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Python webapp2 Skeleton for Google App Engine

status: inactive A skeleton for building Python applications on Google App Engine with the webapp2 framework.

See our other Google Cloud Platform github repos for sample applications and scaffolding for other python frameworks and use cases.

Run Locally

  1. Install the App Engine Python SDK. See the README file for directions. You'll need python 2.7 and pip 1.4 or later installed too.

  2. Clone this repo with

    git clone
  3. Install dependencies in the project's lib directory. Note: App Engine can only import libraries from inside your project directory.

    cd appengine-try-python-webapp2
    pip install -r requirements.txt -t lib
  4. Run this project locally from the command line: .

Visit the application http://localhost:8080

See the development server documentation for options when running dev_appserver.


To deploy the application:

  1. Use the Cloud Developer Console to create a project/app id. (App id and project id are identical)

  2. Use the Admin Console to view data, queues, and other AppEngine specific administration tasks.

  3. Deploy the application with -A <your-project-id> --oauth2 update .

    OR Use the google gcloud CLI to deploy your app:

    gcloud auth login # only necesssary once
    gcloud config set project <your-project-id> # only necessary once
    gcloud preview app deploy .

    OR on supported platforms, use the GoogleAppEngineLauncher GUI tool to deploy your app.

  4. Congratulations! Your application is now live at

Data Persistence Options

To add persistence to your models, use NDB for scale. Consider CloudSQL if you need a relational database.

Installing Libraries

See the Third party libraries page for libraries that are already included in the SDK. To include SDK libraries, add them in your app.yaml file. Other than libraries included in the SDK, only pure python libraries may be added to an App Engine project. If you would like more flexibility and customization over your project while still keeping the powerful automatic infrastructure management of AppEngine, consider [Managed VMs] (


Star this repo if you found it useful. Use the github issue tracker to give feedback on this repo.

Contributing changes





Bill Prin, Takashi Matsuo, Jon Parrot