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This is not an officially supported Google product.

Git Patrol Service

A service to monitor git repositories and trigger Google Cloud Build workflows when changes are noticed. The Google Cloud Build service is capable of monitoring and triggering workflows from a limited selection of public hosting services (ex: GitHub). The Git Patrol service is written to fill in the gaps for users of other hosting platforms.


The Git Patrol service is delivered via Docker container image. The container currently assumes that credentials are secured and delivered by the Google Cloud KMS and Google Cloud Storage services. Long term persistent state is stored in a PostgreSQL database such as those available in Google Cloud SQL.

Add secrets

Follow the Google Cloud KMS directions on Storing secrets. This involves creating a separate Google Cloud project to host the key management service. These Cloud KMS settings are passed to the script in the Docker container's KMS_PROJECT, KMS_KEYRING and KMS_KEY environment variables.

The script assumes that credentials are stored encrypted in a .tar.gz archive stored in a Cloud Storage bucket. The URL to this file is passed in the Docker container's SECRET_URL environment variable.

Build the container

To create a new container image follow the instructions below.

  1. Install Docker CE.
  2. Build the Git Patrol container.
$ docker build . --tag git-patrol \
    --build-arg SECRET_URL=<cloud_storage_secret_url> \
    --build-arg KMS_PROJECT=<cloud_kms_project> \
    --build-arg KMS_KEYRING=<cloud_kms_keyring> \
    --build-arg KMS_KEY=<cloud_kms_key>

Configure the cloud

Configure a Google Cloud service account with Reader access to the secret archive stored at SECRET_URL and Decrypter access to the encryption key at KMS_KEY.

Configure PostgreSQL database

Run the SQL script in git_patrol_db.sql to create the database tables required by the Git Patrol service. Database connection parameters are passed to the service via the following command line flags.

  • --db_host: Hostname or IP address of the database server
  • --db_port: Destination port on the database server
  • --db_user: The name of the database role used for authentication
  • --db_password: The password used for authentication
  • --db_name: Name of the database to access on the database server


Most deployments to Google Cloud just need to use the Git Patrol container's default entrypoint. This will automatically download, decrypt and extract credentials before starting the service. The container can be manually started as follows.

$ docker run git-patrol


The Git Patrol service has a (growing) unit test suite. Run it with the following commands.

$ python3
$ python3

Configure Kubernetes

A hermetic environment can be created by running a PostgreSQL database instance in a sidecar container on the same pod as the Git Patrol service. The recommended container is At startup this container will run any .sql scripts mounted into the /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d folder. Kubernetes can be configured to mount the Git Patrol's database setup script to that folder with a ConfigMap with the following command.

$ kubectl create configmap gp-db-init-scripts --from-file=scripts/git_patrol_db.sql

Local testing

The Kubernetes test deployment can be manually replicated on the local workstation by starting the PostgreSQL and Git Patrol containers individually. Database connection options will need to be passed to the container through environment variables and the Cloud Build workflow volume will need to be manually mounted.

It is recommended that a strong password be used to secure the database at all times, even for test deployments. The following command will create a random password and store it in the POSTGRES_PASSWORD environment variable so it can be passed into local containers.

$ POSTGRES_PASSWORD=$(dd if=/dev/urandom bs=1 count=9 status=none | base64)

Run the container locally.

$ docker run \
    --detach \
    --volume $PWD/scripts:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d \
    --publish 5432:5432 \

Pass local workstation credentials for Google Cloud into the Git Patrol container instance by mounting $HOME/.config/gcloud as a volume. Taken from StackOverflow at

$ docker run \
    --env DB_HOST=<database_host_or_ip_address>
    --env DB_NAME=<database_name>
    --env DB_USER=<database_user>
    --volume $HOME/.config/gcloud:/root/.config/gcloud
    --volume <cloud_build_config_path>:/cloud-build-config.d


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