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Body params

Juan Gabriel Griggio edited this page Jul 10, 2024 · 4 revisions
Parameter Required Type Description
num_headlines Yes int Number of headlines to generate
num_descriptions Yes int Number of descriptions to generate
first_term_source_config Yes object Configuration for the first term source. See details here
second_term_source_config If second-term is present in query params object Configuration for the second term source. See details here
destination_config Yes object Configuration for the output destination. See details here
headlines_blacklist No list(str) List of case-insensitive words or phrases that are blacklisted. Topic Mine will not generate headlines with these words or phrases.
headlines_regexp_blacklist No list(str) List of regular expressions that are blacklisted. Topic Mine will not generate headlines that match with these regular expressions. Example: if descriptions with exclamation signs want to be avoided, use the regex .*!. Regular expression matching can be tested here.
descriptions_blacklist No list(str) List of case-insensitive words or phrases that are blacklisted. Topic Mine will not generate headlines with these words or phrases.
descriptions_regexp_blacklist No list(str) List of regular expressions that are blacklisted. Topic Mine will not generate descriptions that match with these regular expressions. Example: if descriptions with exclamation signs want to be avoided, use the regex .*!. Regular expression matching can be tested here.
generic_copies No object Object with generic copies to be used if Gemini could not generate enough copies.
generic_copies.headlines No list(str) List of generic headlines.
generic_copies.descriptions No list(str) List of generic descriptions.
enable_feature_extraction No bool If true, Topic Mine will understand the products' descriptions and extract their main features to generate the content. If false or not present, it will use the products' descriptions as they are. Good to try both cases and see what works best for you.
url_validation No str If REMOVE_BROKEN_URLS, URLs that don't return a 200 (OK), 301 or 302 (REDIRECT) status code will be removed and left blank. If USE_DEFAULT_URL, URLs that don't return a 200 (OK), 301 or 302 (REDIRECT) status code will be swapped for a default URL specified in the default_url parameter.
default_url If url_validation = USE_DEFAULT_URL str The default URL to use in case of any of the input URLs is broken
generate_paths No bool If true, Path 1 and Path 2 will be generated using Gemini (useful for Responsive Search Ads or RSA). If false or not present, they will not be generated.