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gordonhch edited this page Aug 25, 2020 · 8 revisions

What is MMJoy?

MMJoy is a DIY electronics project for creation or modification of game controllers.

It lets you program DIY boards such as Arduino, Teensy in specific ways useful for creating homemade joysticks, hotas and button boxes through the software, so you don't have to code it yourself.

Translated official Project Page & download links

mmjoy interface overview Example of configarator program

What can MMJoy do?

MMJoy consists of a controller (main board with a microchip), a firmware (microprogramm for the chip) and a configurator program (to setup controller parameters).

MMJoy supports up to 10 axis and up to 128 buttons (96 for old version). It can be configured to suit individual needs to contain only necessary controls (only buttons or only axis or both)

Which version of MMJoy2 should I use?[new]

The two currently recommended versions to use with is [v20151118] and [v20160818upd1].

Use [v20151118] if you want keyboard & mouse emulation.

Else take [v20160818upd1] for LED controls, better precisions and generally better response times.

Core contributors

Firmware and configurator development is performed by Vitaly Naydentsev (mega_mozg):
GSM +375296588199;
ICQ 199374588;
SKYPE mega_mozg_13

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