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Entity Store Open in Gitpod

tests Go Report Card PkgGoDev

Modern "schemaless" storage using a relational (SQL) database. Document database interface for relational databases.


  • Ultimate flexibility and convenience, no schema changes
  • Implemented via an EAV (entity-attribute-value) pattern to keep the relational structure and avoid blobs (JSON) fields
  • Single store can store unlimited number of entities of any type
  • Single store can store unlimited number of attributes for each entity
  • Multiple stores can be used to store specific types
  • Attributes can store any type of data - strings, integers, floating point numbers, any interfaces
  • 99% of required storage functionality provided out of the box
  • Full SQL available for more sophisticated cases - reporting, diagrams, etc.
  • Supports soft deletes via separate trash bin tables


go get -u


entityStore, err := NewStore(NewStoreOptions{
	DB:                 db,
	EntityTableName:    "entities_entity",
	AttributeTableName: "entities_attribute",
	AutomigrateEnabled: true,


  1. Create a new entity
person := entityStore.EntityCreateWithType("person")
person.SetString("name","Jon Doe")
person.SetInt("age", 32)
person.SetFloat("salary", 1234.56)
person.SetInterface("kids", []string{"Tina","Sam"})
  1. Retrieve an entity
personID := "{THE PERSON ID}"
person := entityStore.EntityFindByID(personID)

Database Schema


These methods may be subject to change

Store Methods

  • AttributeCreate(attr *Attribute) error - creates a new attributes
  • AttributeCreateWithKeyAndValue(entityID string, attributeKey string, attributeValue string) *Attribute - shortcut to create a new attribute with key and value
  • AttributeFind(entityID string, attributeKey string) *Attribute - finds an attribute by ID
  • AttributeSetFloat(entityID string, attributeKey string, attributeValue float64) error - upserts a new float attribute
  • AttributeSetInt(entityID string, attributeKey string, attributeValue int64) error - upserts a new int attribute
  • AttributeSetString(entityID string, attributeKey string, attributeValue string) error - upserts a new interface{} attribute
  • AttributeSetString(entityID string, attributeKey string, attributeValue string) error - upserts a new string attribute
  • AutoMigrate() - auto migrate
  • EntityCount(entityType string) uint64 - counts entities with the specified type
  • EntityCreate(entity *Entity) error - creates a new attributes
  • EntityCreateWithType(entityType string) *Entity - shortcut to create a new entity
  • EntityCreateWithTypeAndAttributes(entityType string, attributes map[string]interface{}) *Entity
  • EntityDelete(entityID string) - deletes an entity and all attributes
  • EntityFindByID(entityID string) *Entity - finds an entity by ID
  • EntityFindByAttribute(entityType string, attributeKey string, attributeValue string) *Entity - finds an entity by attribute
  • EntityList(entityType string, offset uint64, perPage uint64, search string, orderBy string, sort string) []Entity - lists entities
  • EntityListByAttribute(entityType string, attributeKey string, attributeValue string) []Entity - finds an entity by attribute
  • EntityTrash(entityID string) - moves an entity and all its attributes to the trash bin
  • GetAttributeTableName() string
  • GetAttributeTrashTableName() string
  • GetDB() *sql.DB
  • GetEntityTableName() string
  • GetEntityTrashTableName() string

Entity Methods

  • Delete() bool - deletes the entity
  • GetInt(attributeKey string, defaultValue int64) (int64, error) - the value of the attribute as string or the default value if it does not exist
  • GetFloat(attributeKey string, defaultValue float64) (float64, error) - the value of the attribute as float or the default value if it does not exist
  • GetInterface(attributeKey string, defaultValue interface{}) interface{} - the value of the attribute as interface{} or the default value if it does not exist
  • GetString(attributeKey string, defaultValue string) string - the value of the attribute as string or the default value if it does not exist
  • GetAttribute(attributeKey string) *Attribute - returns an attribute by key
  • SetFloat(attributeKey string, attributeValue float64) bool - sets an attribute with float value
  • SetInt(attributeKey string, attributeValue int64) bool - sets an attribute with int value
  • SetInterface(attributeKey string, attributeValue interface{}) bool - sets an attribute with string value
  • SetString(attributeKey string, attributeValue string) bool - sets an attribute with string value

Attribute Methods

  • GetInterface() interface{} - de-serializes the JSON value
  • GetInt() (int64, error) - returns the value as int
  • GetFloat() (float64, error) - returns the value as float
  • GetString() string - returns the value as string
  • SetFloat(value float64) bool - saves a float value
  • SetInt(value int64) bool - saves a int value
  • SetInterface(value interface{}) bool - serializes the interface to JSON string and saves it
  • SetString(value string) bool - saves a string value

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