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[jax2tf] Updates custom_assert for jax2tf SVD (primitive) limitations.
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tlu7 authored and jax authors committed Mar 30, 2022
1 parent 0694dbd commit 19e3592
Showing 1 changed file with 131 additions and 12 deletions.
143 changes: 131 additions & 12 deletions jax/experimental/jax2tf/tests/
Expand Up @@ -972,26 +972,145 @@ def svd(cls, harness: primitive_harness.Harness):
# TODO: slow test
compute_uv = harness.params["compute_uv"]

# Both `r_jax` and `r_tf` are 3-Tuples containing the SVD results:
# `S` (singular values), `U` (left singular vectors), and `Vh` (the
# adjoint of the right singular vectors). Note that the TF results are
# obtained through `_svd` in jax/experimental/jax2tf/
def custom_assert(tst, r_jax, r_tf, *, args, tol, err_msg):

def _reconstruct_operand(result, is_tf: bool):
def reconstruct_operand(result):
# Reconstructing operand as documented in numpy.linalg.svd (see
s, u, v = result
U = u[..., :s.shape[-1]]
V = v[..., :s.shape[-1], :]
S = s[..., None, :]
return jnp.matmul(U * S, V), s.shape, u.shape, v.shape
return jnp.matmul(U * S, V, precision=lax.Precision.HIGHEST)

# Compares the shapes.
def compare_shapes(r_jax, r_tf):
shapes_jax = [result.shape for result in r_jax]
shapes_tf = [result.shape for result in r_tf]
tst.assertEqual(shapes_jax, shapes_tf)

# Compares reconstructed operand.
# Computes backward error
# and uses the maximum backward error if there are batch dimensions.
# The backward error is bounded by some constant multiplying the machine
# precision.
# TODO: Compares the operand instead of the reconstructed operand.
def compare_reconstructed_operand(r_jax, r_tf, tol):
operand_jax = reconstruct_operand(r_jax)
operand_tf = reconstruct_operand(r_tf)
error_norm = jnp.linalg.norm(operand_jax - operand_tf,
axis=(-2, -1))
backward_error = (error_norm /
jnp.linalg.norm(operand_jax, axis=(-2, -1)))
max_backward_error = jnp.amax(backward_error)
tst.assertLess(max_backward_error, tol)

# Computes the absolute gap between singular value `\sigma_i` and the
# nearest other singular value and for all singular values. The absolute
# gap is used to approximate the upper bound of angular difference
# between the computed and the true singular vectors. If the matrix is
# rectangular `m != n`, the gap for the smallest nonzero singular value
# should also consider the gap between it and zero. Note that this code
# relies on the singular values being in descending order.
def compute_absolute_gap(s, m, n):
forward_appendant = np.Inf if m == n else 0
forward_diff = jnp.diff(s, axis=-1, append=forward_appendant)
backward_diff = jnp.diff(
s[..., ::-1], axis=-1, append=np.Inf)[..., ::-1]
absolute_gap = jnp.minimum(jnp.abs(forward_diff),
return absolute_gap

# See `CompareSingularVectors` in
# tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/linalg/
def compare_singular_vectors(x, y, *, error_bound):
# Singular vectors are only unique up to sign (complex phase factor for
# complex matrices), so we normalize the sign first.
sum_of_ratios = jnp.sum(jnp.divide(y, x), -2, keepdims=True)
phases = jnp.divide(sum_of_ratios, jnp.abs(sum_of_ratios))
x *= phases

# Note that in general `sqrt(sum(squares))` is not a stable way to
# compute l2 vector norms, but it should be OK for normalization
# factors of vectors with norm ~= 1 as here.
def dot_column_wise(a, b):
output = jnp.sum(jnp.einsum('...ij,...ij->...ij', a.conj(), b,
return jnp.real(output)

cos_angular_diff = (
dot_column_wise(x, y) /
jnp.sqrt(dot_column_wise(x, x) * dot_column_wise(y, y)))

# Values of `\cos(angular_diff)` outside the interval [0, 1] are clipped
# to the interval edges. For example, `\cos(angular_diff)` could contain
# values like 1.0000001 on float32, which are clipped to 1.0. It is
# possible that anything other than `cos_angular_diff` can be outside
# the interval [0, 1] due to roundoff.
cos_angular_diff = jnp.clip(cos_angular_diff, a_min=0.0, a_max=1.0)

angular_diff = jnp.arccos(cos_angular_diff)

# TODO: removes the slack factor on the angular difference.
# It is possible that the singular vectors are not accurate to much more
# than O(\sqrt(eps)), which is likely a property of the SVD algorithms
# in question; revisit with better understanding of the SVD algorithms.
if x.dtype in [np.float32, np.complex64]:
slack_factor = 1E4
elif x.dtype in [np.float64, np.complex128]:
slack_factor = 1E9

slack_factor * error_bound)

if compute_uv:
r_jax_reconstructed = _reconstruct_operand(r_jax, False)
r_tf_reconstructed = _reconstruct_operand(r_tf, True)
# Compares the shapes.
compare_shapes(r_jax, r_tf)

# Compares the singular values. Each computed singular value `\sigma_i`
# differs from the true `\sigma_i`* by at most
# `|\sigma_i - \sigma_i*| <= \epsilon \sigma_1`, where `\sigma_1` is the
# largest singular value and `\epsilon` denotes the machine precision.
s_jax, s_tf = r_jax[0], r_tf[0]
tst.assertAllClose(s_jax, s_tf, atol=tol, rtol=tol, err_msg=err_msg)

# Compares the reconstructed operand.
compare_reconstructed_operand(r_jax, r_tf, tol)

# Compares the singular vectors.
# We only compare the first `rank` singular vectors since the remainder
# forms an arbitrary orthonormal basis for the (row- or column-) null
# space, whose exact value depends on implementation details.
# TODO: A better estimation on the rank?
rank = r_jax[0].shape[-1]

# Computes the upper bound for angular difference of singular vectors.
# The upper bound has the shape of `[..., k]`, where `...` denotes the
# batch dimensions and `k` is the number of nonzero singular values.
m = r_jax[1].shape[-2]
n = r_jax[2].shape[-2]
absolute_gap = compute_absolute_gap(r_jax[0], m, n)
epsilon = jnp.finfo(r_jax[0].dtype).eps
sigma_largest = (r_jax[0][..., 0])[..., None]
upperbound_singular_vectors = epsilon * sigma_largest / absolute_gap
upperbound_singular_vectors = upperbound_singular_vectors[..., :rank]

# Left singular vectors.
u_jax = r_jax[1][..., :rank]
u_tf = r_tf[1][..., :rank]
compare_singular_vectors(u_jax, u_tf,

# Right singular vectors.
v_jax = jnp.swapaxes(r_jax[2][..., :rank, :], -2, -1).conj()
v_tf = jnp.swapaxes(r_tf[2][..., :rank, :], -2, -1).conj()
compare_singular_vectors(v_jax, v_tf,
tst.assertAllClose(r_jax, r_tf, atol=tol, rtol=tol, err_msg=err_msg)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1020,11 +1139,11 @@ def _reconstruct_operand(result, is_tf: bool):
devices=("cpu", "gpu"),
modes=("eager", "graph", "compiled")),
description="custom numeric comparison when compute_uv",
description="custom numeric comparison when compute_uv on CPU/GPU",
devices=("cpu", "gpu"),
modes=("eager", "graph", "compiled"),
enabled=(compute_uv == True))
enabled=(compute_uv == True)),

Expand Down

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