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Stata programs for parallelization on computing clusters running Torque

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Stata package parallelize

Lead developer and maintainer: Simo Goshev
Developers: Jason Bowman
Group: BC Research Services


Although a fairly large number of commands in Stata are internally parallelized, the speed of execution of specific algorithms such as bootstrapping, jackknifing and imputation could be accelerated by utilizing a computing cluster. The aim of package parallelize is to help researchers with parallelizing their analyses and submitting jobs directly from their local copy of Stata to the Linux computing cluster at Boston College (and potentially any cluster running Torque(PBS)).


To load package parallelize, include the following line in your do file:

do ""

Update on our development effort

Over the past several months, we reached a couple of important milestones:

  1. Pulling data directly from Box, thus eliminating a series of intermediate steps. We are currently developing the Stata interface to python and also aim to provide seemless uploading functionality.

  2. Developed and tested successfully the job submission, monitoring and output collection functionality (currently streamlining query and collection).

  3. Added support for pchained and user-written routines via script importation.

  4. Added a post-parallelize program for submitting job-related requests to the cluster. Currently supports requests for progress checking and output retrieval.

Development continues!

Command parallelize

parallelize is used to define a connection, decribe the specifics of the job and submit jobs to the computing cluster


parallelize, CONspecs(string) [JOBspecs(string) DATAspecs(string) 
                               imports(string) EXECspecs(string)]: command

parallelize takes the following arguments:


argument description
CONspecs connection specification; two flavors, see below for syntax
command command to be parallelized on the cluster

Optional and conditionally required arguments:

argument description
JOBspecs the specification of a parallel job; see below for syntax
DATAspecs specification of the data to be used; see below for syntax
imports location of work, aggregation and monitoring files; see below for syntax
EXECspecs execution specifications; see below for syntax

Syntax for CONspecs

CONspecs can be specified in two ways:

  • con(configFile="" profile=""), where
    • configFile is the path and file name of the configuration file to be used by ssh to connection to the cluster
    • profile is the name of the profile in the configuration file to be used, or
  • con(sshHost=""), where:
    • sshHost is the name of the host in the ssh config file located in .ssh/ to be used to connect to the cluster

The configuration file should be specified in this format.

Syntax for JOBspecs

JOBspecs defines the resource requirements for a parallel job. It has the following syntax:

job(nodes="" ppn="" pmem="" walltime="" jobname="")


  • nodes is the number of nodes requested
  • ppn is the number of virtual processors per node
  • pmem is the RAM per processor
  • walltime is the length of time allocated to the job, or job's runtime
  • jobname is the name that will be applied to all parallel jobs

Syntax for DATAspecs

DATAspecs defines the data file and its location. It is specified in the following way:

data(inFile="" loc="" argPass="")


  • inFile should include the path and name of the data file
  • loc takes the values of local, cluster, or box to indicate where the data file is housed.
  • argPass takes a string with information that the user wishes to pass to their do files. This is an optional argument.

Syntax for imports

imports defines the location of work, aggregation and monitoring files. It is specified in the following way:

imports(work="" coll="" mon="")


  • work should include the path and name of the do file to be executed by each worker on the cluster
  • coll should include the path and name of the do file that instructs Stata how to combine the output provided by the workers
  • mon should include the path and name of the do file that instructs Stata how to monitor the submission and re-submit jobs if necessary

There are special rules for writing these import files. More details to come.

Syntax for EXECspecs

EXECspecs defines execution parameters. It has the following syntax:

exec(nrep="" pURL="" cbfreq="" email="" )


  • nrep is the number of parallel jobs needed
  • pURL is the URL of a do or ado file which has to be imported prior to running command. This is an optional argument
  • cbfreq is the callback frequency of the monitoring process (could be defined in seconds, minutes, hours and days)
  • email instructs Torque to send an email to the specified email address once all jobs are completed.

Command callCluster

callCluster is used to send requests to the cluster. Currently the program supports requests for checking progress and retrieving output.


callCluster, Request(string asis) [CONspecs(string asis) JOBspecs(string asis) 
                                   OUTloc(string asis) KEEPremote]

callCluster takes the following arguments:


argument description
Request type of request; currently checkProgress and pullData are supported

Optional and conditionally required arguments:

argument description
CONspecs connection specification; syntax identical to the one used in parallelize
JOBspecs takes jobname is an agrument and its syntax is job(jobname=""); jobname is the name of the job of interest
OUTloc the directory on the user's machine where output should be copied to; default is ~/Desktop
KEEPremote instructs Stata to keep the job directorty and related files on the cluster; by default Stata will erase all related files

Both CONspecs and JOBspecs are required arguments if callCluster is not run immediately after parallelize or the sreturn has been cleared.


*** Define basepath
local pathBasename "~/Desktop/gitProjects/parallelize"

*** Load the ado's
do "`pathBasename'/ado/parallelize.ado"  // we should pull this from gitHub


sysuse auto
save "`pathBasename'/examples/data/myboot"

*** Define locations
local locConf "`pathBasename'/config/config1"
local locData "c:/Users/goshev/Desktop/gitProjects/parallelize/examples/data/myboot.dta"
local locWork "`pathBasename'/imports/"
local locColl "c:/Users/goshev/Desktop/gitProjects/parallelize/imports/"  
local locMon  "c:/Users/goshev/Desktop/gitProjects/parallelize/imports/"
local eMailAddress "" 

*** Execute custom command in parallel
parallelize,  /// 
        con(sshHost="sirius") /// con(configFile = "`locConf'"  profile="sirius") ///  
        job(nodes="1" ppn="1" pmem="1gb" walltime="00:05:00" jobname="myBoot")  ///
        data(path= "`locData'" loc="local") ///
        imports(work="`locWork'" coll="`locColl'" mon="`locMon'") ///
        exec(nrep="5" cbfreq="30s" email="`eMailAddress'"): ///
        regress price mpg trunk headroom i.foreign, robust
*** Check progress
callCluster, r(checkProgress)

*** Retrieve data
callCluster, r(pullData)


Stata programs for parallelization on computing clusters running Torque






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