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Dagger 2.0 Release

Closed Apr 21, 2015 100% complete

The initial release of the 2.0 code-line, supporting:

  • @Component interfaces representing a custom API to access a graph of objects
  • JSR-330 injection automation using @Inject signals, @Qualifiers
  • Simple bindings of implementations to interfaces, custom provision of objects, and set-bindings
  • Compile-time validation of graph structure (cycles, missing bindi…

The initial release of the 2.0 code-line, supporting:

  • @Component interfaces representing a custom API to access a graph of objects
  • JSR-330 injection automation using @Inject signals, @Qualifiers
  • Simple bindings of implementations to interfaces, custom provision of objects, and set-bindings
  • Compile-time validation of graph structure (cycles, missing bindings, duplicate bindings)
  • Generation of
    • backing implementations for components
    • factories for @Inject constructors and modules
    • members-injectors for @Inject methods and fields

Some additional experimental features may be present, but are not warranted to be in their final form, notably:

  • Map bindings.

This milestone is closed.

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