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Source code for my old BeOS LiveJournal Client. After I abandoned this someone stepped forward to maintain it and add some features, but as far as I know they never officially released it. My Roommate, Jon Parise suggested I toss the code up here just in case anyone may be interested in it. Being that BeOS and LiveJournal are both pretty stale a…

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Source code for my old BeOS LiveJournal Client.  After I abandoned this
someone stepped forward to maintain it and add some features, but as far as
I know they never officially released it.  My Roommate, Jon Parise suggested
I toss the code up here just in case anyone may be interested in it.  Being
that BeOS and LiveJournal are both pretty stale at this point I figure this
is unlikely, but what the heck.



AliveJournal v1.61 
By Sean M. Graham <>
Based on Original Work by Simon Huet <>

AliveJournal is a client for the LiveJournal online journalling community.
This is a revamped version of Simon Huet's original client. Since the
currently-released client had finally broken from old age, and my version
incorporates many feature additions I have been working on, I decided to
release my changes to the public. 

I have been trying to get ahold of Simon for awhile now to see if we could
work together on releasing a new version, but I haven't heard back from him.
I talked to him when I first explored adding features to the client, and he
was quite busy (which I assume only got worse). 

Anyway, it wasn't my intention to branch, and I hope we can combine our
efforts as soon as his workload decreases.


Just copy the "AliveJournal" binary somewhere that pleases you (it is common
for people to use /boot/apps/ as a place for their applications).
AliveJournal doesn't care, so just pick a place that fits your
organizational scheme. :)

That ends the installation portion of your journey. :)

Run the "AliveJournal" executable and enjoy!  I have tried to keep the
interface as simple as possible, so I hope it is self explanatory.  If it
isn't, please let me know and I will work to improve it.

Source Code

The source code is licensed under the GNU Public License (GPL), and is
available here:


version 1.61 details:

I finally tracked down a separate problem that was keeping people who didn't
see relief from the last version.  I did more testing this time around, and I
am confident that this version should work for everyone (famous last words).  

This release also has the added feature of being able to select which journal
you wish to edit (from the ones you have access to) within the History Editor.



version 1.6 details:

Sorry for the delay in releasing a working, newer version of this client.
Between graduating, moving to a new city, starting a new job, and having
that job require working long hours to release product I didn't have much
time to work on fun things.. :)

First of all, for the past few weeks people have been unable to use this
client, as the login process would fail.  I (believe) I have found and
eliminated this problem.  In addition, I have found and eliminated the crash
caused when opening/using the Account Manager window.

There are alot of changes under the hood of this release, so I wanted to get
it in peoples hands before I start adding the features everyone has been
asking for.

As always, more information about AliveJournal and its development is
available at:

That community is also a good location to make feature requests, but please
report bugs directly to me (



version 1.5c BETA 2 details:

In addition to the notes from the last beta, the following has changed:

    - Alphabetization of the mood list
    - Saving of window sizes for the Entry Writer and Entry Editor windows
    - Caching of moods from the server (so the whole list isn't downloaded
      each time.... Not a big deal for broadband users, but potentially a
      nuisance for those on modems).
    - The first picture returned was being chosen by the client as default,
      but it now goes with the server selected defaults
    - Settings are now handled much more cleanly.... In the previous
      version, the only feasible way to add new stored settings was to
      delete the existing file...  I can now add settings willy-nilly and be
      able to maintain the settings from the previous version if desired.
    - Executable is built with symbols intact.... This makes it *much*
      bigger....  Unfortunately these symbols are really necessary for
      debugging, so they are staying put at least until a release.
    - other stuff I am probably forgetting (but not much)... :)

Again, please test this as much as you can, and also try to get your friends
to do the same... :)



version 1.5c BETA details:

I wanted to release a beta of this version so I can try to keep my spamming
of BeBits to a minimum.

One notable change between 1.5b and c is that I have stopped using BeXL.  I
think BeXL is a great package, but it limited me in two ways:
    - If I want to use any new views, or derived ones, I either have to play
      around with the source generated by BeXL EVERY time it is generated,
      or I have to write addons for BeXL.  In the case of one-off classes,
      either way it seems like a pain....
    - It seems hard to keep all the various hook stubs for BeXL under any
      kind of version control (especially Perforce).  
I think the BeXL is great for laying out your initial design, prototyping,
or even for maintaining applications that don't need any custom GUI
classes...  I don't regret purchasing it one bit.. :)

    - Username/Password controls now disabled after you press logon, and are
      reenabled if for some reason the logon failed or the user logs out.
    - I am starting to put more tooltips on confusing controls, most notably
      in the Post Options window (most everything has a tip now).  Thanks to
      Marco Nelissen for his BubbleHelper class.
    - Minimum Windows Sizes are now reinstated, so you can't shrink the
      windows to ridiculously small sizes.
    - Fixed some bugs in the Friends/FriendsOf/History view.

Report bugs to me directly at 



version 1.5b details:

In the original release I stated I fixed the bug that caused the logon
proces to hang... I was wrong..  But, I do believe I have truly found it
this time around.  Simon wrote an awesome class (ResponseBlockManager) to
break apart the responses from the LJ Server into a hashtable-type structure
(key/value).  Anyway, there was an assumption that would occasionally break
when it was initially parsing the response.

This bug caused two different bugs that I have been trying to track down for
awhile: The "Hang on logon" bug and the "Failure to clear out the window
after posting an entry" bug...  I also made the clear button on the
"WriterWindow" do something (I guess I should have tested it a bit more
before releasing it...). :)

One last thing... Some people were confused by the little button labeled
"..." in the "Post Options" window.  Click this button while running
SoundPlay and AliveJournal will ask SoundPlay for your "Current Music".


version 1.5a details:

Ok.... You _always_ miss a doozy.  While I couldn't reproduce it, I think I
fixed a segfault that would occur occasionally when using the Post Options
Window.  Thanks to Zach Dykstra for reporting this one.

I also added this README file, since somehow the one I had written for the
original release was lost in the sauce.


version 1.5 details:
First Release by Me. :) 

This new version incorporates Mood & Music metadata, choosing Security
Levels, using alternate pictures, posting to secondary journals, and also
uses the new LJ logos and icons. 

Let me know what you think! NOTE: The source included requires BeXL, another
of Simon's Products. I have been using the BeXL 2.0 beta in my work on this
product, so you might need to as well


Source code for my old BeOS LiveJournal Client. After I abandoned this someone stepped forward to maintain it and add some features, but as far as I know they never officially released it. My Roommate, Jon Parise suggested I toss the code up here just in case anyone may be interested in it. Being that BeOS and LiveJournal are both pretty stale a…






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