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Simple node.js Example

This is a very simple "server" that doesn't do much other than show how the SDK works in node.js.

It will:

  • Set up the Agones SDK and connect to the SDK-server
  • Add a watch to display status updates from the SDK-server
  • Set labels, annotations
  • Manage a fake lifecycle from Ready through Allocated and Reserved
  • Every 10 seconds, write a log showing how long it has been running for
  • Every 20 seconds, mark as healthy
  • After the shutdown duration (default 60 seconds), shut the server down
  • Parse options to get help or set the shutdown timeout duration

If alpha features are enabled it will additionally:

  • Set and get the player capacity (this is not enforced)
  • Add, get and remove players, and test if they are present

To learn how to deploy this example service to GKE, please see the tutorial Build and Run a Simple Gameserver (node.js).


If you want to modify the source code and/or build an updated container image, run make build from this directory. This will run the docker build command with the correct context.

This example uses a Docker container to host the SDK and example it inside a container so that no special build tools need to be installed on your system.

Testing locally with Docker

If you want to run the example locally, you need to start an instance of the SDK-server. To run an SDK-server for 120 seconds, run

$ cd ../../build; make run-sdk-conformance-local TIMEOUT=120 TESTS=ready,watch,health,gameserver

In a separate terminal, while the SDK-server is still running, build and start a container with the example gameserver:

$ make build
$ make run

The example can also be run via docker:

$ docker run --network=host

Or directly via npm:

$ npm start

You will see the output like the following:

docker run --network=host

> @ start /home/server/examples/nodejs-simple
> node src/index.js

Connecting to the SDK server...
...connected to SDK server

To see help, pass --help as the argument (use the preferred command below, all are equivalent):

$ make args="--help" run
$ docker run --network=host --help
$ npm start -- --help

You can optionally specify how long the server will stay up once the basic tests are complete with the --timeout option. To do this pass arguments through, e.g. to increase the shutdown duration to 120 seconds:

$ make args="--timeout=120" run
$ docker run --network=host --timeout=120
$ npm start -- --timeout=120

To make run indefinitely use the special timeout value of 0:

$ make args="--timeout=0" run
$ docker run --network=host --timeout=0
$ npm start -- --timeout=0

To enable alpha features ensure the feature gate is enabled:

$ cd ../../build; make run-sdk-conformance-local TIMEOUT=120 FEATURE_GATES="PlayerTracking=true" TESTS=ready,watch,health,gameserver

Then enable the alpha suite:

$ make args="--alpha" run
$ docker run --network=host --alpha
$ npm start -- --alpha