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Dsky (DISS-key) is a UI framework for building powerful terminal applications. It provides a CLI, based on Cobra and set of UI components. Dsky powers almost all of OvrClk's tools.


Racer currently supports Cobra 0.0.9 and adds the below additionaly functionality:

  • Command organization based on help topic foo:bar
  • Tabled Output formatting helpers
  • Interactive UI components - Normal Prompts, Password Prompts, Progress Bar
  • Terminal Text Styling - Foreground and Background colors with Style Emphasis

Cobra provides:

  • Fully posix compliant flags (including short & long versions)
  • Nested sub commands
  • Global, local and cascading flags
  • Easy generation of applications & commands with cobra create appname & cobra add cmdname
  • Intelligent suggestions (app srver.. did you mean app server)
  • Automatic help generation for commands and flags
  • Automatic detailed help for app help [command]
  • Automatic help flag recognition of -h, --help, etc.
  • Automatically generated bash autocomplete for your application
  • Automatically generated man pages for your application
  • Command aliases so you can change things without breaking them
  • The flexibilty to define your own help, usage, etc
  • Optional tight integration with viper for 12 factor apps

Help Topics

Racer organizes help based on a namespace, the below is the output for OvrClk command utility built using racer:

$ ovrclk help
Utility to manage your clusters and applications on ovrclk

Usage: ovrclk COMMAND [<args>..] [options]

Primary help topics, type "ovrclk help TOPIC" for more details:

  apps        create, deploy and manage applications
  auth        login, logout and display vpn and token
  clusters    launch, teardown and manage clusters
  config      set and unset config variables for apps
  logs        display application and storage logs
  releases    deploy, revert and manage app releases
  storage     attach, detach and manage storage appliances
  users       add, remove and manage users

Additional topics:

  datacenters display datacenters
  regions     display regions
  version     display version
$ ovrclk clusters help
List all clusters

Usage: ovrclk clusters [options]


  -h, --help=false: help for clusters

General Options:

  -s, --server="": The address and port of the ovrclk API server
  -t, --token="": Bearer token for authenticating with the API server

Additional commands, type "ovrclk COMMAND --help" for more details:

  clusters:up [SELECTOR]                   Launch a new cluster. The selector could either be a region or a datacenter name
  clusters:info --cluster=<name>           Display info for the cluster
  clusters:down --cluster=<name>           Teardown the cluster
  clusters:rename NEWNAME --cluster=<name> Rename the cluster
  clusters:update --cluster=<name>         Update the cluster

UI Components

Table Output

type hacker struct {
	Name     string
	Birthday string
	Bio      string

var hackers = []hacker{
	{"Ada Lovelace", "December 10, 1815", "Ada was a British mathematician and writer, chiefly known for her work on Charles Babbage's early mechanical general-purpose computer, the Analytical Engine"},
	{"Alan Turing", "23 June, 1912", "Alan was a British pioneering computer scientist, mathematician, logician, cryptanalyst and theoretical biologist"},

table := ui.NewTable("NAME", "BIRTHDATE", "BIO")
table.MaxCellWidth = 20
for _, hacker := range hackers {
  table.AddRow(hacker.Name, hacker.Birthday, hacker.Bio)
NAME          BIRTHDATE         BIO
Ada Lovelace  December 10, 1815 Ada was a British...
Alan Turing   23 June, 1912     Alan was a Britis...

Progress Bar

count := 5000
bar := ui.NewProgressBar(count).Start()
for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
bar.FinishPrint("The End!")
963 / 5000 [=====================>---------------------------------] 39.26 % 3s

Hidden Input Prompt

var password string
racer.UI().Prompter().PromptHiddenString(&password, "Password: ")

Terminal Styling

fmt.Println(ui.Color().Green("bold green with white background", ui.StyleBold, ui.ColorWhiteBg))
fmt.Println(ui.Color().Red("underline red", ui.StyleUnderline))
fmt.Println(ui.Color().Yellow("dim yellow", ui.StyleDim))
fmt.Println(ui.Color().Cyan("inverse cyan", ui.StyleInverse))
fmt.Println(ui.Color().Blue("bold underline dim blue", ui.StyleBold, ui.StyleUnderline, ui.StyleDim))

color output

More Examples

See examples under /examples for full examples


The framework is a composition, with library contributions from:


dsky is a UI framework for terminal applications







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