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grammophone edited this page Oct 31, 2018 · 6 revisions

This is a simple .NET library to convert ASCII strings containing "beta code"-encoded ancient Greek texts to Unicode. Both composing and precombined diacritics are supported.

These two converters are derived from the abstract BetaConverter, named ComposingDiacriticsBetaConverter and PrecombinedDiacriticsBetaConverter respectively. The inherited method Convert can be used directly, but they can also be combined with BetaReader, a descendant of the .NET standard TextReader for text streaming scenarios. As a simple example, the following WPF code fragment uses a file dialog to open a beta code file and place its contents in a text box:

var dialog = new Microsoft.Win32.OpenFileDialog();

dialog.DefaultExt = ".txt";
dialog.Filter = "Text documents|*.txt";

if (dialog.ShowDialog(this) == true)
  using (Stream inputStream = dialog.OpenFile())
    using (var betaReader = new BetaReader(inputStream, new PrecombinedDiacriticsBetaConverter()))
    //using (var betaReader = new BetaReader(inputStream, new ComposingDiacriticsBetaConverter()))
      fileTextBox.Text = dialog.FileName;
      contentTextBox.Text = betaReader.ReadToEnd();

The above code fragment is part of a simple demo WPF application used to view contents of beta code files. It can be found here.

The library has no dependencies.

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