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Mak Ho Yin edited this page Aug 3, 2017 · 16 revisions
Command Usage Description Remark
Deljail command /deljail <jail> Delete the specified jail /
Setjail command /setjail <jail> <args...> Start setting a jail Takes the player into jail-setting mode
Jails command /jails Get a list of all available jails /
Jail command /jail <player> <jail> <time> <reason..> Jail a player into a jail for a period /
Unjail command /unjail <player> Unjail a jailed player /
Jailed command /jailed Get a list of all jailed players /
Switchjail command /switchjail <player> <jail> Switch a specified player to another jail /
Tpjail command /tpjail <jail> <player> Teleports a player to a jail /
Bail command /bail Bail by paying money Disabled for servers without compatible economy plugin
Votejail command /votejail <player> Vote a player A player will be jailed while their votes have exceeded a limit
Jailmine command /jailmine reset|set|remove|check <jail> Manage the mine inside particular jails There is 1 mine per jail, so you manipulate the mine by specifying a jail
Jailsellhand command /jailsellhand Sell the ores obtained from the mine in a jail Only for prisoners
Jailresetmine command /jailresetmine Reset the mine in a specified jail Only for prisoners
Jailinfo command /jailinfo Obtain detailed information of a jail /
Prisonerinfo command /prisonerinfo Obtain detailed information of a prisoner /
<> with words inside are parameters of the commands.
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