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Privacy Policy

gosooners345 edited this page Jan 10, 2022 · 1 revision

Hello, I hope this page finds you well. This is my privacy policy concerning The Reformed Collective Android App.

  1. If there is any data being collected, it is ONLY being used for diagnostic purposes. There is a share function built into the application for sharing scriptures, confession/catechism/creed chapters, notes, bible verses. With that being said, NO DATA is being sold to any third party or the government. I don't believe that the government has the right to collect your data unless a warrant is issued for it in a just cause.

  2. YOU are responsible for what you share online. My apps do not have a built in reporting feature of any kind. While this app contains a link for emailing me and there are diagnostics on the application for what version of software you're running. It helps ME identify what version of the app you're using.

  3. ALL DATA IS STORED ON YOUR DEVICE. No internet servers are being used to beam your data back and forth at all. I don't care what age your kids are or what you had for lunch. That information isn't going to help me out with my life decisions unless you were talking to me in person and inspiration came to mind about food. You and your data deserve respect, so I will respect you like a human should be.

If you have any bugs to report, please email me what version of the app you're running, what the issue is, what actions you're trying to perform and any other important info included in the email. If you want a feature request, feel free to do the same. Email me at


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