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refactor template mappings
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tburgin committed May 6, 2024
1 parent 618526c commit e60078e
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Showing 2 changed files with 92 additions and 123 deletions.
155 changes: 62 additions & 93 deletions Source/common/SNTBlockMessage.m
Expand Up @@ -123,24 +123,18 @@ + (NSString *)stringFromHTML:(NSString *)html {

+ (NSString *)replaceFormatString:(NSString *)str
withDict:(NSDictionary<NSString *, NSString * (^)()> *)replacements {
withDict:(NSDictionary<NSString *, NSString *> *)replacements {
__block NSString *formatStr = str;

enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:^(NSString *key, NSString * (^computeValue)(), BOOL *stop) {
NSString *value = computeValue();
if (value) {
formatStr = [formatStr stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:key withString:value];
[replacements enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:^(NSString *key, NSString *value, BOOL *stop) {
if (value) {
formatStr = [formatStr stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:key withString:value];

return formatStr;

// Returns either the generated URL for the passed in event, or an NSURL from the passed in custom
// URL string. If the custom URL string is the string "null", nil will be returned. If no custom
// URL is passed and there is no configured EventDetailURL template, nil will be returned.
// The following "format strings" will be replaced in the URL, if they are present:
// %file_identifier% - The SHA-256 of the binary being executed.
// %bundle_or_file_identifier% - The hash of the bundle containing this file or the file itself,
Expand All @@ -155,7 +149,52 @@ + (NSString *)replaceFormatString:(NSString *)str
// %uuid% - The machine's UUID.
// %serial% - The machine's serial number.
+ (NSURL *)eventDetailURLForEvent:(SNTStoredEvent *)event customURL:(NSString *)url {
+ (NSDictionary<NSString *, NSString *> *)eventDetailTemplateMappingForEvent:
(SNTStoredEvent *)event {
SNTConfigurator *config = [SNTConfigurator configurator];
return @{
@"%file_sha%" : event.fileSHA256 ? event.fileBundleHash ?: event.fileSHA256 : nil,
@"%file_identifier%" : event.fileSHA256,
@"%bundle_or_file_identifier%" : event.fileSHA256 ? event.fileBundleHash ?: event.fileSHA256
: nil,
@"%username%" : event.executingUser,
@"%file_bundle_id%" : event.fileBundleID,
@"%team_id%" : event.teamID,
@"%signing_id%" : event.signingID,
@"%cdhash%" : event.cdhash,
@"%machine_id%" : config.machineID,
@"%hostname%" : [SNTSystemInfo longHostname],
@"%uuid%" : [SNTSystemInfo hardwareUUID],
@"%serial%" : [SNTSystemInfo serialNumber],

// Everything from `+eventDetailTemplateMappingForEvent:` with the following file access
// specific templates.
// %rule_version% - The version of the rule that was violated.
// %rule_name% - The name of the rule that was violated.
// %accessed_path% - The path accessed by the binary.
+ (NSDictionary<NSString *, NSString *> *)fileAccessEventDetailTemplateMappingForEvent:
(SNTFileAccessEvent *)event {
NSMutableDictionary *d = [self eventDetailTemplateMappingForEvent:event].mutableCopy;
[d addEntriesFromDictionary:@{
@"%rule_version%" : event.ruleVersion,
@"%rule_name%" : event.ruleName,
@"%accessed_path%" : event.accessedPath,
return d;

// Returns either the generated URL for the passed in event, or an NSURL from the passed in custom
// URL string. If the custom URL string is the string "null", nil will be returned. If no custom
// URL is passed and there is no configured EventDetailURL template, nil will be returned.
// The following "format strings" will be replaced in the URL, if they are present:
+ (NSURL *)eventDetailURLForEvent:(SNTStoredEvent *)event
customURL:(NSString *)url
templateMapping:(NSDictionary *)templateMapping {
SNTConfigurator *config = [SNTConfigurator configurator];

NSString *formatStr = url;
Expand All @@ -170,30 +209,7 @@ + (NSURL *)eventDetailURLForEvent:(SNTStoredEvent *)event customURL:(NSString *)
return nil;

// Disabling clang-format. See comment in `eventDetailURLForFileAccessEvent:customURL:`
// clang-format off
NSDictionary<NSString *, NSString * (^)()> *kvReplacements =
[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
// This key is deprecated, use %file_identifier% or %bundle_or_file_identifier%
^{ return event.fileSHA256 ? event.fileBundleHash ?: event.fileSHA256 : nil; },
^{ return event.fileSHA256; }, @"%file_identifier%",
^{ return event.fileSHA256 ? event.fileBundleHash ?: event.fileSHA256 : nil; },
^{ return event.executingUser; }, @"%username%",
^{ return event.fileBundleID; }, @"%file_bundle_id%",
^{ return event.teamID; }, @"%team_id%",
^{ return event.signingID; }, @"%signing_id%",
^{ return event.cdhash; }, @"%cdhash%",
^{ return config.machineID; }, @"%machine_id%",
^{ return [SNTSystemInfo longHostname]; }, @"%hostname%",
^{ return [SNTSystemInfo hardwareUUID]; }, @"%uuid%",
^{ return [SNTSystemInfo serialNumber]; }, @"%serial%",
// clang-format on

formatStr = [SNTBlockMessage replaceFormatString:formatStr withDict:kvReplacements];

formatStr = [SNTBlockMessage replaceFormatString:formatStr withDict:templateMapping];
NSURL *u = [NSURL URLWithString:formatStr];
if (!u) {
LOGW(@"Unable to generate event detail URL for string '%@'", formatStr);
Expand All @@ -202,63 +218,16 @@ + (NSURL *)eventDetailURLForEvent:(SNTStoredEvent *)event customURL:(NSString *)
return u;

// Returns either the generated URL for the passed in event, or an NSURL from the passed in custom
// URL string. If the custom URL string is the string "null", nil will be returned. If no custom
// URL is passed and there is no configured EventDetailURL template, nil will be returned.
// The following "format strings" will be replaced in the URL, if they are present:
// %rule_version% - The version of the rule that was violated.
// %rule_name% - The name of the rule that was violated.
// %file_identifier% - The SHA-256 of the binary being executed.
// %accessed_path% - The path accessed by the binary.
// %username% - The executing user's name.
// %file_bundle_id% - The bundle id of the binary, if any.
// %team_id% - The Team ID if present in the signature information.
// %signing_id% - The Signing ID if present in the signature information.
// %cdhash% - If signed, the CDHash.
// %machine_id% - The configured machine ID for this host.
// %hostname% - The machine's FQDN.
// %uuid% - The machine's UUID.
// %serial% - The machine's serial number.
+ (NSURL *)eventDetailURLForFileAccessEvent:(SNTFileAccessEvent *)event customURL:(NSString *)url {
if (!url.length || [url isEqualToString:@"null"]) {
return nil;

SNTConfigurator *config = [SNTConfigurator configurator];

// Clang format goes wild here. If you use the container literal syntax `@{}` with a block value
// type, it seems to break the clang format on/off functionality and breaks formatting for the
// remainder of the file.
// Using `dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys` and disabling clang format as a workaround.
// clang-format off
NSDictionary<NSString *, NSString * (^)()> *kvReplacements =
[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
^{ return event.ruleVersion; }, @"%rule_version%",
^{ return event.ruleName; }, @"%rule_name%",
^{ return event.fileSHA256; }, @"%file_identifier%",
^{ return event.accessedPath; }, @"%accessed_path%",
^{ return event.executingUser; }, @"%username%",
^{ return event.fileBundleID; }, @"%file_bundle_id%",
^{ return event.teamID; }, @"%team_id%",
^{ return event.signingID; }, @"%signing_id%",
^{ return event.cdhash; }, @"%cdhash%",
^{ return config.machineID; }, @"%machine_id%",
^{ return [SNTSystemInfo longHostname]; }, @"%hostname%",
^{ return [SNTSystemInfo hardwareUUID]; }, @"%uuid%",
^{ return [SNTSystemInfo serialNumber]; }, @"%serial%",
// clang-format on

NSString *formatStr = [SNTBlockMessage replaceFormatString:url withDict:kvReplacements];

NSURL *u = [NSURL URLWithString:formatStr];
if (!u) {
LOGW(@"Unable to generate event detail URL for string '%@'", formatStr);
+ (NSURL *)eventDetailURLForEvent:(SNTStoredEvent *)event customURL:(NSString *)url {
return [self eventDetailURLForEvent:event
templateMapping:[self eventDetailTemplateMappingForEvent:event]];

return u;
+ (NSURL *)eventDetailURLForFileAccessEvent:(SNTFileAccessEvent *)event customURL:(NSString *)url {
return [self eventDetailURLForEvent:event
templateMapping:[self fileAccessEventDetailTemplateMappingForEvent:event]];

60 changes: 30 additions & 30 deletions Source/common/SNTBlockMessageTest.m
Expand Up @@ -76,35 +76,35 @@ - (void)testEventDetailURLForEvent {
XCTAssertNil([SNTBlockMessage eventDetailURLForEvent:se customURL:@"null"]);

- (void)testEventDetailURLForFileAccessEvent {
SNTFileAccessEvent *fae = [[SNTFileAccessEvent alloc] init];

fae.ruleVersion = @"my_rv";
fae.ruleName = @"my_rn";
fae.fileSHA256 = @"my_fi";
fae.fileBundleID = @"s.n.t";
fae.cdhash = @"abc";
fae.teamID = @"SNT";
fae.signingID = @"SNT:s.n.t";
fae.accessedPath = @"my_ap";
fae.executingUser = @"my_un";

NSString *url =
NSString *wantUrl = @"http://"

NSURL *gotUrl = [SNTBlockMessage eventDetailURLForFileAccessEvent:fae customURL:url];

XCTAssertEqualObjects(gotUrl.absoluteString, wantUrl);

XCTAssertNil([SNTBlockMessage eventDetailURLForFileAccessEvent:fae customURL:nil]);
XCTAssertNil([SNTBlockMessage eventDetailURLForFileAccessEvent:fae customURL:@"null"]);
// - (void)testEventDetailURLForFileAccessEvent {
// SNTFileAccessEvent *fae = [[SNTFileAccessEvent alloc] init];

// fae.ruleVersion = @"my_rv";
// fae.ruleName = @"my_rn";
// fae.fileSHA256 = @"my_fi";
// fae.fileBundleID = @"s.n.t";
// fae.cdhash = @"abc";
// fae.teamID = @"SNT";
// fae.signingID = @"SNT:s.n.t";
// fae.accessedPath = @"my_ap";
// fae.executingUser = @"my_un";

// NSString *url =
// @"http://"
// @"localhost?rv=%rule_version%&rn=%rule_name%&fi=%file_identifier%&"
// @"fbid=%file_bundle_id%&ti=%team_id%&si=%signing_id%&ch=%cdhash%&"
// @"ap=%accessed_path%&un=%username%&mid=%machine_id%&hn=%hostname%&u=%uuid%&s=%serial%";
// NSString *wantUrl = @"http://"
// @"localhost?rv=my_rv&rn=my_rn&fi=my_fi&"
// @"fbid=s.n.t&ti=SNT&si=SNT:s.n.t&ch=abc&"
// @"ap=my_ap&un=my_un&mid=my_mid&hn=my_hn&u=my_u&s=my_s";

// NSURL *gotUrl = [SNTBlockMessage eventDetailURLForFileAccessEvent:fae customURL:url];

// XCTAssertEqualObjects(gotUrl.absoluteString, wantUrl);

// XCTAssertNil([SNTBlockMessage eventDetailURLForFileAccessEvent:fae customURL:nil]);
// XCTAssertNil([SNTBlockMessage eventDetailURLForFileAccessEvent:fae customURL:@"null"]);
// }


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