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Joshua Thijssen edited this page Aug 8, 2023 · 2 revisions

GoSub: Gateway to Optimized Searching and Unlimited Browsing

Wait what? Another feeble attempt on writing a browser? Good luck, you're gonna need it!

I know. I know. Will this ever become a serious browser(engine) with enough market share to put up the fight against the "big evil corps"(tm). Well... no... not by a long shot. But here's the thing: it's an attempt. There have been many attempts already, there are many attempts going on as we speak and there will be many attempts after this one failed. And we should keep attempting to write browsers, understand the needs of a browser, understand why it is so complicated to make a browser to begin with. And maybe we get lucky like we did with phoenix / firefox back in the days: out of nothing comes a browser that quickly disrupts the (IE) market. Can it be done nowadays with all the walled gardens, attacks on your own computers with DRM, WEI and what else is coming in the near future? I don't know. But we cannot pretend that having a single browser and corporation presiding over the internet is a good thing. We MUST make sure that the internet is open, and will stay open for everybody, everywhere at every time.

We won't be that browser that can defeat the bully. But, if this browser helps the next attempt, and the next, and the next,.. then maybe there really be an open browser, made for everyone, controlled by no one.

So for the time being: this site is optimized for [GoSuB browser].

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