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Add partial_eval rule for for
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Co-authored-by: Matthew Johnson <>
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sharadmv and mattjj committed Jul 2, 2022
1 parent 1fc9afd commit a82047d
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Showing 2 changed files with 193 additions and 10 deletions.
155 changes: 154 additions & 1 deletion jax/_src/lax/control_flow/
Expand Up @@ -31,7 +31,9 @@
from jax._src import ad_util
from jax._src import dtypes
from jax._src import pretty_printer as pp
from jax._src.util import safe_map, safe_zip, split_list
from jax._src import source_info_util
from jax._src.util import (partition_list, merge_lists, safe_map, safe_zip,
import jax.numpy as jnp

from jax._src.lax.control_flow import loops
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -616,6 +618,157 @@ def _for_jvp(primals, tangents, *, jaxpr, nsteps, reverse, which_linear):
ad.primitive_jvps[for_p] = _for_jvp

def _partial_eval_jaxpr_custom(jaxpr, in_unknowns, policy):
# A simple wrapper around `pe.partial_eval_jaxpr_custom` that assumes all
# inputs are instantiated and doesn't ensure any outputs are unknown or
# instantiated.
return pe.partial_eval_jaxpr_custom(
jaxpr, in_unknowns, [True] * len(in_unknowns), False, False, policy)

_save_everything = lambda *_, **__: True

def _for_partial_eval(trace: pe.JaxprTrace, *tracers: pe.JaxprTracer,
jaxpr: core.Jaxpr, nsteps: int, reverse: bool,
which_linear: Tuple[bool]) -> List[pe.JaxprTracer]:
num_inputs = len(tracers)
in_unknowns = [not t.pval.is_known() for t in tracers]
# We first need to run a fixpoint to determine which of the `Ref`s are unknown
# after running the for loop. We want to use the jaxpr to determine which
# `Ref`s are unknown after executing the for loop body given which `Ref`s are
# unknown before. However, the jaxpr has no outputs. Instead, we discharge
# the body and run the fixpoint with the discharged jaxpr. We can do this
# because the outputs of the jaxpr are one-to-one with the inputs.
discharged_jaxpr, discharged_consts = discharge_state(jaxpr, ())
discharged_jaxpr = discharged_jaxpr.replace(
invars=discharged_jaxpr.constvars + discharged_jaxpr.invars,
for _ in range(num_inputs):
jaxpr_in_unknowns = [False] * len(discharged_consts) + [False, *in_unknowns]
_, _, out_unknowns, _, _ = _partial_eval_jaxpr_custom(
discharged_jaxpr, jaxpr_in_unknowns, _save_everything)
out_unknowns = list(out_unknowns)
if out_unknowns == in_unknowns:
in_unknowns = map(operator.or_, in_unknowns, out_unknowns)
raise Exception("Invalid fixpoint")
del out_unknowns # redundant since it's the same as `in_unknowns`
tracers = tuple(trace.instantiate_const(t) if uk else t
for t, uk in zip(tracers, in_unknowns))

# We use `partial_eval_jaxpr_custom` here because it won't remove effectful
# primitives like `get`/`set`.
jaxpr_known_resout, jaxpr_unknown_resin_, _, _, num_res = \
_partial_eval_jaxpr_custom(jaxpr, [False, *in_unknowns],
# `partial_eval_jaxpr_custom` will give us jaxprs that have hybrid `Ref` and
# regular valued input/outputs. However, we'd like to bind these jaxprs to a
# `for`, which expects only `Ref` inputs and no output. We need to convert
# both of these jaxprs into ones that are compatible with `for`.
# TODO(sharadmv,mattjj): implement "passthrough" optimization.
# TODO(sharadmv,mattjj): rematerialize loop-dependent values instead of
# passing the loop index as a residual

# `jaxpr_known_resout` is a jaxpr that maps from all the input `Refs`
# to output residual values (none of them should be `Ref`s). We'll need to
# convert the output residual values into `Ref`s that are initially empty
# `Ref`s that are written to at the end of the jaxpr.
# TODO(sharadmv,mattjj): detect which residuals are loop-invariant
jaxpr_known, res_avals = _convert_outputs_to_writes(nsteps,
# We now run the known jaxpr to obtain our residual values.
known_tracers, _ = partition_list(in_unknowns, tracers)
known_vals = [t.pval.get_known() for t in known_tracers]
empty_res = map(ad_util.zeros_like_aval, res_avals)
jaxpr_known_args = [*known_vals, *empty_res]
jaxpr_known_which_linear = (False,) * len(jaxpr_known_args)
out_flat = for_p.bind(*jaxpr_known_args, jaxpr=jaxpr_known, nsteps=nsteps,
reverse=reverse, which_linear=jaxpr_known_which_linear)
known_outputs, residuals = split_list(out_flat, [len(known_tracers)])
residuals = map(trace.new_instantiated_const, residuals)

# Now we handle the `jaxpr_unknown` that expects residual values as inputs.
# This jaxpr is the output of `partial_eval_jaxpr_custom` that marks which
# inputs are actually used.
# `partial_eval_jaxpr_custom` doesn't remove extra inputs/outputs for you
# so we use `dce_jaxpr` here to do that.
jaxpr_unknown_resin, used_inputs = pe.dce_jaxpr(
jaxpr_unknown_resin_, [], [True] * num_res + [True, *in_unknowns])
used_res, (used_i,), used_refs = split_list(used_inputs, [num_res, 1])
assert all(used_res), "All residuals should be used"
# To make it compatible with `for`, we need to convert those residual values
# into `Ref`s.
jaxpr_unknown = _convert_inputs_to_reads(nsteps, len(res_avals),
# Since not all inputs are used in jaxpr_unknown, we filter the input tracers
# down using the output of `dce_jaxpr`.
_, used_tracers = partition_list(used_refs, tracers)
_, used_which_linear = partition_list(used_refs, which_linear)
which_linear_unknown = (False,) * num_res + tuple(used_which_linear)
unknown_inputs = [*residuals, *used_tracers]
# Outputs match inputs so we construct output tracers that look like the input
# tracers.
res_ref_unknown_outputs = [
pe.JaxprTracer(trace, pe.PartialVal.unknown(t.aval), None)
for t in unknown_inputs]
name_stack = source_info_util.current_name_stack()[len(trace.name_stack):]
source = source_info_util.current().replace(name_stack=name_stack)

eqn = pe.new_eqn_recipe(unknown_inputs, res_ref_unknown_outputs,
for_p, dict(jaxpr=jaxpr_unknown, nsteps=nsteps,
core.no_effects, source)
_, unknown_outputs = split_list(res_ref_unknown_outputs, [num_res])
for t in unknown_outputs: t.recipe = eqn
return merge_lists(in_unknowns, known_outputs, unknown_outputs)
pe.custom_partial_eval_rules[for_p] = _for_partial_eval

def _convert_outputs_to_writes(
nsteps: int, jaxpr: core.Jaxpr) -> Tuple[core.Jaxpr,
assert not jaxpr.constvars, "Jaxpr shouldn't have constvars."

in_avals = [v.aval for v in jaxpr.invars] # [i, *orig_ref_avals]
def eval_jaxpr(i, *refs):
# We split the refs into the original input refs and the dummy residual
# refs.
orig_refs, residual_refs = split_list(refs, [len(in_avals) - 1])
residual_vals = core.eval_jaxpr(jaxpr, (), i, *orig_refs)
for res_ref, res_val in zip(residual_refs, residual_vals):
# TODO(sharadmv): loop-invariant residuals should not be an indexed write
res_ref[i] = res_val
return []
res_ref_avals = [ShapedArrayRef((nsteps, *v.aval.shape), v.aval.dtype) # pytype: disable=attribute-error
for v in jaxpr.outvars]
jaxpr, _, consts = pe.trace_to_jaxpr_dynamic(
eval_jaxpr, [*in_avals, *res_ref_avals])
assert not consts
return jaxpr, [core.ShapedArray(a.shape, a.dtype) for a in res_ref_avals]

def _convert_inputs_to_reads(
nsteps: int, num_res: int, jaxpr: core.Jaxpr,
) -> core.Jaxpr:
assert not jaxpr.constvars, "Jaxpr should not have constvars"

def eval_jaxpr(i, *refs):
residual_refs, orig_refs = split_list(refs, [num_res])
# TODO(sharadmv): don't do an indexed read for loop-invariant residuals
residual_vals = [r[i] for r in residual_refs]
() = core.eval_jaxpr(jaxpr, (), *residual_vals, i, *orig_refs)
return []

res_val_avals, (i_aval,), orig_ref_avals = \
split_list([v.aval for v in jaxpr.invars], [num_res, 1])
res_ref_avals = [ShapedArrayRef((nsteps, *aval.shape), aval.dtype) # pytype: disable=attribute-error
for aval in res_val_avals]

jaxpr, _, () = pe.trace_to_jaxpr_dynamic(
eval_jaxpr, [i_aval, *res_ref_avals, *orig_ref_avals])
return jaxpr

### Testing utility

def discharged_for_loop(nsteps, body, init_state, *, reverse: bool = False):
Expand Down
48 changes: 39 additions & 9 deletions tests/
Expand Up @@ -1543,7 +1543,7 @@ def f(c, a):
"jit_scan": jit_scan, "jit_f": jit_f, "scan": scan_impl}
for jit_scan in [False, True]
for jit_f in [False, True]
for scan_impl, scan_name in SCAN_IMPLS)
for scan_impl, scan_name in SCAN_IMPLS_WITH_FOR)
def testScanLinearize(self, jit_scan, jit_f, scan):
rng = self.rng()

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1944,6 +1944,15 @@ def body(x):
python_should_be_executing = False
lax.while_loop(cond, body, 0)

def test_caches_depend_on_axis_env(self):
scanned_f = lambda _, __: (lax.psum(1, 'i'), None)
f = lambda: lax.scan(scanned_f, 0, None, length=1)[0]
ans = jax.vmap(f, axis_name='i', axis_size=2, out_axes=None)()
self.assertEqual(ans, 2)
ans = jax.vmap(f, axis_name='i', axis_size=3, out_axes=None)()
self.assertEqual(ans, 3)

def testWhileCondConstant(self):
out = lax.while_loop(lambda _: False, lambda _: (), ()) # doesn't crash
self.assertEqual(out, ())
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2990,15 +2999,36 @@ def test_for_jvp(self, jit_for, f, ref, body_shapes, n):
self.assertAllClose(ans, expected, check_dtypes=True, rtol=tol, atol=tol)
jtu.check_grads(partial(for_, n, f), (args,), order=3, modes=["fwd"])

def test_caches_depend_on_axis_env(self):
scanned_f = lambda _, __: (lax.psum(1, 'i'), None)
f = lambda: lax.scan(scanned_f, 0, None, length=1)[0]
ans = jax.vmap(f, axis_name='i', axis_size=2, out_axes=None)()
self.assertEqual(ans, 2)
ans = jax.vmap(f, axis_name='i', axis_size=3, out_axes=None)()
self.assertEqual(ans, 3)
{"testcase_name": "_jit_for={}_f={}_nsteps={}".format(
jit_for, for_body_name, nsteps),
"jit_for": jit_for, "f": for_body, "body_shapes": body_shapes,
"ref": ref, "n": nsteps}
for jit_for in [False, True]
for for_body_name, for_body, ref, body_shapes, nsteps in [
("swap", for_body_swap, swap_ref, [(4,), (4,)], 4),
("swap_swap", for_body_swap_swap, swap_swap_ref, [(4,), (4,)], 4),
("sincos", for_body_sincos, sincos_ref, [(4,), (4,)], 4),
("sincostan", for_body_sincostan, sincostan_ref, [(4,), (4,)], 4),
("accum", for_body_accum, accum_ref, [(4,), (4,)], 3),
("sin_sq", for_body_sin_sq, sin_sq_ref, [(4,), (4,)], 4),
("reverse", for_body_reverse, reverse_ref, [(4,), (4,)], 4),
def test_for_linearize(self, jit_for, f, ref, body_shapes, n):
for_ = for_loop.for_loop
rng = self.rng()

args = [rng.randn(*s) for s in body_shapes]

if jit_for:
for_ = jax.jit(for_, static_argnums=(0, 1))
tol = {np.float64: 1e-12, np.float32: 1e-4}
ans = jax.linearize(lambda *args: for_( n, f, args), *args)[1](*args)
ans_discharged = jax.linearize(lambda *args: for_reference(n, f, args),
expected = jax.linearize(ref, *args)[1](*args)
self.assertAllClose(ans, ans_discharged, check_dtypes=True, rtol=tol, atol=tol)
self.assertAllClose(ans, expected, check_dtypes=True, rtol=tol, atol=tol)

if __name__ == '__main__':

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