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Refactor (server)
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Jell committed Oct 15, 2012
1 parent e02e27f commit 335bbc3
Showing 1 changed file with 71 additions and 50 deletions.
121 changes: 71 additions & 50 deletions src/junebot/server.clj
@@ -1,77 +1,98 @@
(ns junebot.server)
(use 'lamina.core 'aleph.object 'gloss.core)

(def world
(remove nil?
(for [x (range 50) y (range 30)]
(when (or (= x 0)
(= x 49)
(= y 0)
(= y 29)
(= 0 (rand-int 5)))
{:type :wall, :name "wall", :coord [x y]}))))

(def players (atom {}))

(def shots (atom []))

(def player-serial (atom 0))

(defn new-player-serial []
(swap! player-serial inc))
(defn init-walls []
(for [x (range 50)
y (range 30)
:when (or (= x 0)
(= x 49)
(= y 0)
(= y 29)
(= 0 (rand-int 5)))]
{:type :wall, :name "wall", :coord [x y]}))

(def directions
{"N" [0 -1], "S" [0 1], "E" [1 0], "W" [-1 0]})

(defn positions-taken [state]
(set (map :coord (concat world (vals state)))))
(set (map :coord state)))

(defn free-position? [state pos]
(not (get (positions-taken state) pos)))

(defn calculate-position
[state id movement]
(mapv + (get-in state [id :coord]) movement))

(defn move [state id movement]
(let [new-pos (calculate-position state id movement)]
(if (free-position? state new-pos)
(-> state
(assoc-in [id :coord] new-pos)
(assoc-in [id :direction] movement))
[player movement]
(mapv + (:coord player) movement))

(defn move [{:keys [players walls] :as state} id movement]
(let [player (players id)
new-pos (calculate-position player movement)]
(if (free-position? (concat (vals players) walls) new-pos)
(assoc-in state [:players id]
(-> player
(assoc :coord new-pos)
(assoc :direction movement)))

(defmulti process-message
(fn [id [message-type]]
(fn [state id [message-type]]

(defn add-shot
[{:keys [walls players shots] :as state} position]
(if (free-position? (concat walls (vals players)) position)
(assoc state :shots (conj shots {:position position}))

(defmethod process-message :fire
[id _]
(let [position (calculate-position @players id (get-in @players [id :direction]))]
(when (free-position? @players position)
(swap! shots conj {:position position}))
[:update-shots @shots]))
[{:keys [players] :as state} id _]
(let [players (:players state)
position (calculate-position (players id) (get-in players [id :direction]))
new-state (add-shot state position)]
{:new-state new-state
:send-back [:update-shots (:shots new-state)]}))

(defmethod process-message :move
[id [_ message]]
(let [movement (get directions message)]
[:update-players (vals (swap! players move id movement))]))

(def broadcast-channel (channel))

(defn disconnect-client [id]
(swap! players dissoc id))

(defn new-client [ch message]
(let [id (new-player-serial)]
(on-closed ch (fn [] (disconnect-client id)))
(swap! players assoc id {:type :client, :name (message :name), :coord [1 1]})
(siphon (map* #(process-message id %) ch) broadcast-channel)
[{:keys [players walls] :as state} id [_ message]]
(let [movement (get directions message)
new-state (move state id movement)]
{:new-state new-state
:send-back [:update-players (vals (:players new-state))]}))

(defrecord Server [world-state broadcast-channel])

(defn create-server []
{:broadcast-channel (channel),
:world-state (atom {:id-counter 0
:walls (init-walls),
:players {},
:shots []})}))

(def ^:dynamic *send-to-client* nil)

(defn update-and-send [{:keys [broadcast-channel world-state]} id client-message]
(binding [*send-to-client* nil]
(swap! world-state
(fn [state]
(let [{:keys [send-back new-state]}
(process-message state id client-message)]
(set! *send-to-client* send-back)
(enqueue broadcast-channel *send-to-client*)))

(defn new-client [{:keys [world-state broadcast-channel] :as server} ch message]
(let [id (swap! world-state update-in [:id-counter] inc)]
(on-closed ch (fn [] (swap! world-state update-in [:players] dissoc id)))
(swap! (:world-state server) assoc-in [:players id]
{:type :client, :name (message :name), :coord [1 1]})
(map* (partial update-and-send server id) ch)
(siphon broadcast-channel ch)
(enqueue ch [:new-world world])))
(enqueue ch [:new-world (:walls @world-state)])))

(defn junehandler [ch info]
(receive ch #(new-client ch %)))
(let [server (create-server)]
(receive ch #(new-client server ch %))))

(defn -main []
(start-object-server junehandler {:port 5000}))

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