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NTU Introduction to Computer 2023 Fall Final Project - Assembler & VM Translator

Author: B12902110 呂承諺 (100% contribution)

For the full commit history of the programs in this project, see my main nand2tetris repository.


In this final project, I implemented projects 6 through 8 of the textbook, namely the Hack assembler and VM-to-Hack translator. I chose C++ as my programming language and opted for an object-oriented design approach, not fully complying with the suggestions from the textbook.

I learned several software development tools through the process of doing this project. CMake, a cross-platform build system generator, is used to build this project, as it allows code to be compiled on various platforms with different compilers, and also simplifies testing and binary distribution. I chose Abseil as my support library, utilizing it's logging library, flags library and string utilities. For unit testing, GoogleTest is the framework of choice.

Possible future improvements include:

  • Automated testing of the assembler
  • Produce better error and warning messages from the assembler and the VM translator
  • Optimize generated VM code (for example, when index is 0 or 1 for push and pop commands)


assembler - An assembler for the Hack platform.


assembler SOURCE

SOURCE: Source assembly file to be assembled.


The assembler is a rather simple program. It translates Hack assembly code into Hack machine code with a two-pass approach, processing labels in the first pass and translating code in the second pass.

Build and test


  • CMake 3.20 or later
  • A C++ compiler supporting at least C++17


To build the assembler, run the following commands:

cd assembler
cmake -B build
cmake --build build --target install

The compiled binary should appear under the assembler directory.


At the time of writing the assembler, I didn't think of writing unit tests and automated tests, so I tested each test program from the textbook manually.

To test that the assembler is working correctly, compare the machine code output of our assembler to that of the textbook's assembler.

VM translator

vmtranslator - A VM code to Hack assembly code translator.


vmtranslator [-v] [-d] SOURCE
  • SOURCE: Source VM program to be translated.
  • -v: Verbose output. Print translated assembly code to console.
  • -d: Debug mode. Write VM source lines as comments in assembly output.

If SOURCE is a single VM file (for example, MyProgram.vm), the translator will output the assembly file in the same directory as SOURCE (for example, Program.asm). If SOURCE is a directory (for example, MyProgram), the translator will gather and translate each VM file in the directory and output the assembly file in the directory (for example, MyProgram/MyProgram.asm).


The VM translator is the primary focus of the final project. It is comprised of four modules—command, addressing, parser, and the main program.

The commands module contains classes for each of the 17 VM commands of the Hack platform. The ToAssembly() method returns assembly code of the command. Thanks to an object-oriented design, it also offers abstract base classes for extensibility. If developers want to extend the VM command set, they could inherit from base classes such as BinaryArithmeticCommand and UnaryArithmeticCommand and override the virtual function ToAssembly().

The addressing module contains classes for each of the 8 memory segments of the Hack platform. The AddressingAssembly() methods returns assembly code that stores the address of the value to be accessed in registers specified in its argument destination. Developers could also introduce custom memory segments by inheriting from an appropriate abstract base class and overriding AddressingAssembly().

The parser module parses an VM file and provides a friendly interface for accessing the commands.

The main program drives the entire translation using the other 3 modules. It has a verbose mode, which also prints the translated assembly to the console, and a debug mode, which write VM source lines as comments in assembly output, both of which can be enabled via command-line flags.

Build and test


  • CMake 3.20 or later
  • A C++ compiler supporting at least C++17
  • A Java runtime environment that can run nand2tetris's CPU emulator (used in a portion of tests)


To build the VM translator, run the following commands:

cd vmtranslator
cmake -B build
cmake --build build --target install

The compiled binary should appear under the vmtranslator directory.


This project contains unit tests for the addressing and commands modules, as well as automated tests of test programs provided from the textbook.

To run the tests after building, run the ctest command under the build directory. The output is similar to the following:

Test project /tmp2/b12902110/ntu-introcs-2023-fall-final-project/vmtranslator/build
      Start  1: DestinationTest.DestinationString
 1/62 Test  #1: DestinationTest.DestinationString ............................   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start  2: AddressingTest.ArgumentAddress
 2/62 Test  #2: AddressingTest.ArgumentAddress ...............................   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start  3: AddressingTest.LocalAddress
 3/62 Test  #3: AddressingTest.LocalAddress ..................................   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start 59: Translation: test_programs/FunctionCalls/FibonacciElement/
59/62 Test #59: Translation: test_programs/FunctionCalls/FibonacciElement/ ...   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start 60: Comparison: test_programs/FunctionCalls/FibonacciElement/
60/62 Test #60: Comparison: test_programs/FunctionCalls/FibonacciElement/ ....   Passed    0.21 sec
      Start 61: Translation: test_programs/FunctionCalls/StaticsTest/
61/62 Test #61: Translation: test_programs/FunctionCalls/StaticsTest/ ........   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start 62: Comparison: test_programs/FunctionCalls/StaticsTest/
62/62 Test #62: Comparison: test_programs/FunctionCalls/StaticsTest/ .........   Passed    0.21 sec

100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 62

Total Test time (real) =   2.57 sec