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Removes deprecated arguments and parameters from v4 (#5968)
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* Removes deprecated arguments and methods for v4

* remove update

* style

* add changeset

* added params

* typign

* fixed all of the typing

* tests

* fix layouts

* layout

* fix config

* fix

* fix form

* fix

* fix blocks tests

* fix some more tests

* lint

* fix test routes

* doc

* notebooks

* remove doc

* format

* format

* remove group

* label docstring

* remov test


Co-authored-by: gradio-pr-bot <>
  • Loading branch information
abidlabs and gradio-pr-bot committed Oct 18, 2023
1 parent be2ed5e commit 6b0bb5e
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Showing 76 changed files with 584 additions and 2,571 deletions.
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions .changeset/
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
"gradio": minor

feat:Removes deprecated arguments and parameters from v4
16 changes: 7 additions & 9 deletions client/python/test/
Expand Up @@ -272,13 +272,13 @@ def hello_world_with_group():

def greeting(name):
return f"Hello {name}", gr.Group.update(visible=True)
return f"Hello {name}", gr.Group(visible=True)
greeting, inputs=[name], outputs=[output, group], api_name="greeting"
lambda: gr.Group.update(visible=False), None, group, api_name="show_group"
lambda: gr.Group(visible=False), None, group, api_name="show_group"
return demo

Expand All @@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ def hello_world_with_state_and_accordion():

def greeting(name, state):
state += 1
return state, f"Hello {name}", state, gr.Accordion.update(open=False)
return state, f"Hello {name}", state, gr.Accordion(open=False)
Expand All @@ -309,13 +309,13 @@ def greeting(name, state):
lambda state: (state + 1, state + 1, gr.Accordion.update(open=True)),
lambda state: (state + 1, state + 1, gr.Accordion(open=True)),
[n_counts, num, accordion],
lambda state: (state + 1, state + 1, gr.Accordion.update(open=False)),
lambda state: (state + 1, state + 1, gr.Accordion(open=False)),
[n_counts, num, accordion],
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -350,9 +350,7 @@ def _stream_audio(audio_file):

def video_component():
return gr.Interface(
fn=lambda x: x, inputs=gr.Video(type="file"), outputs=gr.Video()
return gr.Interface(fn=lambda x: x, inputs=gr.Video(), outputs=gr.Video())

Expand All @@ -368,7 +366,7 @@ def all_components():
if (
"value" in inspect.signature(subclass).parameters
and subclass != gr.components.IOComponent
and subclass != gr.components.Component
and not getattr(subclass, "is_template", False)
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion demo/depth_estimation/run.ipynb
@@ -1 +1 @@
{"cells": [{"cell_type": "markdown", "id": "302934307671667531413257853548643485645", "metadata": {}, "source": ["# Gradio Demo: depth_estimation\n", "### A demo for predicting the depth of an image and generating a 3D model of it.\n", " "]}, {"cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "id": "272996653310673477252411125948039410165", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": ["!pip install -q gradio torch git+ numpy Pillow jinja2 open3d"]}, {"cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "id": "288918539441861185822528903084949547379", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": ["# Downloading files from the demo repo\n", "import os\n", "os.mkdir('examples')\n", "!wget -q -O examples/1-jonathan-borba-CgWTqYxHEkg-unsplash.jpg\n", "!wget -q"]}, {"cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "id": "44380577570523278879349135829904343037", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": ["import gradio as gr\n", "from transformers import DPTFeatureExtractor, DPTForDepthEstimation\n", "import torch\n", "import numpy as np\n", "from PIL import Image\n", "import open3d as o3d\n", "from pathlib import Path\n", "\n", "feature_extractor = DPTFeatureExtractor.from_pretrained(\"Intel/dpt-large\")\n", "model = DPTForDepthEstimation.from_pretrained(\"Intel/dpt-large\")\n", "\n", "def process_image(image_path):\n", " image_path = Path(image_path)\n", " image_raw =\n", " image = image_raw.resize(\n", " (800, int(800 * image_raw.size[1] / image_raw.size[0])),\n", " Image.Resampling.LANCZOS)\n", "\n", " # prepare image for the model\n", " encoding = feature_extractor(image, return_tensors=\"pt\")\n", "\n", " # forward pass\n", " with torch.no_grad():\n", " outputs = model(**encoding)\n", " predicted_depth = outputs.predicted_depth\n", "\n", " # interpolate to original size\n", " prediction = torch.nn.functional.interpolate(\n", " predicted_depth.unsqueeze(1),\n", " size=image.size[::-1],\n", " mode=\"bicubic\",\n", " align_corners=False,\n", " ).squeeze()\n", " output = prediction.cpu().numpy()\n", " depth_image = (output * 255 / np.max(output)).astype('uint8')\n", " try:\n", " gltf_path = create_3d_obj(np.array(image), depth_image, image_path)\n", " img = Image.fromarray(depth_image)\n", " return [img, gltf_path, gltf_path]\n", " except Exception:\n", " gltf_path = create_3d_obj(\n", " np.array(image), depth_image, image_path, depth=8)\n", " img = Image.fromarray(depth_image)\n", " return [img, gltf_path, gltf_path]\n", " except:\n", " print(\"Error reconstructing 3D model\")\n", " raise Exception(\"Error reconstructing 3D model\")\n", "\n", "\n", "def create_3d_obj(rgb_image, depth_image, image_path, depth=10):\n", " depth_o3d = o3d.geometry.Image(depth_image)\n", " image_o3d = o3d.geometry.Image(rgb_image)\n", " rgbd_image = o3d.geometry.RGBDImage.create_from_color_and_depth(\n", " image_o3d, depth_o3d, convert_rgb_to_intensity=False)\n", " w = int(depth_image.shape[1])\n", " h = int(depth_image.shape[0])\n", "\n", " camera_intrinsic =\n", " camera_intrinsic.set_intrinsics(w, h, 500, 500, w/2, h/2)\n", "\n", " pcd = o3d.geometry.PointCloud.create_from_rgbd_image(\n", " rgbd_image, camera_intrinsic)\n", "\n", " print('normals')\n", " pcd.normals = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(\n", " np.zeros((1, 3))) # invalidate existing normals\n", " pcd.estimate_normals(\n", " search_param=o3d.geometry.KDTreeSearchParamHybrid(radius=0.01, max_nn=30))\n", " pcd.orient_normals_towards_camera_location(\n", " camera_location=np.array([0., 0., 1000.]))\n", " pcd.transform([[1, 0, 0, 0],\n", " [0, -1, 0, 0],\n", " [0, 0, -1, 0],\n", " [0, 0, 0, 1]])\n", " pcd.transform([[-1, 0, 0, 0],\n", " [0, 1, 0, 0],\n", " [0, 0, 1, 0],\n", " [0, 0, 0, 1]])\n", "\n", " print('run Poisson surface reconstruction')\n", " with o3d.utility.VerbosityContextManager(o3d.utility.VerbosityLevel.Debug):\n", " mesh_raw, densities = o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh.create_from_point_cloud_poisson(\n", " pcd, depth=depth, width=0, scale=1.1, linear_fit=True)\n", "\n", " voxel_size = max(mesh_raw.get_max_bound() - mesh_raw.get_min_bound()) / 256\n", " print(f'voxel_size = {voxel_size:e}')\n", " mesh = mesh_raw.simplify_vertex_clustering(\n", " voxel_size=voxel_size,\n", " contraction=o3d.geometry.SimplificationContraction.Average)\n", "\n", " # vertices_to_remove = densities < np.quantile(densities, 0.001)\n", " # mesh.remove_vertices_by_mask(vertices_to_remove)\n", " bbox = pcd.get_axis_aligned_bounding_box()\n", " mesh_crop = mesh.crop(bbox)\n", " gltf_path = f'./{image_path.stem}.gltf'\n", "\n", " gltf_path, mesh_crop, write_triangle_uvs=True)\n", " return gltf_path\n", "\n", "title = \"Demo: zero-shot depth estimation with DPT + 3D Point Cloud\"\n", "description = \"This demo is a variation from the original <a href='' target='_blank'>DPT Demo</a>. It uses the DPT model to predict the depth of an image and then uses 3D Point Cloud to create a 3D object.\"\n", "examples = [[\"examples/1-jonathan-borba-CgWTqYxHEkg-unsplash.jpg\"]]\n", "\n", "iface = gr.Interface(fn=process_image,\n", " inputs=[gr.Image(\n", " type=\"filepath\", label=\"Input Image\")],\n", " outputs=[gr.Image(label=\"predicted depth\", type=\"pil\"),\n", " gr.Model3D(label=\"3d mesh reconstruction\", clear_color=[\n", " 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]),\n", " gr.File(label=\"3d gLTF\")],\n", " title=title,\n", " description=description,\n", " examples=examples,\n", " allow_flagging=\"never\",\n", " cache_examples=False)\n", "\n", "iface.launch(debug=True, enable_queue=False)"]}], "metadata": {}, "nbformat": 4, "nbformat_minor": 5}
{"cells": [{"cell_type": "markdown", "id": "302934307671667531413257853548643485645", "metadata": {}, "source": ["# Gradio Demo: depth_estimation\n", "### A demo for predicting the depth of an image and generating a 3D model of it.\n", " "]}, {"cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "id": "272996653310673477252411125948039410165", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": ["!pip install -q gradio torch git+ numpy Pillow jinja2 open3d"]}, {"cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "id": "288918539441861185822528903084949547379", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": ["# Downloading files from the demo repo\n", "import os\n", "os.mkdir('examples')\n", "!wget -q -O examples/1-jonathan-borba-CgWTqYxHEkg-unsplash.jpg\n", "!wget -q"]}, {"cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "id": "44380577570523278879349135829904343037", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": ["import gradio as gr\n", "from transformers import DPTFeatureExtractor, DPTForDepthEstimation\n", "import torch\n", "import numpy as np\n", "from PIL import Image\n", "import open3d as o3d\n", "from pathlib import Path\n", "\n", "feature_extractor = DPTFeatureExtractor.from_pretrained(\"Intel/dpt-large\")\n", "model = DPTForDepthEstimation.from_pretrained(\"Intel/dpt-large\")\n", "\n", "def process_image(image_path):\n", " image_path = Path(image_path)\n", " image_raw =\n", " image = image_raw.resize(\n", " (800, int(800 * image_raw.size[1] / image_raw.size[0])),\n", " Image.Resampling.LANCZOS)\n", "\n", " # prepare image for the model\n", " encoding = feature_extractor(image, return_tensors=\"pt\")\n", "\n", " # forward pass\n", " with torch.no_grad():\n", " outputs = model(**encoding)\n", " predicted_depth = outputs.predicted_depth\n", "\n", " # interpolate to original size\n", " prediction = torch.nn.functional.interpolate(\n", " predicted_depth.unsqueeze(1),\n", " size=image.size[::-1],\n", " mode=\"bicubic\",\n", " align_corners=False,\n", " ).squeeze()\n", " output = prediction.cpu().numpy()\n", " depth_image = (output * 255 / np.max(output)).astype('uint8')\n", " try:\n", " gltf_path = create_3d_obj(np.array(image), depth_image, image_path)\n", " img = Image.fromarray(depth_image)\n", " return [img, gltf_path, gltf_path]\n", " except Exception:\n", " gltf_path = create_3d_obj(\n", " np.array(image), depth_image, image_path, depth=8)\n", " img = Image.fromarray(depth_image)\n", " return [img, gltf_path, gltf_path]\n", " except:\n", " print(\"Error reconstructing 3D model\")\n", " raise Exception(\"Error reconstructing 3D model\")\n", "\n", "\n", "def create_3d_obj(rgb_image, depth_image, image_path, depth=10):\n", " depth_o3d = o3d.geometry.Image(depth_image)\n", " image_o3d = o3d.geometry.Image(rgb_image)\n", " rgbd_image = o3d.geometry.RGBDImage.create_from_color_and_depth(\n", " image_o3d, depth_o3d, convert_rgb_to_intensity=False)\n", " w = int(depth_image.shape[1])\n", " h = int(depth_image.shape[0])\n", "\n", " camera_intrinsic =\n", " camera_intrinsic.set_intrinsics(w, h, 500, 500, w/2, h/2)\n", "\n", " pcd = o3d.geometry.PointCloud.create_from_rgbd_image(\n", " rgbd_image, camera_intrinsic)\n", "\n", " print('normals')\n", " pcd.normals = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(\n", " np.zeros((1, 3))) # invalidate existing normals\n", " pcd.estimate_normals(\n", " search_param=o3d.geometry.KDTreeSearchParamHybrid(radius=0.01, max_nn=30))\n", " pcd.orient_normals_towards_camera_location(\n", " camera_location=np.array([0., 0., 1000.]))\n", " pcd.transform([[1, 0, 0, 0],\n", " [0, -1, 0, 0],\n", " [0, 0, -1, 0],\n", " [0, 0, 0, 1]])\n", " pcd.transform([[-1, 0, 0, 0],\n", " [0, 1, 0, 0],\n", " [0, 0, 1, 0],\n", " [0, 0, 0, 1]])\n", "\n", " print('run Poisson surface reconstruction')\n", " with o3d.utility.VerbosityContextManager(o3d.utility.VerbosityLevel.Debug):\n", " mesh_raw, densities = o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh.create_from_point_cloud_poisson(\n", " pcd, depth=depth, width=0, scale=1.1, linear_fit=True)\n", "\n", " voxel_size = max(mesh_raw.get_max_bound() - mesh_raw.get_min_bound()) / 256\n", " print(f'voxel_size = {voxel_size:e}')\n", " mesh = mesh_raw.simplify_vertex_clustering(\n", " voxel_size=voxel_size,\n", " contraction=o3d.geometry.SimplificationContraction.Average)\n", "\n", " # vertices_to_remove = densities < np.quantile(densities, 0.001)\n", " # mesh.remove_vertices_by_mask(vertices_to_remove)\n", " bbox = pcd.get_axis_aligned_bounding_box()\n", " mesh_crop = mesh.crop(bbox)\n", " gltf_path = f'./{image_path.stem}.gltf'\n", "\n", " gltf_path, mesh_crop, write_triangle_uvs=True)\n", " return gltf_path\n", "\n", "title = \"Demo: zero-shot depth estimation with DPT + 3D Point Cloud\"\n", "description = \"This demo is a variation from the original <a href='' target='_blank'>DPT Demo</a>. It uses the DPT model to predict the depth of an image and then uses 3D Point Cloud to create a 3D object.\"\n", "examples = [[\"examples/1-jonathan-borba-CgWTqYxHEkg-unsplash.jpg\"]]\n", "\n", "iface = gr.Interface(fn=process_image,\n", " inputs=[gr.Image(\n", " type=\"filepath\", label=\"Input Image\")],\n", " outputs=[gr.Image(label=\"predicted depth\", type=\"pil\"),\n", " gr.Model3D(label=\"3d mesh reconstruction\", clear_color=[\n", " 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]),\n", " gr.File(label=\"3d gLTF\")],\n", " title=title,\n", " description=description,\n", " examples=examples,\n", " allow_flagging=\"never\",\n", " cache_examples=False)\n", "\n", "iface.launch(debug=True)"]}], "metadata": {}, "nbformat": 4, "nbformat_minor": 5}
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion demo/depth_estimation/
Expand Up @@ -114,4 +114,4 @@ def create_3d_obj(rgb_image, depth_image, image_path, depth=10):

iface.launch(debug=True, enable_queue=False)
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion demo/video_component/run.ipynb
@@ -1 +1 @@
{"cells": [{"cell_type": "markdown", "id": "302934307671667531413257853548643485645", "metadata": {}, "source": ["# Gradio Demo: video_component"]}, {"cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "id": "272996653310673477252411125948039410165", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": ["!pip install -q gradio "]}, {"cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "id": "288918539441861185822528903084949547379", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": ["# Downloading files from the demo repo\n", "import os\n", "os.mkdir('files')\n", "!wget -q -O files/a.mp4\n", "!wget -q -O files/b.mp4\n", "!wget -q -O files/world.mp4"]}, {"cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "id": "44380577570523278879349135829904343037", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": ["import gradio as gr\n", "import os\n", "\n", "\n", "a = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(''), \"files/world.mp4\") # Video\n", "b = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(''), \"files/a.mp4\") # Video\n", "c = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(''), \"files/b.mp4\") # Video\n", "\n", "\n", "demo = gr.Interface(\n", " fn=lambda x: x,\n", " inputs=gr.Video(type=\"file\"),\n", " outputs=gr.Video(),\n", " examples=[\n", " [a],\n", " [b],\n", " [c],\n", " ],\n", " cache_examples=True\n", ")\n", "\n", "if __name__ == \"__main__\":\n", " demo.launch()\n"]}], "metadata": {}, "nbformat": 4, "nbformat_minor": 5}
{"cells": [{"cell_type": "markdown", "id": "302934307671667531413257853548643485645", "metadata": {}, "source": ["# Gradio Demo: video_component"]}, {"cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "id": "272996653310673477252411125948039410165", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": ["!pip install -q gradio "]}, {"cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "id": "288918539441861185822528903084949547379", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": ["# Downloading files from the demo repo\n", "import os\n", "os.mkdir('files')\n", "!wget -q -O files/a.mp4\n", "!wget -q -O files/b.mp4\n", "!wget -q -O files/world.mp4"]}, {"cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "id": "44380577570523278879349135829904343037", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": ["import gradio as gr\n", "import os\n", "\n", "\n", "a = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(''), \"files/world.mp4\") # Video\n", "b = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(''), \"files/a.mp4\") # Video\n", "c = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(''), \"files/b.mp4\") # Video\n", "\n", "\n", "demo = gr.Interface(\n", " fn=lambda x: x,\n", " inputs=gr.Video(),\n", " outputs=gr.Video(),\n", " examples=[\n", " [a],\n", " [b],\n", " [c],\n", " ],\n", " cache_examples=True\n", ")\n", "\n", "if __name__ == \"__main__\":\n", " demo.launch()\n"]}], "metadata": {}, "nbformat": 4, "nbformat_minor": 5}
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion demo/video_component/
Expand Up @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@

demo = gr.Interface(
fn=lambda x: x,
Expand Down

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