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Creating a new Hoodie App


  • Node.JS

    Either hit the big green “Install” button on

    Or, if you are using Homebrew:

    $ brew install node

  • CouchDB

    $ brew install couchdb

(If any of these fail, run brew update to make sure your Homebrew version is up to date.)

Install with:

$ npm install -g local-tld
$ brew tap hoodiehq/homebrew-hoodie
$ brew install hoodie

Create your first Hoodie app:

$ hoodie new myappname

That created a folder "myappname". You are done. Start the app:

$ cd myappname
$ hoodie start

Now follow instructions, your browser should automatically open

Once your app is running, you can access your app's couch at (Futon, CouchDB's web-based administration at and your app's admin backend at

If you want to access your local hoodie installation from other computers or mobile devices on the same local network, you can use (assuming is your machines local ip address.


To install a specific module, run (in your app's directory):

$ hoodie module install <name>

where <name> is one of the Hoodie Modules.

To uninstall use:

$ hoodie module uninstall <name>

List of Hoodie Modules

  • users (installed by default)
  • user sign up
  • user sign in
  • passwort forget
  • change username
  • change password
  • shares
  • make private objects public
  • share private objects with other users or groups



Make sure that local-tld got installed correctly

$ NODE_PATH=`npm root -g`
$ open $NODE_PATH/local-tld

Make sure, that paths have been set corretly

$ echo $NODE_PATH
$ cat ~/Library/LaunchAgents/ie.hood.local-tld-service.plist

You should see <string>/usr/local/lib/node_modules/local-tld/bin/local-tld-service</string>, /usr/local/lib/node_modules being what $ npm root -g returns.

If things do not work, try:

$ launchctl unload ~/Library/LaunchAgents/ie.hood.local-tld-service.plist
$ launchctl load -Fw ~/Library/LaunchAgents/ie.hood.local-tld-service.plist

If things STILL don't work, try that (but don't tell Jan) ((I saw this! — Jan))

$ sudo $NODE_PATH/local-tld/bin/local-tld-troubleshoot


If you find Hoodie interfering with your vhosts, here's a temporary workaround:

To get your vhosts back: $ sudo ipfw flush

To get local-tld back: $ npm install -g local-tld

To find out which state you're in: $ sudo ipfw list If this includes something like "00100 fwd,5999 tcp from any to me dst-port 80 in", local-tld is currently running and might be blocking your vhosts.


local-tld is mac-only for now. If you are on another system, you can fake things until local-tld gains multi-platform support.

For your app myapp add this to your /etc/hosts file:


Note: there is still some stuff missing for `npm start` on non-mac.

## Deploy to Nodejitsu

You need a Nodejitsu account and the `jitsu` tool installed.

Create a new hoodie app:

    $ hoodie new myapp

Start app locally:

    $ cd myapp
    $ npm start

Create a database:

    $ jitsu database create couch myapp

This prints out the URL for your database, something like:

Go to:

In the bottom right, click on "Fix This". Create a new user with the username `admin` and a password of your choice. Remember the password.

Create the Nodejitsu app.

    $ jitsu apps create

Set your database URL as an environment variable:

    $ jitsu env set COUCH_URL
    $ jitsu env set HOODIE_ADMIN_PASS <yourpassword>

`<yourpassword>` is the one you set up two steps ago.


    $ jitsu deploy

(wait a minute)

Go to: ``


## Deploy dreamcode tl;dr

    $ hoodie new myapp
    $ cd myapp
    $ npm start

    $ hoodie remote add nodejitsu
     - jitsu login
     - jitsu database create couch myapp
         - setup couchdb admin
     - jitsu apps create
     - jitsu env set COUCH_URL http://...
     - jitsu env set COUCH_PASS <secret>

    $ hoodie deploy
     - jitsu deploy