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fix: check in service proto file (#1174)
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Co-authored-by: Ivan Cheung <>
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yan283 and ivanmkc committed May 11, 2022
1 parent e9510ea commit 5fdf151
Showing 1 changed file with 136 additions and 0 deletions.
136 changes: 136 additions & 0 deletions google/cloud/aiplatform/matching_engine/_protos/match_service.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
syntax = "proto3";


import "google/rpc/status.proto";

// MatchService is a Google managed service for efficient vector similarity
// search at scale.
service MatchService {
// Returns the nearest neighbors for the query. If it is a sharded
// deployment, calls the other shards and aggregates the responses.
rpc Match(MatchRequest) returns (MatchResponse) {}

// Returns the nearest neighbors for batch queries. If it is a sharded
// deployment, calls the other shards and aggregates the responses.
rpc BatchMatch(BatchMatchRequest) returns (BatchMatchResponse) {}

// Parameters for a match query.
message MatchRequest {
// The ID of the DeploydIndex that will serve the request.
// This MatchRequest is sent to a specific IndexEndpoint of the Control API,
// as per the That IndexEndpoint also has
// IndexEndpoint.deployed_indexes, and each such index has an
// field.
// The value of the field below must equal one of the
// fields of the IndexEndpoint that is being called for this request.
string deployed_index_id = 1;

// The embedding values.
repeated float float_val = 2;

// The number of nearest neighbors to be retrieved from database for
// each query. If not set, will use the default from
// the service configuration.
int32 num_neighbors = 3;

// The list of restricts.
repeated Namespace restricts = 4;

// Crowding is a constraint on a neighbor list produced by nearest neighbor
// search requiring that no more than some value k' of the k neighbors
// returned have the same value of crowding_attribute.
// It's used for improving result diversity.
// This field is the maximum number of matches with the same crowding tag.
int32 per_crowding_attribute_num_neighbors = 5;

// The number of neighbors to find via approximate search before
// exact reordering is performed. If not set, the default value from scam
// config is used; if set, this value must be > 0.
int32 approx_num_neighbors = 6;

// The fraction of the number of leaves to search, set at query time allows
// user to tune search performance. This value increase result in both search
// accuracy and latency increase. The value should be between 0.0 and 1.0. If
// not set or set to 0.0, query uses the default value specified in
// NearestNeighborSearchConfig.TreeAHConfig.leaf_nodes_to_search_percent.
int32 leaf_nodes_to_search_percent_override = 7;

// Response of a match query.
message MatchResponse {
message Neighbor {
// The ids of the matches.
string id = 1;

// The distances of the matches.
double distance = 2;
// All its neighbors.
repeated Neighbor neighbor = 1;

// Parameters for a batch match query.
message BatchMatchRequest {
// Batched requests against one index.
message BatchMatchRequestPerIndex {
// The ID of the DeploydIndex that will serve the request.
string deployed_index_id = 1;

// The requests against the index identified by the above deployed_index_id.
repeated MatchRequest requests = 2;

// Selects the optimal batch size to use for low-level batching. Queries
// within each low level batch are executed sequentially while low level
// batches are executed in parallel.
// This field is optional, defaults to 0 if not set. A non-positive number
// disables low level batching, i.e. all queries are executed sequentially.
int32 low_level_batch_size = 3;

// The batch requests grouped by indexes.
repeated BatchMatchRequestPerIndex requests = 1;

// Response of a batch match query.
message BatchMatchResponse {
// Batched responses for one index.
message BatchMatchResponsePerIndex {
// The ID of the DeployedIndex that produced the responses.
string deployed_index_id = 1;

// The match responses produced by the index identified by the above
// deployed_index_id. This field is set only when the query against that
// index succeed.
repeated MatchResponse responses = 2;

// The status of response for the batch query identified by the above
// deployed_index_id.
google.rpc.Status status = 3;

// The batched responses grouped by indexes.
repeated BatchMatchResponsePerIndex responses = 1;

// Namespace specifies the rules for determining the datapoints that are
// eligible for each matching query, overall query is an AND across namespaces.
message Namespace {
// The string name of the namespace that this proto is specifying,
// such as "color", "shape", "geo", or "tags".
string name = 1;

// The allowed tokens in the namespace.
repeated string allow_tokens = 2;

// The denied tokens in the namespace.
// The denied tokens have exactly the same format as the token fields, but
// represents a negation. When a token is denied, then matches will be
// excluded whenever the other datapoint has that token.
// For example, if a query specifies {color: red, blue, !purple}, then that
// query will match datapoints that are red or blue, but if those points are
// also purple, then they will be excluded even if they are red/blue.
repeated string deny_tokens = 3;

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