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Note: This is a work in progress and is likely to be modified frequently!

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A Yeoman generator for SilverStripe CMS projects, including a basic Grunt workflow and ITCSS (Inverted Triangle CSS) Sass structure.

Getting Started

What is it

A Yeoman generator that scaffolds out a bare-bones SilverStripe site, including a basic Grunt workflow (grunt-frontend-boilerplate), and ITCSS Sass directory and @import structure (itcss-boilerplate).


  1. Node
  • Yeoman (this will also install Grunt and Bower)
  • You'll need Apache, MySQL and PHP to be running (you could use MAMP or this guide if you're on OS X Yosemite)
  • An empty MySQL database ready
  • The local domain name of your site added to your /etc/hosts file, eg.
  • Composer


npm install -g generator-silverstripe

How to use it

Once you're satisfied your system meets the above requirements run the following command in an empty directory and answer the questions it asks you:

yo silverstripe

Then visit the local domain you set up in your browser, eg., and you should see a very basic SilverStripe install.

Admin access

Admin URL: http://my-project/admin
Admin username: admin
Admin password: password

Directory structure

The generator scaffolds out a project with the following structure:

# Do not track `shared` directory in Git
# These directories and files are symlinked into the `site` directory


# Make `site` your Git root

site/ # .gitignore and composer.json
site/public_html/ # SilverStripe cms, framework, my-site etc.
site/themes/[my-project]/ # Theme assets and templates, Bower components, Grunt workflow etc.
site/vendor/ # Composer packages

A note on version control

When you initialise the project as a git repo make sure site/ is the root version controlled directory. You should not track the shared/ directory.


This is provided as-is - use at your peril! Feel free to post issues on github and we'll try to respond in a timely fashion.

Made by

Matt Bailey