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Kickstart with Yeoman , Bower

gpawade edited this page Feb 11, 2018 · 1 revision


Yeoman(yo) is scaffolding tool for modern web application. Yo use Grunt & Bower tool.

  • yo handles the scaffolding of the application
  • Grunt handle the automation of task
  • Bower is package manager for handling the dependencies.


$ npm install -g yo

# verify yo is install properly
$ yo --version

# yo cli help 
$ yo --help

Installing Generator

Yo works by using generator to scoffold web application. You can install the generator using NPM. Yo generator name start with generator-.

$ npm install -g generator-webapp

$ npm install -g generator-angular

$ npm install -g generator-knockout

#if you need help of install generator 
$ yo webapp --help    
#this will display help for generator-webapp

Generator can use grunt or gulp or any other build system.

Once generator is isntalled, create the directory for you application & run yo for project setup

$ mkdir myapp
$ cd myapp
$ yo angular

Bower ??

Bower is package manager for the web which allow you to easily manage dependencies for you application. This includes assets such as JavaScript, images and CSS.

Managing packages using Bower can be done using the commandline.


$ npm install -g bower


#bower cli help
$ bower --help

# Search for a dependency in the Bower registry.
$ bower search <dep>

# Install one or more dependencies.
$ bower install <dep> [..<depN>]

# List out the dependencies you have installed for a project.
$ bower list

# Update a dependency to the latest version available.
$ bower update <dep>

# install jquery
$ bower install jquery
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