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HTML/CSS/JavaScript/React Renderer API

This project provides an API to render HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and React components as images using Next.js and Playwright. It allows users to pass a component (HTML and CSS, or a React component), JavaScript, CSS/SCSS, and a list of dependencies, and the API will return an image URL after rendering the component.


  • Render HTML, CSS, and JavaScript components as images
  • Support for React components with CSS or SCSS
  • Optional dependency handling for React components
  • Customizable viewport size and image format

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Install dependencies: npm install
  3. Run the development server: npm run dev
  4. Test the API by sending a POST request to http://localhost:3000/api/render with the appropriate payload


POST /api/render

Request payload:

  "component": "string",
  "css": "string",
  "javascript": "string (optional)",
  "viewportWidth": "number (optional, default: 640)",
  "viewportHeight": "number (optional, default: 640)",
  "imageFormat": "string ('jpeg' or 'png', optional, default: 'png')",
  "dependencies": "object (optional)"
  "imageUrl": "string"