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GoshawkDB Java Client

Running the tests

The tests are all integration tests and need a working GoshawkDB server to run against. Some of the tests may take some time to run. The simplest way to get started is to install the server, then:

$ cd src/test/resources
$ goshawkdb -config defaultClusterConfig.json -cert defaultClusterKeyPair.pem

This will start a 1-node GoshawkDB cluster running on localhost with the default port, using known certificates and key pairs. Now to run the tests, just:

$ ./gradlew test

This uses certificates that are checked into this repository, which you will find in the src/test/resources folder. Obviously, these certificates and key pairs are public, so please do not deploy them in production!

To set the authentication or customise the servers to which the tests connect, there are three environment variables to set:

  • GOSHAWKDB_CLUSTER_HOSTS This is a comma-separated list of hosts to which the tests will try to connect. They must all be part of the same cluster. If, for example, you happen to be running a three-node cluster all on localhost ports 10001, 10002 and 10003, you may wish to set this to "localhost:10001,localhost:10002,localhost:10003". The default is "localhost"
  • GOSHAWKDB_CLUSTER_CERT This is a path to a file containing the cluster X.509 certificate which the client uses to authenticate the server. This file should contain the cluster certificate only, and not the cluster key pair. The default is src/test/resources/defaultClusterCert.pem
  • GOSHAWKDB_CLIENT_KEYPAIR This is a path to a file containing a client X.509 certificate and key pair which the client uses to authenticate to the server. The default is src/test/resources/defaultClientKeyPair.pem
  • GOSHAWKDB_ROOT_NAME This is the name of the root object to use. By default it is test. You must configure your GoshawkDB cluster to have such a root object and it must be fully writable by the test client account.

If you set these in the terminal before invoking gradlew test then they will be picked up.