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modeljoust is a tool for computing whether one machine learning model performs statistically significantly better than another.



The included script reads text files containing labels and model predictions and computes p-values for the comparison between each model and the best. For example, to compare the accuracies of the ImageNet models for which predictions are included, run:

python \
  --metric=top1 \
  --labels=predictions/imagenet/labels.txt \

This should produce the output:

| model                             |   top1 | p_value   |
| model_soups_vit_g_best_holdout    |  90.72 | 0.0002    |
| model_soups_basic_best_holdout    |  90.83 | 0.002     |
| model_soups_vit_g_greedy_ensemble |  90.93 | 0.24      |
| model_soups_vit_g_greedy_soup     |  90.94 | 0.33      |
| model_soups_basic_greedy_soup     |  90.98 | 0.46      |
| model_soups_basic_greedy_ensemble |  91.02 | best      |

The provided p-values reflect statistical comparisons between each model and the best. A low p-value indicates that the observed accuracy difference is unlikely to arisen by chance. When reporting results in tables, we suggest choosing a significance threshold (ɑ) of 0.05 and bolding accuracy numbers for all models for which p-values are greater than this threshold, i.e., for which accuracies are not statistically significantly different than the best.

Beyond computing p-values, also determines the number of digits after the decimal point that are appropriate to report. To do so, it computes minimum accuracy delta that would be statistically significant for a model with the same correct/incorrect agreement as that observed between the best model and the closest model to the best (in terms of correct/incorrect agreement). It shows exactly enough digits that the accuracy number reported for a model with this minimum delta from the best would be different from the accuracy number reported for the best model. This means that the number of digits reported can depend on the set of models being compared. When reporting results in tables, we recommend using the same number of digits shown in the table. does not produce confidence intervals for the accuracy because they are generally not useful for comparing different models on a fixed test set. For models that make similar predictions, a standard binomial confidence interval for the accuracy of one model will be much larger than the minimum statistically detectable difference between the two models. In addition, does not correct for multiple testing.

Model prediction file format reads model predictions from CSV files. The first column should be the example filename (or path, if the filename is not unique) and the remaining columns are the top-k predictions in descending order.

Labels files are formatted similarly to model predictions, with example filenames in the first column and correct labels in the remaining columns.

The included predictions files provide the top-5 predictions on ImageNet, ImageNet-V2, ImageNet-R, ImageNet-Sketch, ObjectNet, and ImageNet-A, for the models from Model Soups.



modeljoust's core function is compare(a_accuracy, b_accuracy, two_sided=True, num_perms=10_000). This function accepts two vectors, a_accuracy and b_accuracy, containing the per-example accuracies of two models on the same fixed test set. Often, the vectors will contain bools indicating whether or not models classified each example correctly, but compare also supports real-valued vectors. compare performs a statistical test of the null hypothesis that the two models get the same accuracy on the distribution from which the test set was drawn against the alternative hypothesis that the models get different accuracy (if two_sided=True) or model A gets higher accuracy than model B (if two_sided=False).


The function get_per_example_accuracies(results, labels, metric='top1') provides a convenient way to construct the per-example accuracies to be passed to the compare function, given model predictions and true labels. The results and labels can be specified either as mappings from example IDs to lists of predictions (sorted in descending order):

    {'example_1': [1, 2, 5],
     'example_2': [1, 5, 9]},
    {'example_1': [5, 3, 2],
     'example_2': [2, 1, 9]}
  {'example_1': 1, 'example_2': 2}
) # -> array([[ True, False],
  #           [False,  True]])

or as a num_models x num_examples x num_predictions of results and a vector or num_examples x num_correct_predictions array of labels:

  np.array([[[1, 2, 5],
             [1, 5, 9]],
            [[5, 3, 2],
             [2, 1, 9]]]),
  np.array([1, 2])
) # -> array([[ True, False],
  #           [False,  True]])

Valid metrics are "topK" for an integer K or "mean_per_class" for mean per-class accuracy.


If per-example accuracies are boolean or 0/1, modeljoust performs a sign test, which is equivalent to an exact McNemar test. This test rejects the null hypothesis if, on the examples for which exactly one of the two models is correct, the accuracy of model A is significantly different from 50%.

If per-example accuracies are not boolean or 0/1, modeljoust performs a permutation test to determine whether the difference in the mean accuracies between the models is significantly different from the distribution given by randomly exchanging the per-example accuracies of the two models. By default, modeljoust uses 10,000 permutations. When per-example accuracies take on two values, this permutation test is an approximation to the sign test that becomes exact if all permutations are enumerated.


The code in this repository was written following conversations with Jiahui Yu and Ludwig Schmidt. The statistical approach matches Do Better ImageNet Models Transfer Better? and Model soups: averaging weights of multiple fine-tuned models improves accuracy without increasing inference time.

If you find this code useful, please cite:

  title = {modeljoust},
  author = {Kornblith, Simon},
  howpublished = "\url{}",
  year = {2022}


We are happy to accept pull requests containing the predictions of new (or existing) ImageNet models on the tasks for which we include predictions in the predictions/ subdirectory. We are also happy to accept pull requests with predictions on other tasks where statistical comparison would be useful to the ML community.

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