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File metadata and controls

57 lines (38 loc) · 5.5 KB


This project is no longer under development.

After working on this for a while, I decided that I was just reinventing the wheel. This is basically no different than a million different message-broker applications.

I'm just leaving this here for posterity, I suppose.

Controllr provides a way to remotely control your devices, be they a desktop computer, a tablet, or a phone. Controllr contains three or more components: the server, the sending device, and the receiving device.

The server acts as a command broker. It accepts commands from a sender, and issues commands to a receiver. To be more exact, it supplies commands to a receiver upon request, as it has no push capability.

When a sender issues a command for a receiver to run, the command goes into a queue for that receiver. At some point, the receiver will request the queue of commands from the server, and then run those commands, sending data back to the server which the sender can then read (if it so chooses).

This application does not give full command-line access to a receiver. The receiver only executes pre-defined commands, and can refuse to execute any command for any reason.

The server is written in PHP. There are multiple options for the receiver. Currently in development are receivers in BASH, PHP, Python, and Tasker on Android. Senders can be written in any language (currently in development: PHP, Python, and Tasker), or curl can be used on the Unix command-line.

Deploy the server

The server is built using Lumen, which, in turn, is based on Laravel. It can be deployed to any host that supports PHP7, and can use multiple database types. Deployment via Heroku is recommended. The Makefile includes steps in deploy to heroku, and to set environment variables. There are instructions for deploying Laravel on Heroku that are a good basis to start.

Interacting with the server


Each client (sender/receiver) will have a randomly generated client id and client secret. When a request is made, an Authorization header should be added. The key given will be a base64-encoded version of the following, appended together: the client id, the client secret, and the request body, separated by a pipe (|).

So, if the client id is 2, and the client secret is bob, and the request is {"status":"in progress"}, then the key passed would be 2|bob|{"status":"in progress"}, which would then be base64-encoded, so the final header would be Authorization: Bearer Mnxib2J8eyJzdGF0dXMiOiJpbiBwcm9ncmVzcyJ9. If there is no request body (for a GET or DELETE, e.g.), then only the id and secret are used.


Sender Routes

  • POST /commands/foobar
    This would create a new command for foobar. The server would respond with 202 Accepted and the response body would contain the original body, with an additional id, and a secret key. This should be used as authentication somehow in subsequent requests for the same command.
  • GET /commands/foobar/123
    After a successful POST, this would check the status of command 123 on foobar.
    • If the command was still unprocessed by foobar, the server would respond with 200 OK and the response body would contain the original POST, with a status of enqueued. At this point, the command can still be modified or deleted.
    • If the command is currently being processed by foobar, the server would respond with 200 OK and the response body would contain the original POST, with a status of in progress.. It's too late, at this point, to delete or alter the command. It may also include an eta in seconds.
    • If the command has been run by foobar, the status will be complete. There will be either an output, status_code, or both.
  • PUT /commands/foobar/123
    • The sender can modify the command, if it's not yet in progress.
  • DELETE /commands/foobar/123

Receiver Routes

  • GET /commands/foobar/next Returns the next command in the queue. This should be authenticated in some way. foobar needs a secret key known only to the server. The server should also send an additional secret key for this command.
  • GET /commands/foobar Returns the entire command queue for foobar. This should also be authenticated as described above.
  • PATCH /commands/foobar/123 This is used by foobar to update the status of command 123. It should include, as authentication, foobar's secret key, and the key for 123 as well.
    • If foobar is now executing 123, it should set the status to in progress. If an estimate on execution time is available, it may also include an eta in number of seconds.
    • If foobar has completed executing 123, it should set the status to complete, and should also send a return_code, an output, or both. At this point, the server will redirect further request for the status of this command to /output/foobar/123.
    • If foobar has decided not to execute the command at this time, it should set the status to postponed. This might occur if foobar has receivers in multiple languages, and the command is only valid for a different language (it might be a Python command, but currently the PHP receiver is running).
    • If foobar refuses to execute 123 (e.g., it's an invalid command), it should set the status to refused. Optionally, output may include a reason for the refusal (e.g., "invalid command" or "incomplete input").