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Releases: google/java-photoslibrary


01 Jun 19:08
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This release includes updated dependencies.


04 Feb 03:34
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This release includes updated dependencies and related changes.

This includes a fix for issue #45.

Related dependency changes

If you are using the Google Auth Library for Java, you may have to update dependencies for your project. Depending on your configuration you may need to explicitly include the correct version of this library. (Earlier versions included this as an implicit dependency.)

See the samples/build.gradle file for an example. The sample application uses the http variant of the Google Auth library to handle user authentication and to retrieve credentials.

v1.7.1: Sorting search results

30 Sep 01:02
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Sorting date filter based searches

This release includes support to sort date filter based searches. See the Google Photos Library API developer guide for more details about this functionality.

  • New parameter for PhotosLibraryClient#searchMediaItems(..) that takes in an OrderBy option to sort returned results.
  • Included sorting as an option in the filter demo application.

See the Google Photos Library API release notes, the javadoc reference documentation and the development guides for further details.


We have also made some improvements to the project's README by expanding the sample usage section to reference the Google API extension library used by this project.

v1.7.0: Updated retry and error handling

24 Aug 06:11
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This release includes updates to the media upload feature, new default settings for retrying API calls and a new code sample application showing how to efficiently upload media.

This release updates the way in which errors are handled and API calls are retried.

Improvements to media uploads

This release fixes several issues related to media uploads (issues #39 #32 #31 #30 ) and improves the overall behaviour and performance of this feature. In particular, errors and upload failures are now handled and retried in a more robust way.

New default retry configuration

This release includes updated default settings and improved logic for handling (and retrying) upload failures and API calls.

For most integrations, the new default configuration will be more robust and lead to an improved application behaviour.

However, if you have relied on default settings and specific retry behaviour, please check the new retry configuration and customize it as needed. The defaults are configured in the files
and Refer to the new retry configuration section in the README on how to customize these settings.

In particular, API calls that modify the user's library are no longer automatically retried and media byte upload calls are now attempted multiple times with a maximum timeout.

New sample application

This release includes a new sample application (UploadDemo) that shows how to upload media efficiently, including parallelization of API calls and other best practices.


12 Feb 05:25
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Fixes a bug where the internal upload channel was not closed correctly when close() was called. [Issues #23 and #33]
(Thanks to @mixin82 for the pull request!)

This change also includes updated dependencies. [Issue #41]


08 Jul 06:12
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This release includes support to update albums (titles and cover photos), media items (descriptions) and new sharing controls.

  • Support for updating albums. The album must have been created by the developer via the API and must be owned by the user.
    • New call PhotosLibraryClient#updateAlbumTitle(..) to update the title of an album.
    • New call PhotosLibraryClient#updateAlbumCoverPhoto(..) to update the cover photo of an album.
  • Support for updating media items. The media item must have been created by the developer via the API and must be owned by the user:
    • New call PhotosLibraryClient#updateMediaItemDescription(..) to update the description of a media item.
  • New property isJoinable added to ShareInfo to indicate whether a user can join the album. See the updated sharing guide in the Library API developer documentation.
  • Updated Gradle wrapper to 6.5.1.

See the Google Photos Library API release notes, the javadoc reference documentation and the development guides for further details.


03 Apr 04:21
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This release changes how filenames and mimetypes can be specified for uploads.

See the javadoc reference documentation and the development guides for further details.


16 Aug 06:14
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This release includes a new property to distinguish ownership of shared albums.

  • New property isOwned added to ShareInfo to identify if the user is the owner of the shared album.

See the javadoc reference documentation and the development guides for further details.


13 Jun 04:17
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This release includes a new filter to find media items the user has marked as favorite and new content categories:

  • New FeatureFilter that can be set inside the Filters for PhotosLibraryClient.searchMediaItems(...) calls. Use the FAVORITES feature to select favorites from the user's library.
  • Updated dependencies

See the javadoc reference documentation and the development guides for further details.


30 Apr 04:27
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This release includes new calls for adding and removing media items from an album:

  • New call batchAddMediaItemsToAlbum(albumId, mediaItemIds) to add existing media items to an album
  • New call batchRemoveMediaItemsFromAlbum(albumId, mediaItemIds) to remove media items from an album
    For both calls, the media items and albums must have been created by your application.

Breaking changes:

  • The basic types Album, MediaItem, DateRange and all associated properties (ContributorInfo, MediaMetadata, Photo, ShareInfo and Video) have moved to the new package Their functionality has not changed, only their location in this client library. Please update your import statements to continue using this library. See the reference documentation for more details.

This release also updates the dependencies to correctly rely on at build time. This fixes