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Digital Identity Dynatrace ActiveGate

Before running commands here, run npm install to install dependencies.

ActiveGate Stack

Firstly get the latest CIS ami

aws ec2 describe-images \
--owners aws-marketplace \
--filters 'Name=name,Values=*'c41d38c4-3f6a-4434-9a86-06dd331d3f9c'*' \
--query 'Images[*].[ImageId,CreationDate]' --output text | sort -k2 -r | head -n1 | awk '{ print $1 }'

replace the ami in the cdk.context.json


sed -i '' 's/"amiId": ""/"amiId": "<add the ami id here>"/' cdk.context.json


sed -i.bak 's/"amiId": ""/"amiId": "<add the ami id here>"/' cdk.context.json
rm -f cdk.context.json.bak

DO NOT COMMIT THE CHANGE OF THE amiID in cdk.context.json

Now to deploy, run: npm run cdk deploy DynatraceActivegateStack.

Before deploying, the AWS account will require bootstrapping for use with CDK: npm run cdk bootstrap.

The following Secrets Manager Secrets are expected to already exist:

  • dynatrace-url the host name of the Dynatrace SaaS tenant, i.e. ''
  • dynatrace-token a token with PaaS access to Dynatrace.

Deployments can also be completed using CloudFormation.

You can now run a synth command, as with a deploy you will need to add the ami to cdk.context.json before you begin

npm run cdk synth DynatraceActivegateStack
aws cloudformation update-stack --stack-name DynatraceActivegateStack \
--template-body file://cdk.out/DynatraceActivegateStack.template.json \
--capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM

If this is in a local account and it is the first time you will need to run update-stack

Testing locally

Just run

npm test