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Homework #4


  1. Feynman Writing Prompts - Write out explanations of the following concepts like you are explaining it to a 12 year old. Doing this will help you quickly discover any holes in your understanding. Ask your questions on Slack.
  • debugger
    • debugger is a command in JavaScript that activates the browser's debug mode in the developer tools, allowing the code to be stepped through line by line
  • react router
    • react router is the latest in a long line of attempts to create routing for React. It is finally free of url artifacts such as extra '#'s and '?'s
  • <Router /> (BrowserRouter)
    • BrowserRouter is the routing root component that allows routing to take place. It must contain a single child object, which will contain any needed navigation and the route targets
  • <Route />
    • Route is the route target that is identified by path="" and any children inside are displayed when the url matches the route's path
  • <Link />
    • Link is a replacement for the a tag that allows navigation to routes by changing the url so the required Route will display
  • npm and npm install
    • npm does not stand for Node Package Manager, even though it seems like it should. It is a dependency management system for JavaScript for both the back and front ends. npm install reads the package.json and installs all the packages that are listed, as well as all the required dependencies for those packages.
  1. Fork and clone this repo.
  • Create a boilerplate React app called me. create-react-app me
  • Navigate into /me and run the command: npm start
  • App.js should return the <Router /> component as the base.
  • Add a header to the top of your page with three <Link /> components.
  • Create three components that will be three different "pages" that you will render.
  • The first comopnent should be called <About /> and should display some fun facts about yourself.
  • The second comopnent should be called <Hobbies /> and should display a list of your favorite hobbies.
  • The third component should be called <Media /> and should display some pictures that you like.
  • Link to these three components from the header and display them when you navigate to the appropriate paths.

Congratulations on finishing Homework #4!

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  • JavaScript 84.2%
  • HTML 14.9%
  • CSS 0.9%