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2.4 Hook: ASM Patch

DK edited this page Sep 20, 2023 · 2 revisions


Apply assembly patch in the target memory

  • address : address of the target function
  • offsets : pair containing the {begin, end} offsets of target instruction to patch
  • patch : pointer to the memory patch data structure(see 2.3)
  • forward : bool value indicating skipping the rest of NOP space
ASMPatchHandle AddASMPatch(
    std::uintptr_t a_address,
    std::pair<std::ptrdiff_t, std::ptrdiff_t> a_offset,
    Patch* a_patch,
    bool a_forward = true
) noexcept


using namespace DKUtil::Alias;

std::uintptr_t funcAddr = 0x7FF712345678;
// or offset from module base
std::uintptr_t funcAddr = dku::Hook::Module::get().base() + 0x345678;

// mark the begin and the end of target code to patch
// starts at funcAddr + 0x120
// ends at funcAddr + 0x130
// target instruction length is 0x10
auto offset = std::make_pair(0x120, 0x130);

// this is raw patch, you can also use xbyak or DKUtil::Hook::Patch
OpCode AsmSrc[]{
    0xB8,					// mov eax,
    0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // Imm32
    0x89, 0XC1,				// mov ecx, eax

auto _Hook_UES = DKUtil::Hook::AddASMPatch(funcAddr, offset, { &AsmPatch, sizeof(AsmSrc) }); // using in-place raw data
// various ways of patching
_Hook_UES = DKUtil::Hook::AddASMPatch(funcAddr, offset, &DKUPatch); // using wrapper
_Hook_UES = DKUtil::Hook::AddASMPatch(funcAddr, offset, &XbyakPatch); // using xbyak
_Hook_UES = DKUtil::Hook::AddASMPatch(funcAddr, offset, {, RawPatch.size() }); // using raw patch


Auto Trampoline

If the given target memory defined by offsets is less than the size of assembly patch, a trampoline will be utilized to fulfill the patch and setup the auto detour/return. This action requires a minimal target memory space of 0x5.
The bool paramter forward indicates whether to skip the rest of NOP after applying the patch.