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Billing & Transaction Monitoring

Monitors user identity verification events for billing purposes


  • SAM CLI - Used to build and deploy the application
  • NVM - to install and manage node versions
  • Docker - Required to run SAM locally

If you are new to the Billing & Transaction Monitoring team, please also read our New Starters guide

Do this once

Install and use the correct node version (using .nvmrc):

nvm install

Install packages from lock file:

npm ci

Install checkov:

pip3 install checkov

Install husky hooks:

npm run husky:install

Running the integration tests

To run the tests against aws environment

npm ci
npm run test:integration

To delete generated jest html reports locally. This will delete all the reports except last 3 reports

npm run test:cleanup:reports 

To run a single test file

JEST_ARGS="s3-vat-tests.ts" npm run test:integration


JEST_ARGS="--testPathPattern s3-vat-tests.ts" npm run test:integration


To dev, build, staging, production

Open a PR against the main branch, get approvals for it and merge it. A GitHub action will pick up this merge and do an automatic build/test cycle (unit-tests only) and on success kick off secure pipeline deployments into the di-btm-dev environment in the dev account and to the di-btm-build environment in the build account.

Integration tests will then automatically run in the build account (eventually...) and, on success, an automatic promotion to the di-btm-staging environment in the staging account will be triggered.

Further deployments into the di-btm-integration environment in the integration account and the di-btm-production environment in the production account are triggered manually by approving the promotion in the AWS code-pipelines GUI within the respective AWS accounts.

Ephemeral environments

To deploy to your own private stack to the dev account:

Log in to the dev AWS account using your method of choice (gds-cli, AWS profiles, etc.). Then run:

export ENV_NAME=yourname-purpose

Replace yourname with your name (short but recognisable) and replace purpose with a very short purpose of the env like testing.

If you want to run your stack with a different (private) config stack, you should export the CONFIG_NAME env-variable before deploying and running integration tests.

export CONFIG_NAME=your-config-stack-name

Your stack should then use a config-stack with the name di-btm-cfg-${CONFIG_NAME} instead of the default config-stack di-btm-cfg-dev. This should only be necessary when developing config files and testing with different configs, so you can leave this out for normal app development.

Then run:

npm run sam:build
npm run sam:deploy

To run integration tests against a private stack, make sure to set the env-variable ENV_NAME (and CONFIG_NAME if necessary) accordingly and run:

npm run test:ephemeralEnvs

This will run all integration tests that do not require email functionality.

Alerts in ephemeral environments

By default, all alerts in ephemeral environments go into an SQS-queue called di-btm-${ENV_NAME}-alarms-dummy. If you want them to go to the Slack channel di-btm-errors-dev instead, you can enable this by running:


and running a deployment.

Destroying your ephemeral environment

To destroy your private stack, make sure ENV_NAME is set as explained above and run:

npm run sam:teardown

The might be some manual interaction needed, the script will tell you what to do.


MIT License

PDF invoice data parsers

Depending on a PDF invoice's vendor, we can use a specific code module to parse data extracted from the PDF. Each parser module has its own numeric version, which is saved in the standardised invoice data that the parser generates, so that the parser can be re-run on specific data after the parser is updated. These versions are defined in cloudformation/standardised-invoice-storage.yaml.

If you update a parser, please increment its version!

Running UI Tests

Our UI testing suite determines which environment to use based on the ENV_NAME environment variable. ENV_NAME is used to select the corresponding base URL from the configuration in the wdio.conf.ts file.

If ENV_NAME is not set or if its set to a value other than "dev","build" or "staging", the baseURL defaults to the local URL which is http://localhost:3000 . This allows test to be run against local development environment by default.

The ENV_NAME variable is also used when uploading the extract test data file to S3 bucket. The test data file will be uploaded to the bucket corresponding to the specified environment ("dev","build" or "staging").

Running All UI Tests

Run the following command to run all the UI tests

npm run test:ui

Running a Single UI Test file

Open the wdio.conf.ts config file,Locate the specs section and modify it to include the path of the specific test file. For example: specs: ["./ui-tests/specs/home.spec.ts"].Then run following command to execute the specific test file:

npm run test:ui

Running UI Tests in Different Browsers

Our UI testing suite supports running tests in Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Safari. Below are the instructions for setting up and running tests in each of these browsers. If you are running Safari for first time, need to enable Remote Automation.After enabling Remote Automation can run tests.

To run tests in Chrome, Firefox , Microsoft Edge and Safari use the following command

export BROWSER=chrome && npm run test:ui # or firefox, MicrosoftEdge, safari 

Lambda function code pattern

Some of our AWS Lambda function handlers are written with the buildHandler function from src/handler-context. For more info on this, see src/handler-context/

Running manual workflows to build, deploy or test

A workflow has been created so that developers can build, deploy and test code in the cloud, with the help of GitHub Actions.

To run this workflow, open the repository in GitHub, go to Actions, and select the Deploy Local Eph Env and Run test workflow. On the right-hand side of the screen, click the Run workflow button. Here you can select the branch on which you want to run the workflow and whether you need to build, to build and deploy, to run Integrations tests or to run UI Tests.

Note : Please enter your name or purpose ( should be a short name or purpose and all in lower case )

The version of the workflow that will run will be the one found in the branch selected in the popup screen.


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