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grampelberg committed May 6, 2012
1 parent f7edb18 commit 31ad380
Showing 1 changed file with 66 additions and 0 deletions.
66 changes: 66 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
# Thomas Rampelberg

* <>
* <>
* <@pyronicide>

## Code

All my code is hosted on [github]( Some highlights are:

- [backbone.couchdb.js](
- [](
- [python-flockdb](
- [apps-sdk](

## Experience

### BitTorrent Inc.

#### Engineering Director - 2009 to present

- Managed a team of engineers, designers and product managers to release social sharing based applications. This most recently culminated in the release of SoShare as an entirely web based experience.

- Lead the rebranding of both the company and of the Share product. [Gyre](

- Implemented a social sharing product based on the BitTorrent protocol. By utilizing a hybrid of client technology and hosted applications, the barrier for sharing things with friends and family via. P2P was lowered. On the client side, the application was integrated using the apps platform inside of uTorrent. This talked to a python API which allowed for persistence and implementation of social features. Finally, a auto-scaling system of uTorrent "cloud seeders" was created to cache users' files for a short time to increase the availability of the shared content. [](

- Created a native Win32 desktop application with a UI rendered entirely via. javascript. This utilized a plethora of javascript technologies to create a multi-view application that was served and rendered entirely in the desktop application. [Project Chrysalis](

- Designed and implemented an apps platform for the uTorrent and BitTorrent clients. This platform embedded an IEFrame inside the existing Win32 application and then used local resources to create javascript applications with access to a uTorrent native API. I personally designed the javascript API along with writing all the support tools and example applications. [BTApps SDK]( [App Studio](

- Created a single page javascript application that utilized SRP and AES encryption to ensure end users their data was not being snooped on across uncontrolled networks. This project also utilized a high performance proxy written in python to maintain long lived connections to user's computers. [uTorrent Remote](

### Cisco Systems

#### Software Engineer - 2007 to 2009

- Implemented a PEP 302 based system to build, package and import encrypted zip files consisting of both pure python and compiled libraries. Setuptools egg functionality was built upon to enable a simple, single interface for the building and import of the encrypted zip files. Extensive documentation was written to ensure ease of implementation from developers.

- Assisted in the migration between major versions of FreeBSD. The custom, in house version of Python needed to be updated as well as implementation of a build system that allowed for the execution of binaries compiled against multiple major versions of FreeBSD (4, 6, 7).

- Designed and implemented an update to an existing upgrade system. The new system allowed for dynamic encryption of upgrade images on a per-appliance basis that could still be fetched from an Akamai based distribution network. A complete rewrite of the existing upgrade system occurred while maintaining all existing functionality.

- Created a NetSNMP <-> Python bridge based on the passthrough protocol. A daemon based on custom data structure which was an ordered N-dimensional list that allowed for easy traversal for all SNMP actions such as get and walk. To allow for easy development of OIDs and Tables by multiple teams of developers, the framework was architected to allow to abstract as much about SNMP as possible, allowing developers to simply worry about exporting their data.

- Managed and tracked multiple complicated branching and integration tasks across various active products.

### Digitar LLP

#### Software Engineer - 2004 to 2007

- Designed and wrote a flexible, transparent anti-spam engine utilizing next generation algorithms to maximize performance and accuracy on a large scale. To achieve this, the engine was written in C for speed and Python for ease of use and security.

- Developed advanced statistical models to allow real time capacity planning as well as giving administrators insight into their current email traffic. Statistics provided included total mail, directory harvest attack information, misclassification accuracy and geographical information for the source and destination of a domain's mail flow on a per-message basis.

- Designed and implemented the quarantine and management utilities to be compatible across multiple web browsers, platforms and operating systems. Zope 2, Django and SQLAlchemy were used as the frameworks to allow for templating and integration with existing Python code bases. With Javascript, Flash and CSS, the user experience was guaranteed to be as immediate and pleasant as possible. These browser delivered applications where internationalized in a way that allowed for easy localization to any language.

- Implemented a multihomed BGP routing topology with Juniper routers to allow for maximum redundancy.

- Maintained and deployed network solutions for system monitoring and upkeep. This included installati

## Education

Mathematics and Computer Science, B.S.
Fall 2000 - Fall 2003
Pepperdine University

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