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This is a redis cheatsheet to anyone using or learning redis

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  • SET foo 100 to set a key value pair
    • You can set values as SET server:name someserver and get it with GET server:name
  • GET foo will return 100
  • INCR foo -> to increment a value
  • EXISTS foo -> Determines if the key exits
    • It will return 1 if the value exists otherwise will return 0
  • DEL foo -> to delete a value
  • FLUSHALL -> to erease everything
  • EXPIRE foo 50 -> to give an expiration time to our values
  • TTL foo -> to see how long this value has
  • SETEX foo 40 "Hello world" to set the value and the expiration at the same time
  • PERSIST foo -> to cancel the expiration time.
  • MSET key1 "Hello1" key2 "World" -> to set multiple values at the same time
  • APEND key1 "World" -> Append
  • RENAME key1 greeting -> to change the key name


  • LPUSH people "Giovanni" -> to push a name to the people's list
  • LRANGE people 0 -1 -> to output all the values in the list (0 to -1 indecates all the range) Lists are 0 base
  • RPUSH people "Jenny" to push a value to the end of the list.
  • LLEN people -> Gives the lists length
  • LPOP people -> Eliminate the first element of the list
  • RPOP people -> Eliminate the last element of the list
  • LINSERT people BEFORE "Jenny" "May" -> Will insert before a certain element.


Is an unorder collection of strings

  • SADD cars "FORD" -> to add to the set
  • SISNUMBER cars "FORD" -> will determinate if it exists.
    • If return 1 the value exists in the set otherwise returns 0
  • SMEMBERS cars -> return all members of the set.
  • SCARD cars -> Gives how many elements
  • SMOVE cars mycars "Ford" to move an element to another set.
  • SREM cars "Ford -> is to remove an element of the set.

Source Sets

The difference between source sets and sets is that every memeber of the sorce set is associated with a score

  • ZADD users 1980 "Giovanni" -> To Add an element to the source set 1980 will be its score
  • ZRANK users "Giovani" -> To know it which position is that score
  • ZRANGE users 0 -1 -> Print all the source set
  • ZINCRBY user 1 "Giovanni" -> Will return 1981 to the score


  • HSET user:gp1234 name "Giovanni"
  • HSET user:gp1234 email ""
  • HGET user:gp1234 name
  • HGETALL user:gp1234 -> To return all the values
  • HMSET user:gp1234 name "Giovanni" email "" age: "24" -> To set multiple values at the same time.
  • HKEYS user:gp1234 -> to get all the keys
  • HVALS user:gp1234 -> to get just the values
  • HINCRBY user:gp1234 age 1 -> to increment a value
  • HDEL user:gp1234 age -> to delete a key-value pair
  • HHLEN user:gp1234 -> to get the number of key-value pairs

Data Persistence

  • SAVE -> will create a snapshot of our values
  • SAVE 60 1000 -> every 60 seconds save if a 1000 of items have change
  • You can set appendonly yes in the redis configuration file and it will log everything


Great free crash course


This is a redis cheatsheet to anyone using or learning redis






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