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Add partial_eval_custom rule for for_loop
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sharadmv committed Sep 6, 2022
1 parent 0869183 commit b2a5d2c
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Showing 4 changed files with 247 additions and 54 deletions.
132 changes: 131 additions & 1 deletion jax/_src/lax/control_flow/
Expand Up @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
from jax._src import source_info_util
from jax._src import state
from jax._src.util import (partition_list, merge_lists, safe_map, safe_zip,
split_list, split_dict)
import jax.numpy as jnp
import numpy as np

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -319,6 +319,7 @@ def _for_partial_eval(trace: pe.JaxprTrace, *tracers: pe.JaxprTracer,
jaxpr: core.Jaxpr, nsteps: int, reverse: bool,
which_linear: Tuple[bool, ...]) -> List[pe.JaxprTracer]:
num_inputs = len(tracers)
assert num_inputs == len(jaxpr.invars) - 1
in_unknowns = [not t.pval.is_known() for t in tracers]
# We first need to run a fixpoint to determine which of the `Ref`s are unknown
# after running the for loop. We want to use the jaxpr to determine which
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -446,6 +447,135 @@ def _for_partial_eval(trace: pe.JaxprTrace, *tracers: pe.JaxprTracer,
return merge_lists(in_unknowns, known_outputs, unknown_outputs)
pe.custom_partial_eval_rules[for_p] = _for_partial_eval

def _for_partial_eval_custom(saveable, in_unknowns, in_inst, eqn):
jaxpr, nsteps, reverse, which_linear = split_dict(
eqn.params, ["jaxpr", "nsteps", "reverse", "which_linear"])
num_inputs = len(eqn.invars)
# We first need to run a fixpoint to determine which of the `Ref`s are unknown
# after running the for loop. However, the jaxpr has no outputs. Instead, we
# discharge the body and run the fixpoint with the discharged jaxpr. We can do
# this because the outputs of the discharged jaxpr are one-to-one with the
# inputs.
discharged_jaxpr, discharged_consts = discharge_state(jaxpr, ())
discharged_jaxpr = discharged_jaxpr.replace(
invars=discharged_jaxpr.constvars + discharged_jaxpr.invars,
in_unknowns, in_inst = list(in_unknowns), list(in_inst)
for _ in range(num_inputs):
jaxpr_in_unknowns = [False] * len(discharged_consts) + [False, *in_unknowns]
_, _, out_unknowns, inst_out, _, = pe.partial_eval_jaxpr_custom(
discharged_jaxpr, jaxpr_in_unknowns, True,
ensure_out_unknowns=in_unknowns, ensure_out_inst=True,
out_unknowns = list(out_unknowns)
if out_unknowns == in_unknowns:
in_unknowns = map(operator.or_, in_unknowns, out_unknowns)
raise Exception("Invalid fixpoint")
del out_unknowns # Redundant since it's the same as `in_unknowns`
new_inst = [x for x, inst in zip(eqn.invars, in_inst)
if type(x) is core.Var and not inst]
in_inst = [True] * len(eqn.invars)

# We use `partial_eval_jaxpr_custom` here because it won't remove effectful
# primitives like `get`/`set`.
jaxpr_known_resout, jaxpr_staged_resin_, _, _, num_res = \
pe.partial_eval_jaxpr_custom(jaxpr, [False, *in_unknowns],
[True, *in_inst], [], [], saveable)

# `partial_eval_jaxpr_custom` will give us jaxprs that have hybrid `Ref` and
# non-Ref input/outputs. However, we'd like to bind these jaxprs to a
# `for`, which expects only `Ref` inputs and no output. We need to convert
# both of these jaxprs into ones that are compatible with `for`.
# TODO(sharadmv,mattjj): implement "passthrough" optimization.
# TODO(sharadmv,mattjj): rematerialize loop-dependent values instead of
# passing the loop index as a residual

# `jaxpr_known_resout` is a jaxpr that maps from all the input `Refs`
# to output residual values (none of them should be `Ref`s). We'll need to
# convert the output residual values into `Ref`s that are initially empty
# `Ref`s that are written to at the end of the jaxpr.

# # Loop-invariant residual optimization
# Here we are interested in finding out which of the residuals are *not*
# dependent on the loop index. If a residual is not dependent on the loop
# index, we don't need add an extra loop dimension we're reading from when we
# convert it from an output into a write.

# In order to detect which residuals are loop-invariant, we need to run a
# fixpoint. This is because the residual could be dependent on a `Ref` that
# changes each iteration of the loop so we need to first detect which `Ref`s
# are loop-varying. We can do this by discharging the state from the jaxpr and
# running partial_eval with initially only the loop-index being loop-varying.
# The fixpoint will eventually propagate the loop-varying-ness over the
# inputs/outputs and we will converge.
loop_var_res = [False] * len(jaxpr_known_resout.outvars)
loop_var_refs = [False] * (len(jaxpr_known_resout.invars) - 1)
discharged_jaxpr_known_resout = core.ClosedJaxpr(
*discharge_state(jaxpr_known_resout, ()))
for _ in range(len(discharged_jaxpr_known_resout.jaxpr.invars)):
(_, _, loop_var_outputs, _) = pe.partial_eval_jaxpr_nounits(
discharged_jaxpr_known_resout, [True] + loop_var_refs, False)
loop_var_res, loop_var_refs_ = split_list(
loop_var_outputs, [len(loop_var_res)])
if loop_var_refs == loop_var_refs_:
loop_var_refs = map(operator.or_, loop_var_refs, loop_var_refs_)
# Now that the fixpoint is complete, we know which residuals are
# loop-invariant.
loop_invar_res = map(operator.not_, loop_var_res)

jaxpr_known, res_avals = _convert_outputs_to_writes(nsteps,

known_invars, _ = partition_list(in_unknowns, eqn.invars)
known_outvars, _ = partition_list(in_unknowns, eqn.outvars)
newvar = core.gensym()
resvars = map(newvar, res_avals)

def known(*known_vals):
empty_res = map(ad_util.zeros_like_aval, res_avals)
jaxpr_known_args = [*known_vals, *empty_res]
jaxpr_known_which_linear = (False,) * len(jaxpr_known_args)
return for_p.bind(*jaxpr_known_args, jaxpr=jaxpr_known, nsteps=nsteps,
reverse=reverse, which_linear=jaxpr_known_which_linear)
call_jaxpr_, _, call_jaxpr_consts = pe.trace_to_jaxpr_dynamic(
known, [v.aval for v in known_invars])
call_jaxpr = core.ClosedJaxpr(call_jaxpr_, call_jaxpr_consts)
eqn_known = pe.new_jaxpr_eqn(known_invars, [*known_outvars, *resvars],
core.closed_call_p, dict(call_jaxpr=call_jaxpr),
call_jaxpr.effects, eqn.source_info)

jaxpr_staged = _convert_inputs_to_reads(nsteps, len(res_avals),
which_linear_unknown = (False,) * num_res + tuple(which_linear)
params_staged = dict(eqn.params, jaxpr=jaxpr_staged, reverse=reverse,

def staged(*res_and_refs):
out_flat = for_p.bind(*res_and_refs, **params_staged)
_, ans = split_list(out_flat, [num_res])
_, ans = partition_list(inst_out, ans)
return ans
call_jaxpr_, _, call_jaxpr_consts = pe.trace_to_jaxpr_dynamic(
staged, [v.aval for v in [*resvars, *eqn.invars]])
assert len(jaxpr_staged.invars) - 1 == len(call_jaxpr_.invars)
call_jaxpr = core.ClosedJaxpr(call_jaxpr_, call_jaxpr_consts)
_, outvars = partition_list(inst_out, eqn.outvars)
eqn_staged = pe.new_jaxpr_eqn([*resvars, *eqn.invars], outvars,
core.closed_call_p, dict(call_jaxpr=call_jaxpr),
call_jaxpr.effects, eqn.source_info)
new_vars = [*new_inst, *resvars]
return eqn_known, eqn_staged, in_unknowns, inst_out, new_vars

pe.partial_eval_jaxpr_custom_rules[for_p] = _for_partial_eval_custom

def _convert_outputs_to_writes(
nsteps: int, jaxpr: core.Jaxpr, loop_invar_res: Sequence[bool]
) -> Tuple[core.Jaxpr, List[core.ShapedArray]]:
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions jax/_src/state/
Expand Up @@ -328,10 +328,10 @@ def _state_partial_eval_custom(prim, saveable, unks_in, inst_in, eqn):
if any(unks_in):
res = [v for v, inst in zip(eqn.invars, inst_in) if not inst]
return None, eqn, [True] * len(eqn.outvars), [True] * len(eqn.outvars), res
elif saveable(get_p, *[var.aval for var in eqn.invars], **eqn.params):
elif saveable(prim, *[var.aval for var in eqn.invars], **eqn.params):
return eqn, None, [False] * len(eqn.outvars), [False] * len(eqn.outvars), []
res = [v for v, inst in zip(eqn.invars, inst_in) if not inst]
return eqn, eqn, [False] * len(eqn.outvars), [True] * len(eqn.outvars), []
return eqn, eqn, [False] * len(eqn.outvars), [True] * len(eqn.outvars), res

pe.partial_eval_jaxpr_custom_rules[get_p] = partial(_state_partial_eval_custom,
Expand Down
36 changes: 36 additions & 0 deletions jax/interpreters/
Expand Up @@ -1240,9 +1240,45 @@ def call_partial_eval_custom_rule(
new_inst = [x for x, inst in zip(eqn.invars, inst_in)
if type(x) is Var and not inst]
return eqn_known, eqn_staged, unks_out, inst_out, new_inst + residuals

def closed_call_partial_eval_custom_rule(
jaxpr_param_name: str,
saveable: Callable[..., bool], unks_in: List[bool], inst_in: List[bool],
eqn: JaxprEqn, *, res_aval: ResAvalUpdater = _default_res_aval_updater,
) -> Tuple[JaxprEqn, JaxprEqn, Sequence[bool], Sequence[bool], List[Var]]:
# TODO(sharadmv,mattjj): dedup this rule with call_partial_eval_custom_rule.
closed_jaxpr = eqn.params[jaxpr_param_name]
jaxpr = convert_constvars_jaxpr(closed_jaxpr.jaxpr)
unks_in = [False] * len(closed_jaxpr.consts) + list(unks_in)
inst_in = [False] * len(closed_jaxpr.consts) + list(inst_in)
jaxpr_known, jaxpr_staged, unks_out, inst_out, num_res = \
partial_eval_jaxpr_custom(jaxpr, unks_in, inst_in, False, False, saveable)
ins_known, _ = partition_list(unks_in, eqn.invars)
out_binders_known, _ = partition_list(unks_out, eqn.outvars)
_, ins_staged = partition_list(inst_in, eqn.invars)
_, out_binders_staged = partition_list(inst_out, eqn.outvars)
newvar = core.gensym([jaxpr_known, jaxpr_staged])
params_known = {**eqn.params, jaxpr_param_name: core.ClosedJaxpr(jaxpr_known,
params_staged = {**eqn.params, jaxpr_param_name:
core.ClosedJaxpr(jaxpr_staged, ())}
residuals = [newvar(res_aval(params_known, var.aval))
for var in jaxpr_staged.invars[:num_res]]
eqn_known = new_jaxpr_eqn(ins_known, [*out_binders_known, *residuals],
eqn.primitive, params_known, jaxpr_known.effects, eqn.source_info)
eqn_staged = new_jaxpr_eqn([*residuals, *ins_staged], out_binders_staged,
eqn.primitive, params_staged,
jaxpr_staged.effects, eqn.source_info)
assert len(eqn_staged.invars) == len(jaxpr_staged.invars)
new_inst = [x for x, inst in zip(eqn.invars, inst_in)
if type(x) is Var and not inst]
return eqn_known, eqn_staged, unks_out, inst_out, new_inst + residuals

partial_eval_jaxpr_custom_rules[core.call_p] = \
partial(call_partial_eval_custom_rule, 'call_jaxpr',
lambda _, __, ___, ____, _____, x, y: (x, y))
partial_eval_jaxpr_custom_rules[core.closed_call_p] = \
partial(closed_call_partial_eval_custom_rule, 'call_jaxpr')
partial_eval_jaxpr_custom_rules[core.named_call_p] = \
partial(call_partial_eval_custom_rule, 'call_jaxpr',
lambda _, __, ___, ____, _____, x, y: (x, y))
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