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Releases: google/etils


12 Jun 10:22
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  • epath:
    • Support pydantic serialization of epath.Path


04 Jun 14:42
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  • epath:
    • Fix an infinite recursion on is_relative_to for Python>=3.12.


31 May 14:31
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  • epy:
    • Add epy.lazy_api_imports to lazy-import symbols.
    • Removed: epy.cached_property
    • epy.lazy_imports: Error callback accept a str to auto-re-raise
      with additional info.
    • Fix mixing epy.lazy_imports() with epy.binary_adhoc().
  • ecolab:
    • Added reload_workspace=True to adhoc to auto-reload from workspace
    • Add ecolab.get_permalink()
    • Fix ecolab.inspect not finding static files when the kernel contain
      partial etils deps.
  • epath:
    • Fix error when importlib.resources.files return MultiplexedPath
    • Fix gs:// URI for 3.12
    • Fix .walk 3.12 error (topdown -> top_down rename)
  • Full compatibility with Python 3.12 (unit tests run on both 3.11 and 3.12).


19 Mar 15:36
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  • Drop Python 3.10 support.
  • epy:
    • epy.pretty_repr: Add support for namedtuple
  • ecolab:
    • Add ecolab.disp(obj)
    • Add ;h for syntax highlighting with auto-display
    • Fix proto error on import


15 Feb 22:24
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  • epath:
    • Add mode to epath.Path.stat output. Does not work for Windows nor
      when is used.
    • Add .walk to epath.Path. Similar usage than pathlib.Path.walk
  • epy:
    • Added: epy.reverse_fstring: Reverse fstring parsing
    • Added: reload= for epy.binary_adhoc(), fixed behavior for
      consistency with ecolab.adhoc
    • Added: epy.pprint: Pretty print an object (including dataclass).
    • Added: epy.pretty_repr_top_level
    • Added: epy.wraps_cls equivalent of functools.wraps but for classes.
    • Breaking: epy.lazy_imports(error_callback=) has now signature
      (Exception) -> None (instead of (str) -> None)
    • Fixed: epy.pretty_repr missing trailing , for tuple with single
  • ecolab:
    • Changed: ecolab.auto_display: Better representation when line is
    • Fix adhoc that delete sub-module when invalidate=False
    • adhoc with reload_mode=UPDATE_INPLACE now supports enums, so old
      versions compare equal to new versions. Enums compared as a is FOO
      might still fail.
    • adhoc with reload_mode=UPDATE_INPLACE is now much faster.
    • When using cell_autoreload=True the default reload_mode is
    • Better error message for adhoc reload
  • exm:
    • Added: exm.set_citc_source() to specify which workspace to use when
      using XManager on Colab
  • etree:
    • Added is_leaf kwarg to .map and .parallel_map
  • enp:
    • Add ArraySpec support for flax.linen.summary.


11 Dec 10:35
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  • ecolab:
    • Added protobuf repeated fields support to ecolab.inspect
    • ecolab.auto_display:
      • Support specifiers to customize auto-display (;s, ;a, ;i,
      • Fixed auto-display when the line contain UTF-8 character
    • Fix a bug for ecolab.highlight_html to escape HTML string.
  • epy:
    • epy.lazy_imports() support adhoc imports (will re-create the original
      ecolab.adhoc context when resolved)
    • Added: epy.binary_adhoc() to add adhoc imports when using Python
    • epy.lazy_imports() supports error and success callbacks
    • Added: epy.pretty_repr support attr dataclass-like objects.
  • exm:
    • Adding artifacts can be used inside with xm.create_experiment()


24 Oct 12:23
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  • ecolab:
    • Fix import error in IPython when 7.0 <= version < 8
  • epath:
    • Fix resource_path when used on a adhoc-imported module.


11 Oct 15:25
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  • epath:
    • Fix glob issue when used with ffspec.


19 Sep 16:59
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  • ecolab:
    • Auto display statements ending with ; (assignments, return
      statements, expressions,...).
    • Adhoc proto now supports message extensions.
  • epath:
    • Add missing_ok=False kwargs to path.rmtree.
    • Add fsspec_backend relying on fsspec to handle GCS/S3 without needing
      TensorFlow. This means that gcsfs and s3fs become required
      dependencies to read respectively GCS and S3. TensorFlow is no more
      required. Note: If TensorFlow is installed, we still default to
      the tf_backend for backward compatibility.
    • Changed: path.glob raise an error if insufficient permission.
  • enp:
    • ArraySpec.from_array:
      • Fix when TF is in graph mode.
      • Add orbax metadata support
  • epy:
    • Add epy.pretty_repr for pretty print an object (including dataclass).
    • Add epy.diff_str for pretty diff print of 2 objects.
    • Add epy.is_namedtuple
  • etree:
    • Fix for namedtuple (Python backend)


31 Jul 13:39
Choose a tag to compare
  • lazy_imports: More lazy imports
  • epath: Remove circular deps