Here are the Gooligum baseline, midrange and enhanced midrange PIC Tutorials, previously hosted at, now all available for free.
A number of the introductory tutorials are also available as videos at
The design files for the training board (designed for use with these tutorials) is available at
The tutorials are being made available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license, which essentially means that they are free to use and share, provided that you attribute the original creator (me / Gooligum). See LICENSE.txt for details.
Note that in the time since the tutorials were written there have been multiple changes to the IDEs (MPLAB then MPLAB X), C compilers and even the assembler. And of course many new PICs have become available, although the core architecture, register and instruction sets have remained the same. Due to these changes, I am unable to provide any support.