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google-importer edited this page Apr 22, 2016 · 1 revision

This page documents the data format that mixare understands and how to communicate it to the application. Introduction

Mixare as a standalone application is bound to, more specifically to the data taken from wikipedia. When you start the application a call is made to (please see here for details). How to launch mixare with your data source

In order to show your own data through Mixare you may invoke it like this: Intent i = new Intent(); i.setAction(Intent.ACTION_VIEW); i.setDataAndType(Uri.parse("http://your_server/JSONEndpoint"), "application/mixare-json"); startActivity(i);

Mixare will be invoked by the android system for every call you make to the myme type application/mixare-json

It means you can even launch mixare from the browser ;) How to use your own datasource from within mixare

Recent versions of mixare (> v0.7) support adding and editing datasource at runtime. Just go to the datasources list (press menu -> select datasource) and add your own (press menu -> select "add new datasource").

Choose whether the POIs should be displayed as circles or as arrows, and if the format is Mixare(JSON) or OpenStreetMap (XAPI). Then go back, and the datasource will be saved. How your data should be encoded

At the moment mixare supports two types of JSON encoding, the first being the one of discussed earlier.

The second format is documented below: Please note that the code below is a working example.

{ "status": "OK", "num_results": 3, "results": [ { "id": "2827", "lat": "46.43893", "lng": "11.21706", "elevation": "1737", "title": "Penegal", "distance": "9.756", "has_detail_page": "1", "webpage": "" }, { "id": "2821", "lat": "46.49396", "lng": "11.2088", "elevation": "1865", "title": "Gantkofel", "distance": "9.771", "has_detail_page": "0", "webpage": "" }, { "id": "2829", "lat": "46.3591", "lng": "11.1921", "elevation": "2116", "title": "Roen", "distance": "17.545", "has_detail_page": "1", "webpage": "" } ] }

There must be an array whos name is "results" at the first level of the JSON object.
Each element of the array must contain at least lat (latitude), lng (longitude), elevation (could be "0"), title (the string that will be shown below the Marker).
Each element of the array could contain webpage (a link to the what is shown when the user clicks on the marker) and if it does it must contain has_detail_page with a value of 1). NB: A value of 0 for has_detail_page means that mixare will not consider clicks on that marker.
Each element of the array could contain distance.
It is strongly recommended to add a unique ID to each marker. This ID (among with the title) is used to distinguish among different markers. (in mixare version < 0.8.2 there was a bug where markers with the same title were collapsed into one even if the ID was specified)

Further details

Further details are available here: UseCasesExplanation

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