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Log M3

Closed Sep 2, 2016 100% complete

Inclusion and Consistency proofs in backend and example CT frontend. Implementing any remaining missing bits in the CT frontend (not to production standard yet).

Due date chosen by the process known as "making stuff up" and subject to change.

Update: Moving integration tests and stuff into next milestone, this one now has a focus on finishing all the CT h…

Inclusion and Consistency proofs in backend and example CT frontend. Implementing any remaining missing bits in the CT frontend (not to production standard yet).

Due date chosen by the process known as "making stuff up" and subject to change.

Update: Moving integration tests and stuff into next milestone, this one now has a focus on finishing all the CT handlers and RPC backend support needed for them.

This milestone is closed.

No open issues remain. View closed issues or see open milestones in this repository.