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Settings Store Open in Gitpod

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Saves settings in an SQL database.


Every application needs to preserve settings between multiple restarts. This package helps save the setting represented as key-value pairs in an SQL database.


  • Saves settings data as key-value pairs
  • Supports SQLite, MySQL and Postgres
  • Uses sql.DB directly
  • Automigration


go get -u


// as one line
settingStore = settingstore.NewStore(settingstore.WithDb(databaseInstance), settingstore.WithTableName("settings"), entitystore.WithAutoMigrate(true))

// as multiple lines
settingStore = settingstore.NewStore(settingstore.WithDb(databaseInstance), settingstore.WithTableName("settings"))


  1. Create a new key value setting pair
settingsStore.Set("", "My Web App")
settingsStore.Set("app.url", "http://localhost")
settingsStore.Set("server.ip", "")
settingsStore.Set("server.port", "80")
  1. Retrieve a setting value (or default value if not exists)
appName = settingsStore.Get("", "Default Name")
appUrl = settingsStore.Get("app.url", "")
serverIp = settingsStore.Get("server.ip", "")
serverPort = settingsStore.Get("server.port", "")
  1. Check if required setting is setup
if serverIp == "" {
    log.Panic("server ip not setup")


These methods may be subject to change as still in development

Store Methods

  • NewStore(opts ...StoreOption) *Store - creates a new setting store

  • WithAutoMigrate(automigrateEnabled bool) StoreOption - a store option. sets whether database migration will run on setup

  • WithDb(db *sql.DB) StoreOption - a store option (required). sets the DB to be used by the store

  • WithTableName(settingsTableName string) StoreOption - a store option (required). sets the table name for the setting store in the DB

  • AutoMigrate() error - auto migrate (create the tables in the database) the settings store tables

  • DriverName(db *sql.DB) string - the name of the driver used for SQL strings (you may use this if you need to debug)

  • SqlCreateTable() string - SQL string for creating the tables (you may use this string if you want to set your own migrations)

Setting Methods

  • Delete() bool - deletes the entity
  • FindByKey(key string) *Setting - finds a Setting by key
  • Get(key string, valueDefault string) string - gets a value from key-value setting pair
  • GetJSON(key string, valueDefault interface{}) interface{} - gets a value as JSON from key-value setting pair
  • Keys() ([]string, error) - gets all keys sorted alphabetically (useful if you want to list these in admin panel)
  • Remove(key string) error - removes a setting from store
  • Set(key string, value string) (bool, error) - sets new key value pair
  • SetJSON(key string, value interface{}) (bool, error) - sets new key JSON value pair