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Stata command pchained

Lead developer and maintainer: Simo Goshev
Developers: Zitong Liu
Group: BC Research Services


This new Stata command wraps mi impute chained and offers simplified syntax for imputing missing values in longitudinal data. It also provides functionality for conducting scale imputation at the item level, including Plumpton-style chained imputation of scales (Plumpton, 2016).


To load pchained, include the following line in your do file:

do ""

What's new?

Critical changes

This release of pchained unifies model definition for imputed variables, scales or stand-alone dependent variables, and simplifies syntax while providing a much greater degree of flexibility in model specification.

This version of pchained is not backward compatible and therefore old code has to be updated to the new syntax to ensure proper operation.

Added functionality

The following new features have been added to pchained:

  • Imputation subject to conditions. See options CONDImputed and CONDComplete
  • Imputation on a full set of scale items in addition to imputation on functions of scale items.
  • The wild card * can now be used in variable lists
  • Can be parallelized on a computing cluster running Torque; see parallelize for details.


pchained miModel [if] [in] [pw aw fw iw/], Ivar(varlist) Timevar(varname) /// 
                           [COMMONcov(string asis) MODel(string asis)  ///
                            CONDImputed(string asis) CONDComplete(string asis)  ///
                            CATCutoff(integer 10)  MINCsize(integer 0) ///
                            NAcode(integer -9999999) ///
                            MIOptions(string asis) MERGOptions(string asis) ///
                            SAVEmidata(string) PRINTmodel suspend debug] 

pchained takes the following arguments:


argument description
miModel models for scales and/or stand-alone variables to be imputed; see below for specific syntax
Ivar unique cluster/panel identifier (i.e. person, firm, country id)
Timevar time/wave/period identifier

Optional and conditionally required arguments:

argument description
COMMONcov covariates to be included in the scale item and stand-alone variable imputation models, partially supports factor variable syntax
MODel model and options to be passed on to mi impute chained for every imputed scale and stand-alone variable; this is a conditionally required argument; see below for details
CONDImputed conditional imputation; corresponds to cond() in mi impute chained; see below for syntax
CONDComplete imputation conditional on the values of a exogenous and complete regressor (specified in COMMONcov); see below for syntax
CATCutoff maximum number of categories/levels to classify as categorical; if higher --> classified as continuous
default: 10
MINCsize minimum cell size required for item to be included in analysis; if lower --> classified as rare
default: 0
NAcode specifies the code used to label non-applicable observations (applies to imputation subject to conditions)
MIOptions mi impute chained options to be passed on (by() is also allowed)
MERGOptions merge options to be passed on to merge upon merging the imputed data with the original data; imputed dataset is master, original dataset is using
default: keep(match)
SAVEmidata save the mi data; valid path and filename required
PRINTmodel print the imputation model
suspend suspend pchained immediately before imputation

fweight, aweight, pweight and iweight are allowed. However, different mi impute chained models may impose restrictions. Please, see the help file of mi impute chained for further guidance.

Syntax for miModel

pchained could be used for imputing scale items and/or stand-alone dependent variables (sadv's). The miModel has the following general form:

(dv [covariateList][, options])

Multiple models could be specified using the following syntax:

(dv1 [covariateList1][, options1])[(dv2 [covariateList2][, options2]) ...]

The arguments that miModel takes are:

  • dv: a scale stub or a stand-alone dependent variable to be imputed. dv can also include *, for stand-alone dependent variables, in which case identical models will be created for all stand-alone variables that match the expression.
  • covariateList: an optional list of covariates to be included in the imputation equation for dv.
  • options: could be any set of:
    • scale: has to be included if dv is a scale
    • cont or continuous: if dv is scale, this options allows the user to request items to be treated as continuous (another possibility to do the same thing is to specify an appropriate estimation method in MODel)
    • include([other_sadv][other_scales][mean(other_scales)][sum(other_scales)]): allows the user to specify other stand-alone variables, other_sadv, other scales, other_scales as well as mean and sum scores of other scales being imputed as predictors in the imputation model for dv; if include is specified, option noimputed is assumed. If other_sadv or other_scales are specified, all time periods of the stand-alone variables in other_sadv or the items of the scales in other_scales are used as predictors in the imputation equation. If a mean or sum score is requested, the score for the time period corresponding to the time period of dv is included as a regressor.
    • omit(varlist): allows the user to remove covariates listed in COMMONcov from the imputation equation for dv
    • noimputed: instructs Stata to remove all other imputed variables used as predictors in the imputation equation for dv, except other time periods of dv and variables specified in include and COMMONcov.
    • catself: instructs Stata to include the remaning items of a scale or the remaining periods of a dv as categorical variables in the imputation equation for dv
    • other options specific to the imputation model

Syntax for MODel

Option MODel is required for all stand-alone dependent variables and is optional for scales. If the user provides an entry for a scale, their input overrides the built-in method in pchained.

MODel has the following form:

mod(scale_stub or sadv = "method[, options]" [scale_stub or sadv = "method[, options]"]...)

where method is a univariate method as outlined in the help file of mi impute chained.

Built-in methods in pchained

The built-in methods correspond to dv types:

dv type method
continuous regress
binary logit
multi-category ologit

Users should not rely on pchained to determine the approproate method for their use case.

Imputation subject to conditions

pchained supports conditioning on complete and exogenous regressors and imputed variables (i.e. conditional imputation). Conditioning on scale scores, means and sums, is also supported.

To condition on complete regressors, the user needs to specify option CONDComplete. The option has the following syntax:

condc(scale_stub or sadv = "if condition" [scale_stub or depvar = "if condition"]...)

where condition is either a standard Stata condition or a condition which involves means or sums of scales. Multiple conditions for multiple scales/stand-alone variables can be specified. See section Examples for illustrations.

To request conditional imputation, the user has to specify option CONDImputed. The option has the same syntax as CONDComplete but the variables that are being conditioned on must be imputed variables.

An important requirement for imputation subject to conditions is to ensure "that missing values of all conditioning variables [are] nested within missing values of the conditional variable" (Stata Multiple-Imputation Reference Manual Release 15, p. 161). This requirement, which we refer to as "the nesting condition" may be unclear to novice users and therefore we have provided a use case in the Examples section. Also, the user has to tell Stata the value which is being used to label non-applicable observations (i.e. observations that fall outside of the condition); this is done using option NAcode.

Working with sensitive data?

If you are working with sensitive data, please ensure that you point Stata to a secure directory that it can use as a temporary directory. Please, see this reference for instructions on how to do this.


***  One scale  ***

*** Categorical items, no covariates
simdata 200 3
pchained (s1_i, noimputed scale), ///
         i(id) t(time) ///
         mio(add(1) chaindots rseed(123456) dryrun)

*** Categorical items plus covariates
simdata 200 3
pchained (s1_i, noimputed scale), ///
         i(id) t(time) ///
         common(x1 i.x2 x3 y1) ///
         mio(add(1) chaindots rseed(123456) dryrun)

*** Categorical items as continuous
simdata 200 3
pchained (s1_i, noimputed scale cont), ///
         i(id) t(time) ///
         common(x1 i.x2 x3 y1) ///
         mio(add(1) chaindots rseed(123456) dryrun)

*** Items continuous by design
simdata 200 3
pchained (s4_i, noimputed scale), ///
         i(id) t(time) ///
         common(x1 i.x2 x3 y1) ///
         mio(add(1) chaindots rseed(123456) dryrun) 

*** Items continuous by design (imputation model defined by user)
simdata 200 3
pchained (s4_i, noimputed scale), ///
         i(id) t(time) ///
         common(x1 i.x2 x3 y1) ///
         mod(s4_i = "pmm, knn(3)") ///
         mio(add(1) chaindots rseed(123456) dryrun) 

*** Two scales  ***

*** Categorical items
**** In s1_i include the sum of s3_i
**** In s3_i include the mean of s1_i
simdata 500 3
pchained (s1_i, noimputed include(sum(s3_i)) scale) ///
         (s3_i, noimputed include(mean(s1_i)) scale), ///
         i(id) t(time) ///
         mio(add(1) chaindots rseed(123456) dryrun)

*** Scale s2_i as continuous
simdata 500 3
pchained (s1_i, noimputed include(mean(s2_i)) scale) ///
         (s2_i, noimputed include(mean(s1_i)) scale cont), ///
         i(id) t(time) ///
         common(x1 i.x2 x3 y1) ///
         mio(add(1) chaindots rseed(123456) dryrun)

*** Include model-specific regressors and omit some common covariates
simdata 500 3
pchained (s2_i, noimputed include(mean(s4_i)) scale) ///
         (s4_i x5, noimputed include(sum(s2_i)) scale omit(x*)), ///
         i(id) t(time) ///
         common(x1 i.x2 x3 y1) ///
         mio(add(1) chaindots rseed(123456) dryrun)

*** Three scales ***

*** Categorical items
simdata 500 3
pchained (s1_i, noimputed include(sum(s2_i s3_i)) scale) ///
         (s2_i, noimputed include(sum(s1_i s3_i)) scale) ///
         (s3_i, noimputed include(sum(s1_i s2_i)) scale), ///
         i(id) t(time) ///
         common(x1 i.x2 x3 y1) ///
         mio(add(1) chaindots rseed(123456) dryrun)
*** Assign s1_i as continuous, add model-specific covariates, different scale scores
simdata 500 3
pchained (s1_i, noimputed include(sum(s2_i s3_i)) scale cont) ///
         (s2_i x4 x5, noimputed include(sum(s1_i) mean(s3_i)) scale) ///
         (s3_i x5, noimputed include(sum(s1_i s2_i)) scale), ///
         i(id) t(time) ///
         common(x1 i.x2 x3 y1) ///
         mio(add(1) chaindots rseed(123456) dryrun)

***   By group   ***

simdata 1000 3
pchained (s1_i, noimputed include(sum(s4_i)) scale) ///
         (s4_i, noimputed include(mean(s1_i)) scale), ///
         i(id) t(time) ///
         common(x1 i.x2 x3 y1) ///
         mio(add(1) chaindots  by(group) rseed(123456) dryrun)

*** Weighted imputation ***

simdata 1000 3
pchained (s1_i, noimputed include(sum(s4_i)) scale) ///
         (s4_i, noimputed include(mean(s1_i)) scale) ///
         [pw=weight], i(id) t(time) ///
         common(x1 i.x2 x3 y1) ///
         mio(add(1) chaindots rseed(123456) dryrun)

***  Imputing non-scale variables together with scale items  ***

simdata 500 3
pchained (s1_i, noimputed scale) ///
         (y2, noimputed omit(x* y*)) ///
         (y3 i.yx i.yz, include(y2 mean(s1_i))), ///
         i(id) t(time) ///
         common(x1 i.x2 x3 y1) ///
         mod(s1_i = "pmm, knn(3)" y2 = "regress" y3 = "regress") ///
         mio(add(1) chaindots rseed(123456) dryrun)
simdata 500 3
pchained (s1_i, noimputed include(y2 y3) scale) ///
         (y2, noimputed include(y* mean(s1_i)) omit(x* y*)) ///
         (y3 i.yx i.yz, include(y2 sum(s1_i))), ///
         i(id) t(time) ///
         common(x1 i.x2 x3 y1) ///
         mod(s1_i = "pmm, knn(3)" y2 = "regress" y3 = "regress") ///
         mio(add(1) chaindots rseed(123456) dryrun)


***  Imputing non-scale variables only  ***

simdata 500 3
pchained (y2, include(y3)) ///
         (y3 i.yx x1 i.yz, include(y2)), ///
         i(id) t(time) ///
         common(x1 i.x2 x3 y1) ///
         mod(y2 = "pmm, knn(3)" y3 = "regress") ///
         mio(add(1) chaindots rseed(123456) dryrun)

***  Imputation subject to conditions  ***	 

simdata 500 3

bys id: gen x5_base = x5[1]

*** >>>>>>> Ensuring the nesting condition holds

*** The following is IMPORTANT as otherwise Stata will throw an error
*** For details see README and the Stata Manual

foreach var of varlist s5_i* {
	replace `var' = -9999999 if x5_base < 0

egen mymiss = rowmiss(s1_i*)
egen mymean = rowmean(s1_i*)
replace mymean = . if mymiss > 0
foreach var of varlist s6_i* {
	replace `var' = -9999999 if mymean < 1

drop mymiss mymean

// assign a large negative number that can be replaced with missing after imputation
replace y5 = -9999999 if y4 < 0
replace y6 = -9999999 if x5 < 0
*** >>>>>>>

#d ;
pchained (s1_i, include(mean(s5_i s6_i) sum(s2_i)) scale omit(x*)) 
         (s2_i, include(mean(s1_i) sum(s5_i s6_i)) scale omit(x5_base))
         (s5_i, include(mean(s1_i s2_i s6_i)) scale)
         (s6_i, include(y* s1_i mean(s2_i s5_i)) scale omit(x5_base))
         (y2 i.yz, noimputed omit(x* y*))
         (y4 i.yx i.yz x5, include(y2 mean(s1_i)) omit(x5_base))
         (y5 i.yx x1 i.yz x5 i.x2, include(y*) omit(x5_base))
         (y6, noimputed omit(x* y*)),
         i(id) t(time)
         common(x1 i.x2 x3 y1 x5*)
         mod(s1_i = "pmm, knn(3)" s2_i = "pmm, knn(3)" 
             s5_i = "pmm, knn(3)" s6_i = "pmm, knn(3)"
             y2 = "regress" y4 = "pmm, knn(3)" 
             y5 = "pmm, knn(3)" y6 = "pmm, knn(3)")
         condc(s5_i = "if x5_base > -1" y6 = "if x5 >= 0") 
         condi(s6_i = "if mean(s1_i) > 0" y5 = "if y4 > -1") 
         mio(add(1) chaindots rseed(123456) dryrun);
#d cr

***  Dv's with wild cards; model with conditions ***	 

simdata 500 3

bys id: gen x5_base = x5[1]

*** >>>>>>> Ensuring the nesting conditions hold

*** The following is IMPORTANT as otherwise Stata will throw an error
*** For details see README and the Stata Manual

foreach var of varlist s5_i* {
	replace `var' = -9999999 if x5_base < 0

egen mymiss = rowmiss(s1_i*)
egen mymean = rowmean(s1_i*)
replace mymean = . if mymiss > 0
foreach var of varlist s6_i* {
	replace `var' = -9999999 if mymean < 1

drop mymiss mymean

// assign a large negative number that can be replaced with missing after imputation
replace y5 = -9999999 if y4 < 0
replace y6 = -9999999 if x5 < 0

replace ys1 = -9999999 if x6 < 0
replace ys2 = -9999999 if x6 < 0

*** >>>>>>>

pchained (s1_i i.x2, include(mean(s5_i s6_i) sum(s2_i)) scale omit(x*)) /// 
         (s2_i, include(mean(s1_i) sum(s5_i s6_i)) scale omit(x5_base)) ///
         (s5_i x3, include(mean(s1_i s2_i s6_i)) scale omit(x* y*)) ///
         (s6_i, include(s1_i mean(s2_i s5_i)) scale omit(x5_base)) ///
         (y4 i.yx i.yz x5* i.x2, include(y*) omit(x*)) ///
         (y5, noimputed omit(x* y*)) /// 
         (y6, noimputed omit(x* y*)) /// 
         (ys* i.yz i.yx x5*, noimputed include(y*)), ///
         i(id) t(time) ///
         common(x1 i.x2 x3 y1 x5* x6) ///
         mod(s1_i = "pmm, knn(3)" s2_i = "pmm, knn(3)" ///
             s5_i = "pmm, knn(3)" s6_i = "pmm, knn(3)" ///
             ys* = "pmm, knn(3)" y4 = "regress" ///
             y5 = "regress" y6 = "pmm, knn(3)") ///
         condc(s5_i = "if x5_base > -1" y6 = "if x5 >= 0" ys* = "if x6 > 0" ) ///
         condi(s6_i = "if mean(s1_i) > 0" y5 = "if y4 > -1") ///
         mio(add(1) chaindots rseed(123456) dryrun)

***  Dv's with wild cards; model with conditions; categorical predictors;    ***
***  items/sadv missing for entire waves                                     ***	 

simdata 500 3 2

bys id: gen x5_base = x5[1]
*** >>>>>>> Ensuring the nesting conditions hold

*** The following is IMPORTANT as otherwise Stata will throw an error
*** For details see README and the Stata Manual

foreach var of varlist s5_i* {
	replace `var' = -9999999 if x5_base < 0

egen mymiss = rowmiss(s1_i*)
egen mymean = rowmean(s1_i*)
replace mymean = . if mymiss > 0
foreach var of varlist s6_i* {
	replace `var' = -9999999 if mymean < 1

drop mymiss mymean

// assign a large negative number that can be replaced with missing after imputation
replace y5 = -9999999 if y4 < 0
replace y6 = -9999999 if x5 < 0

replace ys1 = -9999999 if x6 < 0
replace ys2 = -9999999 if x6 < 0

*** >>>>>>>

pchained (s1_i i.x2, include(mean(s2_i s6_i) sum(s5_i)) scale omit(x*) catself) /// 
         (s2_i, include(i.s1_i sum(s5_i s6_i)) scale omit(x5_base)) ///
         (s5_i x3, noimputed include(s2_i) scale omit(x* y*)) ///
         (s6_i, include(mean(s2_i s5_i) i.y7) scale omit(x5_base)) ///
         (y4 i.yx i.yz x5*, omit(x*)) ///
         (y5, noimputed omit(x* y*)) /// 
         (y6, noimputed include(s2_i) omit(x* y*)) /// 
         (y7, noimputed omit(x* y*)) ///
         (ys* i.yz i.yx x5*, noimputed include(i.y7)),   ///
         i(id) t(time) ///
         common(x1 i.x2 x3 y1 x5* x6) ///
         mod(s1_i = "pmm, knn(3)" s2_i = "pmm, knn(3)" ///
             s5_i = "pmm, knn(3)" s6_i = "pmm, knn(3)" ///
             ys* = "pmm, knn(3)" y4 = "regress" ///
             y5 = "regress" y6 = "pmm, knn(3)" y7 = "pmm, knn(3)") ///
         condc(s5_i = "if x5_base > -1" y6 = "if x5 >= 0" ys* = "if x6 > 0" ) ///
         condi(s6_i = "if mean(s1_i) > 0" y5 = "if y4 > -1") ///
         mio(add(1) chaindots rseed(123456) dryrun)	

***  Imputing on complete scales (Plumpton bypass) ***

simdata 500 3
pchained (s1_i, noimputed include(s3_i) scale) ///
         (s3_i, noimputed include(s1_i) scale), ///
         i(id) t(time) ///
         common(x1 i.x2 x3 y1) ///
         mio(add(1) chaindots rseed(123456) dryrun)