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Kritis Signer

Kritis Signer is a command-line tool that creates attestations for a container image. These attestations can be used for Kritis and Binary Authorization enforcement when you attempt to deploy the container image.

Kritis Signer can create attestations based on identified software vulnerabilities in your container images. To scan for vulnerabilities, your container image is uploaded to Google Container Registry where Google Container Analysis performs vulnerability scanning and produces a vulnerability result for the image. Kritis Signer then checks the vulnerability result against your vulnerability policy. If the vulnerability result complies with your policy, then Kritis Signer creates the attestation and stores it in the Container Analysis data store.

The tool can be run either locally or as part of a continuous integration (CI) pipeline. If you want to deploy the signer as a service, use the gcr-signer.

Support for other type of checks (e.g., base-image check), other vulnerability sources and attestation storage are underway.

This doc provides:

  • a general overview;
  • a step by step tutorial describing how to use the signer tool.


Signer Modes

The tool can be run in three different modes:

  • check-and-sign: default mode, checks policy conformance for a image, and conditionally creates attestation for the image if check passes. Currently, only vulnerability policy is supported.
  • check-only: only checks policy conformance and outputs results, but does not create any attestation.
  • bypass-and-sign: bypasses any check and creates attestation for a image.
mode checking? signing?

Users can specify the mode with -mode flag.


Kritis Signer can check an image's metadata against rules in a user-provided policy. The tool now supports vulnerability-based policy check and will add more checks in the future.

Vulnerability Source

During the checking process, the signer tool will fetch vulnerability results for the image from a vulnerability source. The tool now supports vulnerability scanning as a vulnerability source. If enabled, any image a user pushes to Google Container Registry, or, will be automatically scanned for vulnerabilities.

Vulnerability Signing Policy

The vulnerability signing policy is a YAML-formatted file. Kritis Signer uses the vulnerability signing policy you specify with the -policy flag. Kritis Signer checks the vulnerability results from Container Analysis with the specified vulnerability policy to determine whether or not to create an attestation for the associated container image.

Vulnerability Signing Policy Spec

Field Default (if applicable) Description
packageVulnerabilityPolicy.maximumFixableSeverity CRITICAL Tolerance level for vulnerabilities found in the container image.
packageVulnerabilityPolicy.maximumUnfixableSeverity ALLOW_ALL The tolerance level for vulnerabilities found that have no fix available.
imageVulnerabilityRequirements.allowlistCVEs List of CVEs which will be ignored, has to be full note name.

Example policy:

kind: VulnzSigningPolicy
  name: my-vsp
    maximumFixableSeverity: MEDIUM
    maximumUnfixableSeverity: MEDIUM
      - projects/goog-vulnz/notes/CVE-2020-10543
      - projects/goog-vulnz/notes/CVE-2020-10878
      - projects/goog-vulnz/notes/CVE-2020-14155

The valid severity levels are:

Value Outcome
BLOCK_ALL Block all vulnerabilities except listed in allowlist.
LOW Allow Containers with Low vulnerabilities.
MEDIUM Allow Containers with Low and Medium vulnerabilities.
HIGH Allow Containers with Low, Medium & High vulnerabilities.
CRITICAL Allow Containers with all known vulnerability levels (LOW to CRITICAL).
ALLOW_ALL Allow all vulnerabilities, including vulnerability with unknown severity levels.


Signing is the process of creating and storing an attestation for an image. To create an attestation, you must first create a private signing key. Kritis Signer now supports PGP keys, PKIX keys, and also signing via Cloud KMS.

By default, Kritis Signer also uploads the attestation occurrence to Container Analysis. The uploaded attestation can be used by Binary Authorization and Kritis for deploy-time enforcement.

Supported key types

The tool supports three types of keys:

  • PGP keys, using the -pgp_private_key flag, with the optional -pgp_passphrase flag if your key is passphrase protected.
  • PKIX keys, using the -pkix_private_key and -pkix_alg flags. Supported PKIX algorithms match those supported by Binary Authorization.
  • Cloud KMS, using the -kms_key_name and -kms_digest_alg flags.


The tutorial walks you through how to run the signing helper tool in a local environment.

  1. Build the tool.

    go build -o ./signer ./cmd/kritis/signer
  2. Enable GCP services.

    The signing tool needs to access a number of Google Cloud Platform (GCP) services. First we need to pick a GCP project and enable those services within the project.

    1. Set the default GCP project used by gcloud.

      export PROJECT_ID=[PROJECT ID]
    2. Set the default GCP project used by gcloud.

      gcloud config set project ${PROJECT_ID}
    3. Run gcloud to enable services within a project.

      gcloud services enable \ \ \ \ \ # If using Cloud KMS
  3. Enable Google Cloud service accounts and Cloud IAM roles.

    1. Create a service account within the GCP project.

      export SA_NAME=[Service Account Name]
      gcloud iam service-accounts create ${SA_NAME}
    2. Add roles to the created service account.

      # permission to create note
      gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT_ID \
        --member serviceAccount:${SA_NAME}@${PROJECT_ID} \
        --role roles/containeranalysis.notes.editor
      # permission to view vulnerability and attestation occurrences
      gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT_ID \
        --member serviceAccount:${SA_NAME}@${PROJECT_ID} \
        --role roles/containeranalysis.notes.occurrences.viewer
      # permission to upload attestation occurrences
      gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT_ID \
        --member serviceAccount:${SA_NAME}@${PROJECT_ID} \
        --role roles/containeranalysis.occurrences.editor
      # (if using Cloud KMS) permission to cloud KMS signing service
      gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT_ID \
        --member serviceAccount:${SA_NAME}@${PROJECT_ID} \
        --role roles/cloudkms.signer
    3. Create JSON credentials for the service account.

      gcloud iam service-accounts keys create ./sa.json  --iam-account ${SA_NAME}@${PROJECT_ID}

      The json credentials are saved in sa.json.

    4. Setting GAC environment variable.


      Now the signer tool will automatically pick up the credentials via the environment variable.

  4. Creating a signing key.

    A private signing key is required to create attestations for an image. In this example you use Cloud KMS with PKIX keys. Kritis Signer also supports PGP keys.

    Run the following commands to create a key ring and an asymmetric signing key, and save the KMS key name.

    gcloud kms keyrings create my-key-ring-1 \
        --location global
    gcloud --project=$PROJECT_ID kms keys create my-signing-key-1 \
        --keyring my-key-ring-1 \
        --location global \
        --purpose "asymmetric-signing" \
        --default-algorithm "rsa-sign-pkcs1-2048-sha256"

    Note down the digest algorithm “SHA256” and key name.

    export KMS_DIGEST_ALG=SHA256
    export KMS_KEY_NAME=projects/$PROJECT_ID/locations/global/keyRings/my-key-ring-1/cryptoKeys/my-signing-key-1/cryptoKeyVersions/1
  5. Pick a note name.

    All attestations need to be attached to a note. The signer tool will automatically create a note for a given name. It can also reuse an existing note.

    export NOTE_ID=my-signer-note
    export NOTE_NAME=projects/${PROJECT_ID}/notes/${NOTE_ID}
  6. Create vulnerability signing policy.

    We have two example policies, policy-strict.yaml and policy-loose.yaml. They differ in that policy-loose.yaml has higher severity thresholds.

    cat samples/signer/policy-strict.yaml
    kind: VulnzSigningPolicy
      name: my-vsp
        maximumFixableSeverity: MEDIUM
        maximumUnfixableSeverity: MEDIUM
        - projects/goog-vulnz/notes/CVE-2020-10543
    cat samples/signer/policy-loose.yaml
    kind: VulnzSigningPolicy
      name: my-vsp
        maximumFixableSeverity: CRITICAL
        maximumUnfixableSeverity: CRITICAL
        - projects/goog-vulnz/notes/CVE-2020-10543
  7. Run signer on a built image (pass example).

    1. Build and push an example image.

      docker build -t$PROJECT_ID/signer-test:example -f samples/signer/Dockerfile .
      docker push$PROJECT_ID/signer-test:example
    2. Note down the image digest url.

      export EXAMPLE_IMG_URL=$(docker image inspect$PROJECT_ID/signer-test:example --format '{{index .RepoDigests 0}}')
    3. Run the signer with a loose policy.

      ./signer \
        -v=10 \
        -alsologtostderr \
        -image=$EXAMPLE_IMG_URL \
        -policy=samples/signer/policy-loose.yaml \
        -kms_key_name=$KMS_KEY_NAME \
        -kms_digest_alg=$KMS_DIGEST_ALG \

      The signer should output that the image "passes VulnzSigningPolicy my-vsp" and that an attestation is created and uploaded.

    4. (optional) Run the tool in other modes.

      The signer can also run in other modes to only perform policy check (check-only) or create attestation (bypass-and-sign):

      ./signer \
        -mode=check-only \
        -v=10 \
        -alsologtostderr \
        -image=$EXAMPLE_IMG_URL \
        -policy=samples/signer/policy-loose.yaml \
      ./signer \
        -mode=bypass-and-sign \
        -v=10 \
        -alsologtostderr \
        -image=$EXAMPLE_IMG_URL \
        -kms_key_name=$KMS_KEY_NAME \
        -kms_digest_alg=$KMS_DIGEST_ALG \
  8. Run signer on a built image (fail example).

    1. Build and push an example image (skippable if image from Step.7 is not deleted).

      docker build -t$PROJECT_ID/signer-test:example -f samples/signer/Dockerfile .
      docker push$PROJECT_ID/signer-test:example
    2. Note down the image digest url.

      export EXAMPLE_IMG_URL=$(docker image inspect$PROJECT_ID/signer-test:example --format '{{index .RepoDigests 0}}')
    3. Run the signer with a strict policy.

      ./signer \
        -v=10 \
        -alsologtostderr \
        -image=$EXAMPLE_IMG_URL \
        -policy=samples/signer/policy-strict.yaml \
        -kms_key_name=$KMS_KEY_NAME \
        -kms_digest_alg=$KMS_DIGEST_ALG \

      The signer should print out that the image "does not pass VulnzSigningPolicy my-vsp".

    4. (optional) Run the tool in other modes.

      The signer can also run in other modes to only perform policy check (check-only) or create attestation (bypass-and-sign):

      ./signer \
        -mode=check-only \
        -v=10 \
        -alsologtostderr \
        -image=$EXAMPLE_IMG_URL \
        -policy=samples/signer/policy-strict.yaml \
      ./signer \
        -mode=bypass-and-sign \
        -v=10 \
        -alsologtostderr \
        -image=$EXAMPLE_IMG_URL \
        -kms_key_name=$KMS_KEY_NAME \
        -kms_digest_alg=$KMS_DIGEST_ALG \

      With bypass-and-sign mode, an attestation will still be created for the image.