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Prompt Tuning Implementation Details

This document details how the code works, where it lives, and some of the goals of the implementation.

Vocabulary and Notation

  • B :: The batch size.
  • T :: The sequence dimension of input, the number of tokens in an example.
  • H :: The hidden/embedding dimension of the model.
  • P :: The length of the prompt.
  • Model Tuning :: Transfer a model to a new task by updating all the parameters in the models. Commonly called fine-tuning.
  • Prefix-LM :: A language model that expects inputs and targets features in its batch dictionary. This kind of model can support a causal attention mask or an prefix attention mask.
  • Causal Attention Mask :: An attention mask where each timestep can only see the timesteps before it. See mask #2 in Figure 3 of the T5 paper.
  • Prefix Attention Mask :: An attention mask where there is some prefix of the input where attention has bidirectional visibility. See mask #3 in Figure 3 of the T5 paper. Note: The use of this mask implies the use a Prefix-LM but the use of a Prefix-LM doesn't imply the use of this mask.
  • verbalizers :: The string used to represent a class (Schick and Schütze, 2021).

Modeling in T5X

There are three levels of modeling when it comes to T5X.

  1. T5X/ :: The outermost layer is the model classes in T5X. These are normal python classes (not subclasses of Flax's nn.Module) that include methods like predict_batch and compute_logits. They handle interacting with the underlying Flax module, making the Flax init and apply calls.
  2. Flaxformer EncoderDecoder :: This layer is a Flaxformer module that handles the execution flow of the underlying components. For example, the EncoderDecoder class which has encode and decode methods, references to the actual encoder and decoder model, and a __call__ function that handles calling these in the correct order. This layer is also responsible for creating the attention masks which is the main reason we interact with it.
  3. Flaxformer Encoder and Decoder :: This layer is the Flaxformer modules that actually do the work, things like Encoder. We modify this layer to actually add the prompts to the input.

Creating Prompts

Our approach to prompting uses a prompt module that generates the prompt parameters which are added to the embedded input rather than using special virtual tokens with updatable embeddings.

The core implementation of our prompts can be found in The core Prompt module takes in the input tokens [B, T] and the embedded inputs [B, T, H] and returns an un-batched prompt variable, [P, H].

Using Prompt in Training

train/ includes modules that are used to help insert prompts during training. The actual prompt implementations are designed to return just the prompts themselves to allow for maximum flexibility in their use. These training modules take care of actually combining the prompt with the embedded inputs.

Adding Prompts To Models

All of our prompting layers are based on Flaxformer. They are generally small subclasses that override a method in order to add a call to the prompt module.

There are also a few Flaxformer subclasses whose main responsibility is to create updated attention masking that is aware of our prompt.

Adding to Encoders

The PromptEncoder class in train/ is our subclass that adds a prompt to the embedded input. We see here the only real changes are a new class attribute for creating the prompt module and the call to the prompt module itself.

The PromptEncoderDecoder class in train/ is our subclass that updates masking. On the encoder side we use our new prompt_encoder_attention_mask function to create a new encoder mask, this lets us do things like fancy masking for the prompt, while our decoder only needs to think there are P extra tokens in the input. The decoder always has full visibility to the encoder tokens so we don't need any things fancy.

Adding to Decoders

The PromptDecoder class in train/ adds prompts to the decoder itself. The PromptDecoderOnly class handles updated masking.

Note: The PromptDecoder could be combined with the PromptEncoder to make a PromptEncoderPromptDecoder that has prompts applied to both sides of the model. It would need to use the masking techniques from the PromptEncoderDecoder class to make the encoder_decoder_mask and from the PromptDecoderOnly class for the decoder_mask. Similarly we could create a class that is an encoder-decoder where the prompt is only applied to the decoder. We haven't had a need to write these classes yet.

Decoding with Prompts

The majority of prompt tuning has been able to be applied under-the-hood, that is, the user does not need to change the way they interact with the module, outside of configuration, to use the prompt. However, when doing decoding of a model where the prompt has been applied to the decoder itself changes need to be made, things like the size of the autoregressive cache, the number of timesteps to fill in a single shot, and more all change when the prompt need to be factored in. The PromptPrefixLanguageModel class in train/ is our implementation of decoding with prompts added.

Prompt-Only Updates

The goal of prompt tuning is for the prompt to be updatable while the original model is frozen. Hence, we need a mechanism that only applies the gradients to the prompt when updating the model weights. Our solution is based on the flax.optim.MultiOptimizer. This takes a sequence of tuples of traversal and optimizer objects. The traversal object takes a parameter name (that has been flattened by replacing nesting with / scoping) and applies a filter function to it. If the filter returns True the associated optimizer is used to update that parameter. The param_state of a parameter that is not touched by any optimizer will be None.

Our traversal filter function is a sequence of regular expressions. If any of the provided regexes match the parameter's name then that parameter will be updated.

We have several utilities required to use this multi-optimizer and configure it via gin.

  • match_any in train/ is used to create a filter function what will return true if the path argument matches any of the provided regexes.
  • Our MultiOptimizer fork in train/ In T5X parameter partitioning (deciding how to split parameters across multiple hosts in model-parallelism workloads) is done bottom up, where Flax modules emit a params_axes collection along with their parameters. These are used to assign logical names to parameter dimensions and those names to used to create partitioning rules. This setup currently requires us to use the version of Adafactor that is bundled with T5X instead of the one in Flax. This version of Adafactor has a slightly different API and the default one and this fork is designed to deal with that. The fork also has a different constructor signature to get around the fact that gin cannot bind to variadic parameters (parameters that can accept multiple input values, like *args in Python) by converting *travsreals_and_optimizers to a normal argument that expects a list and it then unpacks..

Note: Partial model training results in a checkpoint where the previous optimizer states have been set to None and will be missing from the final checkpoint. This means it is not possible to start another round of training where a different set of variables are trained (with their optimizer states getting reloaded) without a manual set of combining the original checkpoint (with the optimizer states) and the new checkpoint (with the trained parameter). As of 2022/01/07 learning rate schedules cannot be used to simulate partial training because they cause changes to the optimizer states, even when the learning rate is zero.

Partial Loading

Flax and T5X generally assume that the optimizer state defined by the config matches the optimizer state defined by the checkpoint. This is not the case for prompt tuning because of the new prompt parameter.

T5X lets us use the assignment_map field of the utils.RestoreCheckpointConfig to mark parameters as not expected to be in the checkpoint. The assignment map is a sequence of tuples. The main use case is to associate variable names that might differ between the model and on disk. Normally if the first element is the variable name in the optimizer as defined by the config and the second is the variable name in the optimizer as defined by the checkpoint. If we set this second value to None then we mark this parameter as skipped and we do not try to load it from disk. Coupled with the fallback_scratch parameter which backfills any parameter not loaded from disk with that is created via the modules normal initialization, we can load the main model from the checkpoint while initializing the prompt from scratch.

For simplicity we tend to use a tuple like ((r".*prompt.*", None),) to find our prompt variable.

Note: The T5X assignment_map code uses re.fullmatch meaning the provided regex need to match the string in its entirety, i.e. the .* before and after prompt are required.

Partial Saving

When training large models, for example T5 XXL, prompts can look like they are rather large (at a length of 100 this is 409600 parameters), but they are still a tiny fraction of the total number of parameters (only 0.0037% in this case). As such, saving the whole model, which is mostly the same as the pre-trained checkpoint is wasteful.

We use our Checkpointer subclass in train/utils to help alleviate this problem somewhat. Before saving the whole model, our subclass will save any parameter, whose name matches one of a list of regexes, to a Numpy array. The resulting file will live in ${MODEL_DIR}/numpy_checkpoints/checkpoint_{$step} and the name will be the flattened parameter scope, with . instead of /. We save these Numpy checkpoints into a different directory so that it is not effected by the T5X checkpoint retention configuration.

Note: Although, we technically only need these Numpy files for our checkpoint, we still do the full T5X checkpoint saving right now. This is because when T5X recovers from preemption, it checks for its own saved data format and loads that checkpoint (with things like the step) to continue training. We would need to override things in the main train function, it be able to recognize that our Numpy directory can be used to recover, and then also override the checkpoint loading to load the default checkpoint and then overwrite variables with values loaded from Numpy. Doing this would cut down on the time spent saving models, but isn't worth it, given the lack of configurability in parts of the training code. Instead, we set the number of checkpoints to keep as 1 so that we can recover from preemption but have access to the model state at all steps without copies of the large model.

Gin, Factories and Flaxformer

A simple way to think about how gin works is to imagine it as python's functools.partial. A gin configurable is the function and when gin parses the config file it applies arguments in that config file to that function. For example is we have the following configurable:

def my_func(x, b, c):

and the configuration file

  x = 2
  b = "hello"
  c = 34

We can imagine that gin will apply this configuration to our function and we can then call it with no parameters, like so:

# gin's configuration parsing applies arguments
my_func = functools.partial(my_func, x=2, b="hello", c=34)
# Then when we call it we don't need to include arguments

Flaxformer makes heavy use of this idea in their model configuration. The majority of class attributes are expected to be factories, that is, instead of directly passing a nn.Module into a Flaxformer model you pass a function that when called, with no arguments, returns the correct nn.Module. In gin they setup this up by having the class be the factory and gin is used to apply all the arguments. Then when the Flaxformer .setup method calls each factory function which returns a instance of the nn.Module you specified.

We follow this pattern in prompt tuning; the majority of configuration for anything Flaxformer related is either a call that has constructor arguments applied or a closure over the actual function that will be returned via the factory call.


To run the tests, install the package with the [test] option and then run pytest from the root of the cloned repository.

When possible we try to test all JAX based code under jax.jit. This can help find bugs that would not be noticed in other situations.

Some methods, such as the prompt initializes need to have some of their arguments marked as static when they are jited. These functions normally take something like a shape as an argument. When used in Flax they work correctly but applying jit directly to them results in the shape becoming a tracer object so what should be accessible shape information becomes unusable tensor values.

When you are using a mock to test that some injectable module or function is used correctly (for example, your test ends with .assert_called_once_with(...)) you cannot jit the method. This results in errors about how the tracer object has leaked. You can use a mock in a jited method to control outputs however.

We use mock.create_autospec and mock.path.object(obj, "attr", autospec=True) when possible. This validates that the mock is not being called with methods it does not have. However, this can cause issues, especially when you autospec a class and get an object back with instance=True. If you try to call .assert_called_once_with you will get an error because the self parameter is not handled correctly. In these cases you need to check if called are equal using self.assertEqual and

We provide test utilities, (ArrayEqualMatcher and ArrayAllCloseMatcher) to help make assertions about function calls that take jax/numpy arrays as arguments. .assert_called_once_with does not correctly handle array parameters that are not the same object. The equality check it does first does an is check before calling the (possibly much more expensive) __eq__ check. This means if the array your mock was called with is the same object as the one you are checking in the assert, the test would pass, but if they are different objects with the same value, it would fail. The ArrayMatcher classes define __eq__ methods that uses np.(array_equal|allclose) to compare arrays. By wrapping the arrays in the expected call (the arguments to .assert_called_once_with) in this call we can use normal asserts with arrays as arguments.

Longer Running, More Integration-Style Tests

train/ includes a few tests that are longer running and more of a large scale integration test, making sure that the models, layers, configs, and prompts all work together. One test is that when the model is updated, only the prompt variable is changed. The second test is that model weights (except for the prompt weight) is correctly loaded from the checkpoint.