// Invalidate the whole result and return a failure
for i := range samples {
samples[i] = math.NaN()
return nProposed, false
if accept > f64() {
samples[idx] = v
if idx == len(samples) {
return nProposed, true

type MHProposal interface {
// ConditionalDist returns the probability of the first argument conditioned on
// being at the second argument
// p(x|y)
ConditionalLogProb(x, y float64) (prob float64)

// ConditionalRand generates a new random location conditioned being at the
// location y
ConditionalRand(y float64) (x float64)

// MetropolisHastings generates len(samples) samples using the Metropolis Hastings
// algorithm (,
// with the given target and proposal distributions, starting at the intial location
// and storing the results in-place into samples. If src != nil, it will be used to generate random
// numbers, otherwise rand.Float64 will be used.
// Metropolis-Hastings is a Markov-chain Monte Carlo algorithm that generates
// samples according to the distribution specified by target by using the Markov
// chain implicitly defined by the proposal distribution. At each
// iteration, a proposal point is generated randomly from the current location.
// This proposal point is accepted with probability
// p = min(1, (target(new) * proposal(current|new)) / (target(current) * proposal(new|current)))
// If the new location is accepted, it is stored into samples and becomes the
// new current location. If it is rejected, the current location remains and
// is stored into samples. Thus, a location is stored into samples at every iteration.
// The samples in Metropolis Hastings are correlated with one another through the
// Markov-Chain. As a result, the initial value can have a significant influence
// on the early samples, and so typically, the first sapmles generated by the chain.
// are ignored. This is known as "burn-in", and can be accomplished with slicing.
// The best choice for burn-in length will depend on the sampling and the target
// distribution.
// Many choose to have a sampling "rate" where a number of samples
// are ignored in between each kept sample. This helps decorrelate
// the samples from one another, but also reduces the number of available samples.
// A sampling rate can be implemented with successive calls to MetropolisHastings.
func MetropolisHastings(samples []float64, initial float64, target dist.LogProber, proposal MHProposal, src *rand.Rand) {
f64 := rand.Float64
if src != nil {
f64 = src.Float64
current := initial
currentLogProb := target.LogProb(initial)
for i := range samples {
proposed := proposal.ConditionalRand(current)
proposedLogProb := target.LogProb(proposed)
probTo := proposal.ConditionalLogProb(proposed, current)
probBack := proposal.ConditionalLogProb(current, proposed)

accept := math.Exp(proposedLogProb + probBack - probTo - currentLogProb)
if accept > f64() {
current = proposed
currentLogProb = proposedLogProb
samples[i] = current
98 changes: 98 additions & 0 deletions sample/sample_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
// Copyright ©2015 The gonum Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package sample

import (


type lhDist interface {
Quantile(float64) float64
CDF(float64) float64

func TestLatinHypercube(t *testing.T) {
for _, nSamples := range []int{1, 2, 5, 10, 20} {
samples := make([]float64, nSamples)
for _, dist := range []lhDist{
dist.Uniform{Min: 0, Max: 1},
dist.Uniform{Min: 0, Max: 10},
dist.Normal{Mu: 5, Sigma: 3},
} {
LatinHypercube(samples, dist, nil)
for i, v := range samples {
p := dist.CDF(v)
if p < float64(i)/float64(nSamples) || p > float64(i+1)/float64(nSamples) {
t.Errorf("probability out of bounds")

func TestImportance(t *testing.T) {
// Test by finding the expected value of a Normal
trueMean := 3.0
target := dist.Normal{Mu: trueMean, Sigma: 2}
proposal := dist.Normal{Mu: 0, Sigma: 5}
nSamples := 100000
x := make([]float64, nSamples)
weights := make([]float64, nSamples)
Importance(x, weights, target, proposal)
ev := stat.Mean(x, weights)
if math.Abs(ev-trueMean) > 1e-2 {
t.Errorf("Mean mismatch: Want %v, got %v", trueMean, ev)

func TestRejection(t *testing.T) {
// Test by finding the expected value of a Normal
trueMean := 3.0
target := dist.Normal{Mu: trueMean, Sigma: 2}
proposal := dist.Normal{Mu: 0, Sigma: 5}

nSamples := 100000
x := make([]float64, nSamples)
Rejection(x, target, proposal, 100, nil)
ev := stat.Mean(x, nil)
if math.Abs(ev-trueMean) > 1e-2 {
t.Errorf("Mean mismatch: Want %v, got %v", trueMean, ev)

type condNorm struct {
Sigma float64

func (c condNorm) ConditionalRand(y float64) float64 {
return dist.Normal{Mu: y, Sigma: c.Sigma}.Rand()

func (c condNorm) ConditionalLogProb(x, y float64) float64 {
return dist.Normal{Mu: y, Sigma: c.Sigma}.LogProb(x)

func TestMetropolisHastings(t *testing.T) {
// Test by finding the expected value of a Normal
trueMean := 3.0
target := dist.Normal{Mu: trueMean, Sigma: 2}
proposal := condNorm{Sigma: 5}

burnin := 500
nSamples := 100000 + burnin
x := make([]float64, nSamples)
MetropolisHastings(x, 100, target, proposal, nil)
// Remove burnin
x = x[burnin:]
ev := stat.Mean(x, nil)
if math.Abs(ev-trueMean) > 1e-2 {
t.Errorf("Mean mismatch: Want %v, got %v", trueMean, ev)

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