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Alexander I.Grafov edited this page Oct 16, 2016 · 4 revisions

Each log record checked with a set of filters. If it pass all checks then it passed to the writer of the sink. There are filters described below maybe set for the sink.

The sink can accept arbitrary number of filters. Conditions for different filters chained with logical AND.


Filter passed if the key exists among the keys of the record. All other keys don't matter.


Filter passed if the key don't exists among the keys of the record.

WithValue(key, ...value)

Filter passed if the key has value equal to any of values from value list of the function. Filter passed if the key not exists in the record.

WithoutValue(key, ...value)

Filter passed if the key has any value not equal to any values from value list of the function. Filter passed if the key not exists in the record.

WithRange(key, from, to)

Filter passed if the value for the key is greater or equal than from or greater or equal than to. Filter passed if the key not exists in the record. Each of supported types has its own WithRange. For example:

  • WithRangeInt64 for int64
  • WithRangeFloat64 for float64
  • WithRangeString for string

WithoutRange(key, from, to)

Filter passed if the value for the key is lesser than from or greater than to. Filter passed if the key not exists in the record. As for WithRange filters each of supported types has its own WithoutRange. For example:

  • WithoutRangeInt64 for int64
  • WithoutRangeFloat64 for float64
  • WithoutRangeString for string


It allows you set custom filter. Custom filter is type with method Check as defined by Filter inferface. So this way you can set arbitrary number of custom conditions which take into account keys and values. See Advanced topics: Custom Filters about details how to define and apply custom filters. There are no contemporary Without function for custom filters, only With. So filter is passed when the function returns true.